The SunRiders [update Jul 15]

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Re: The SunRiders

#91 Post by Samu-kun »

Smallish update for today. :3

-Updated Asaga's old portrait with some minor changes

-Ikkari V2

-Ava - 26 and still looking young. :3

[The punishment has been postponed, since I was too busy drawing Ava. XD]

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Re: The SunRiders

#92 Post by uluuu »

Garh, I tried to do some voices again. Hopefully this time they're decent enough to warrant a response. D:
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Re: The SunRiders

#93 Post by Samu-kun »

Mmm... Indeed they are alot better! ^_^ I have to say, good effort, especially on Asaga. Since they all seem to be one voice, I'll just leave my comments for all of them. There's quite a noticeable improvement since your last entries. Don't be shy and load your characters with alot more emotion than you would usually use in normal conversation, since this is an anime, where everything is over the top. Mmm... In general, that's the best advice I can come up with. Don't be afraid! ^_^ Maybe Sake-Bento or Mirielle or whoever else who's more experianced than me can give you some better pointers. ^_^

I'm kind of concerned about the microphone however. It doesn't sound like it can handle alot of screaming. That'll likely limit you to non-mecha roles (Ava, SunRider AI). I don't think your voice sounds quite old enough for Ava, so it'll depend alot on whether SunRider's role remains open.

Right now, I'm working overtime on the game so I can go over to the Voice Actor's Alliance board and start auditioning. I'll tell you guys how that goes. :3

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Re: The SunRiders

#94 Post by Samu-kun »

Update of the day. :3

First off, I posted a recruitment topic on the VAA board. Let's hope it goes well. :3 I guess it's kind of too late now over here, but now that I've begun recruiting in earnest, I also added one more sample for Asaga, and samples for Okashi, Nooke, and Leiburg. If there are still anyone interested in auditioning now, then feel free to do so. :3 You can find all the updated information on the topic at the VAA board.

As of today, the deadline for all auditions are May 20. Make sure you get 'em in to me before then. :3

Second, I got done with another character. :3


If I have Sky Girl Tsukasa, then can I also have Sky Girl Testerossa? XD

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Re: The SunRiders

#95 Post by North Hawk »

So are you trying to pack this game full of different anime characters' stunt doubles? :|

Anyways, I have some potentially bad news. My mic's gone wonky, and I can't figure out what the problem is. I also can't afford to spend money on a new one. I do have a second one, but it records everything extremely muffled, so it's no good for this. Unless I can figure the problem out, I'm going to have to withdraw my intent to voice Ray.

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Re: The SunRiders

#96 Post by Hatomikazuki »

I emailed you my auditions. =3 The art looks much improved...*lurklurk*
Expect fanart...heh. Chigara-chan is so cute~ <3
Last edited by Hatomikazuki on Sun May 04, 2008 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The SunRiders

#97 Post by RidleyWright »

Samu-kun wrote:Update of the day. :3

If I have Sky Girl Tsukasa, then can I also have Sky Girl Testerossa? XD

She's cute. I dunno about the eyes though. That green seems somewhat unnecessary. It's not ugly, but I don't think it merges in well enough. You can always put in some red and then you'll have the three main colors of Portugal's flag. xD

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Re: The SunRiders

#98 Post by Samu-kun »

Mmm... That's a good idea actually. I've gotten remember to switch it to red the next time I mess around with her. :3

---Wait, that just came out as really perverted. o_o;;;
I emailed you my auditions. =3 The art looks much improved...*lurklurk*
Expect fanart...heh. Chigara-chan is so cute~ <3
Thanks, I really liked all of them. :3 I emailed you my full critique.
So are you trying to pack this game full of different anime characters' stunt doubles?

Anyways, I have some potentially bad news. My mic's gone wonky, and I can't figure out what the problem is. I also can't afford to spend money on a new one. I do have a second one, but it records everything extremely muffled, so it's no good for this. Unless I can figure the problem out, I'm going to have to withdraw my intent to voice Ray.
Fufufufufu... Not intentionally, atleast. XD Oh well... It couldn't be helped, since it even happens from time to time in even real animes. I mean, it took me ages to stop calling Teana from Magical Girl Nanoha Strikers Asuna-chan from Negima, and I still damn think that Wang Liu Mei from Gundam 00 is Chao Leng Shen in disguse! Man... >_>;; Maybe it's just because Negima took all the designs possible for girls. XD

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Re: The SunRiders

#99 Post by Jake »

Hi, I am Kelly (one of Jake's friends using his account), I have voice acted before and I'm offering my assistance. :3

Unfortunately the game I voiced was a H game, but I can do some non adult recordings for you at some point. I'm also likely to be voicing another game at the same time but it's not a problem. :) Hopefully I can get some samples to you soon.

Is a worksafe line from the Hentai game in which I was voicing a 'cute nurse' Ai Koyanagi:

Is a sample for a more serious character called Rei, there is a slight intro on this one:

Hopefully I can do a more specific sample for you later if you're interested.

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Re: The SunRiders

#100 Post by Samu-kun »

Sure, I'm always looking for experianced voice talents. :3 You can find all the information you need about auditioning at this thread at the VAA board. :3 ... hp?t=31899

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Re: The SunRiders

#101 Post by Samu-kun »

Whew... What a hectic couple of days. So, how are voice auditions coming? Freaking amazing! I seriously can't believe the amount of talent some people have. I know the official deadline for auditions are the 20th, but I may have to end it early once all the roles are filled.

Right now, there's a high, high priority to get Ava and Ikkari's roles filled. If you're going to audition, I strongely recommend that you do it for those two, as it appears that very strong candidates for Asaga, Cosette, Chigara, and the AI have already applied.

Surprisingly enough, I also need alot more males to audition! I strongely recommend all males in this board to apply for Helio, Mr. Okashi, General Nooke, and Leiburg. What, they may all be villians, but don't villians get all the fun lines? XD

Also, I have a message for Jake: Can I please get Kelly's contact information? As it stands now, there's a certain English role for a young politican that really needs to be filled. :3

Since you guys can't hear the auditions that are going on at VAA, here are some videos that they have posted for us to watch. ^_^ They're very, very good. :3

Well, of course everyone knows Mirielle. XD Right now, it looks highly probable she'll end up voicing either Chigara or Ava, depending on whether I can get Kelly's contact information.
-Mirielle's Katsura, the girl with the long hair

I also think Hatomikazuki's a really amazing actress. Looking like a good Asaga, Cosette, or Claud. Watch this:
-She's Miyuki
She also sings. XD

I also really liked AmreeTakahara's voice as well. ^_^ Great candidate for Asaga or Chigara. ... dium=embed

Also, I've gotten some very good voices from Cake Batter. :3 So far, she's only auditioned for the SunRider AI.

Woah... This is all seriously amazing stuff. Alot better than professional anime dubs! ^_^

Now I seriously need to go study for my finals or else I am so going to get kicked out of school. XDXDXD



Here are sample lines for all the male roles

Kris, Ray, and Helio
Kris “A mere girl... Our Prime Minister!?”

Ray “Heyo, captain. So, whatcha think of her? She looks a lot younger in real life than she does on the holovision, right?”

Kris “She is mistaken to believe father would do anything against the interests of the Alliance! He would never betray us!”

Ray “Haha. But I admit, if you look carefully enough, she is kind of cute. And I bet she’s only a couple of years older than us too!”

Kris “You idiot! That has nothing to do with this!”

Helio “Indeed, it is strange. She is but the third female to ever become the Prime Minister, and the youngest to have ever taken the office.”
“But it is clear that the people want a change. The Progress Party’s mishandling of the war guaranteed the Universalists the election, and it is clear that our Prime Minister has utilized that opportunity to gain tremendous political clout.”

Kris “Alright, that’s enough! I won’t allow any politics in my team! To work, men! We dock with Stardock One in three hours!”

Ray “Understood, captain!”
Chigara “Chii! Field barriers!”

Claud “Wahh!!! Claud’s shots aren’t getting through any more!”

Asaga “Woah! So Chigara’s able to give us temporary invulnerability!?”

Ikkari “But we still have to be careful! Even if she can protect us, she’s still vulnerable to fire!”

Cosette “Damn you!!! I’ll just smash through your shield!

Ikkari “You’ll regret that! Magna sword!!!!”

Cosette “GWAAAHHH!!!”

Claud “Oneesan!! Fuck you!!!”

Asaga “Haha! I’m afraid that kids your age shouldn’t be using that kind of language! Administrating punishment!”

Claud “WAAAHHH!!!!”
Mr. Okashi, General Nooke
Okashi "General Nooke. Allow me to welcome to the Stardock One. As always, Okashi Corporation appreciates the patronage of the Alliance."

Nooke "Okashi. I trust that you have been keeping well?"

Okashi "Fine. Our scientists have been working around the clock to perfect our newest capital ship. I’m sure that you will find its capabilities more than interesting."

Nooke "No. I mean you."

Okashi "Hah. When the company is doing fine, I am doing fine as well."

Nooke "I see. I assume your daughter is keeping well too?"

Okashi "Of course. She’s become quite older since you’ve last seen her. She can take care of herself now."

Nooke "Good to hear."

Okashi "And your son?"

Nooke "He has recently been promoted to captain, first class."

Okashi "Ah. I must congratulate you. You must be very proud."

Nooke "Any father would be."
Leiburg: You three! You dare betray the NET armada?

Ikkari: This was never a term of the agreement! If we had known you would have done this, we would never have agreed to help you in the first place!

Leiburg: The politics of category one nations do not concern you... Now prepare to face the consequences of betrayal!

Chigara: I’m detecting massive energy fluctuations coming from the Nevertime... Wait... Look!

[The Nevertime instantly recovers all damage]

Ikkari: I-Impossible! W-what just happened!?

Asaga: Everything fixed itself in 3 seconds!!!! It’s like magic!

Leiburg: Behold the true power of NET... The Nevertime possesses the ability to travel through time itself! We are immortal!

Chigara: Chii... It’s a temporal flux generator! The ship just traveled back in time before it sustained damage!

Leiburg: Surrender and we may choose to provide you a fair trial for your crimes towards NET...

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Re: The SunRiders

#102 Post by Jake »

Samu-kun wrote: Also, I have a message for Jake: Can I please get Kelly's contact information? As it stands now, there's a certain English role for a young politican that really needs to be filled. :3
I'll remind her to get back to you when I get home; I don't know how much she wants her email address thrown around. I think she said she was planning to record an audition sometime today, though.
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Re: The SunRiders

#103 Post by monele »

The Lucky Star fandub is pretty impressive o_O... The voices are actually *well* cast too, which is so usually not the case in official dubs ^^;...

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Re: The SunRiders

#104 Post by akemicchi »

Aaaah, the voice actors! They're so adorable...! X///D *dead* Sounds like that's going along great. Good luck finding some male voice actors! <3

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Re: The SunRiders

#105 Post by sake-bento »

Male voice actors are consistently harder to find than female voice actors. If you can't find what you're looking for, I suggest going to the finished works section or the shorts and samplers section and listening around. If you find a voice you like, send him a PM asking him to voice the character for you. Scouting is a perfectly acceptable practice as long as you're not still holding auditions for the character. Also, even if you've found what you think is the perfect perfect voice, it's considered bad producer etiquette to cast a character before the audition deadline.

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