VStrife: Virtual Reality Gaming and Personal Problems [Kinetic][Drama]

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VStrife: Virtual Reality Gaming and Personal Problems [Kinetic][Drama]

#1 Post by wenki_cai »

Hi guys, so I’m in the progress of writing a kinetic novel, that will be called VStrife (unless something odd comes up).

A plot summary:

The year is 2030, and a virtual reality combat game called VStrife brings lots of players together in tournaments and competitive play. A wannabe-pro group, led by a woman named Charlie, find themselves recruiting an acquaintance, Alex Sato, after one of their members suddenly drops out. They make a great team together, but can they handle the stress of competition and not let it wear them down?

The Main Team:


Alexander Sato: Our new recruit, an unusual acquaintance of Clyde who works in fashion and textiles, and dresses the part too. He is friendly and polite, but his demeanor almost seems fake…He’s been in the competitive scene before in the past, but information on him online as a player seems scattered or scarce. As the team he’s on goes deeper into competition, we start to see that friendly façade start to crack…

In game, he wields a long, oversized sewing needle and battles offensively. His style favors fencing-like attacks and ranged hits.


Charlie: The leader of the bunch, a cool big-sis sort who is friendly and level-headed. However, the thrill of competition starts to change her, and she begins to extend this to her team…

In game, she handles a large sword and acts as an offensive force, preferring close combat. Outside of the game, however, she’s a librarian, lover of books, beer, and friends.


Clyde Sanders Jr.: An odd personality, Clyde is friendly and emotionally open, but also preoccupied with spirituality and death. He comes from a wealthy family and likes to spend on his friends, but he also holds a job as a NICU nurse. Having introduced him to the group, he has a friendship of sorts with Alex already…but will it blossom into something more?

In game, he has a super big syringe and favors a defensive role in the group, acting as a wall that can take it and hit hard if need be.

[image unavailable]

Dennis Jay: A casual and very extroverted personality, they like to be the life of the party and hang out with people. Dennis is close friends with Clyde, having been college buddies through some very rough times. They work as a freelance musician, and is very skilled on the piano.

In game, they can send up energy walls and barriers, taking on a defensive role.

[image unavailable]

Fae Summers: The youngest of the group, knowing Charlie as a family friend. She’s creative and a bit crass, she loves to express herself through her pastel street fashion and handmade goods. However, she’s one of the first to feel the pressure that Charlie starts to put on the team…

In game, she wields a staff that can send out powerful elemental attacks, and she prefers a ranged offensive style. Preferably with some defensive cover, she really can’t take a hit!

There are other major characters, but I’m not going to list them here (not yet) because there’s quite a few not solid yet.

Currently, I’m in the writing phase of this project, as well as some early art/sprite development. My current concerns with writing involve:

- Balance of character development and the actual plot: I might not have enough written yet to decide it, but I’m unsure if I have enough on the plot side
- Worldbuilding: I don’t have a lot of the game culture and future culture figured out, and I’m not entirely sure how much I should focus on it. I’m thinking I should imply a lot of stuff but not bring it out into the open too much…
- Not as important characters, but still needed in their role: originally this story was going to have a different medium, but as I evolved the story and began streamlining it, certain characters fell to the wayside…(Fae I’m looking at you ;_;)

I would love to send out some drafts to interested people to read, though not sure where I want to define “spoiler” and “not spoiler” info yet ahaha. I’ll update with development stuffs as it comes. Please let me know what you think!

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Re: VStrife: Virtual Reality Gaming and Personal Problems [Kinetic][Drama]

#2 Post by Zelan »

This seems like a really cool idea, and I love your art style. Looking forward to seeing more of this! c:

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Re: VStrife: Virtual Reality Gaming and Personal Problems [Kinetic][Drama]

#3 Post by wenki_cai »

Thanks so much Zelan! I have a tiny art update, since I'm at a weird spot with writing.

Image Image

(Screenshots from image editor)
So I finished Clyde's base sprite and created a sketch for Fae! (the new girl you see here ahaha).

This is actually the second time I've had to do Clyde's sprite. I think it was a good teaching moment for me: don't jump into finishing off the sprite until you have the sprite really solid, otherwise they'll look like Sans Undertale, ahahahaaaa. I've def changed his clothes quite a few times before settling on this, so it took me a few tries to get that tracksuit look down. I actually had to go through a similar rough patch with Charlie, though that one was more design overhaul into something more interesting.

I think I've finally settled on Fae's outfit, I really like the Milk shirt ahahaa. There's so many different variations I love to draw of her, like in OTT sweet lolita and other various fairy kei/pastel kawaii/etc influences that I could draw from. I might throw on more accessories later.

I really wanted to get Dennis' sketch done tonight, but I just ran out of working juices tonight *_* Once I have at least their sketches done, I'd like to update the original post so there are some easy visuals. But I'm proud of what I've done tonight, so I was just too excited to wait to post it!

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Re: VStrife: Virtual Reality Gaming and Personal Problems [Kinetic][Drama]

#4 Post by Zelan »

Fae is super cute! I agree that the Milk shirt looks incredibly cute on her. (I'd love to see the other concept sketches if you're okay with sharing them!)

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Re: VStrife: Virtual Reality Gaming and Personal Problems [Kinetic][Drama]

#5 Post by wenki_cai »

Ah yeah! I can show you a bunch of sketches of them!: https://imgur.com/a/I3xTpnR

Most of these are from my current sketchbook, which was half drawing class and half personal stuffs. That being said, these are more recent drawings of them, I've actually been working with these characters for a long time so a lot has changed about them over time! Also in this batch you get to see Dennis ahaha; I haven't been able to produce a sprite sketch I like enough yet to post anything for that.

Anyway, I also finished Fae's sprite!


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Re: VStrife: Virtual Reality Gaming and Personal Problems [Kinetic][Drama]

#6 Post by Zelan »

Ohhh, Danica is super cute! I hope she at least still gets to appear in the VN. ^_^ And I especially loved the sketches of Alex's in-game outfit and him with his hair down.

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Re: VStrife: Virtual Reality Gaming and Personal Problems [Kinetic][Drama]

#7 Post by wenki_cai »

Since I haven't posted here for a while, just a bit of a dump of what I think I'll be focusing on next for this project.

I got really stuck after posting my first chapter here for feedback. viewtopic.php?f=47&t=50463 (see thread here) But I've been thinking about what kind of direction I want to establish for the story after getting feedback about stakes and motivations. Still won't make writing fight scenes any easier ;_; Right now, the first draft as I have it right now is quite different than what is linked in that thread, so I hope it'll be an improvement.

I think to give myself a little direction/more feasible goal, I think I want to focus on getting a demo out of sorts. I'd especially like to get one out so I can get some feedback in a bigger picture sense and feel a bit more accomplished in finishing something ahaha.

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