The Asoralite Crystal [NaNo2018] [Fantasy]

NaNoRenO is an event where creators make a game from scratch during the month of March.
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Posts: 44
Joined: Sat Mar 10, 2018 7:47 pm
Completed: The Asoralite Crystal, Quest for the Spirit Sphere!, Eislyn's Apocalypse
Deviantart: JenneMK
itch: JenneMK

The Asoralite Crystal [NaNo2018] [Fantasy]

#1 Post by JenneMK »

Title Picture.png

High in the mountains there is a town by the name of Crystenn. Built in a location filled with magic, it is famed for the crystals it produces from its caves.

But all this magic has a dark side; the forest surrounding the town is filled with plants and animals that have powers of their own. Some of which are deadly. While there are some people who go in a little ways to find rare plants, most steer clear.

So imagine Lily's surprise when she finds a boy traveling through the forest...

Lily Sprite Example.png
Lily Sprite Example.png (39.57 KiB) Viewed 1158 times
Lily, the protagonist. A girl who has the ability to bring dolls she has made to life. It is very rare for a human to have magical abilities and she has never met anyone like her.
Averell Sprite Example.png
Averell Sprite Example.png (43.04 KiB) Viewed 1158 times
Averell, a boy who has traveled to Crystenn seeking an asoralite crystal.

Asoralite Screenshot.png

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