[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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UPDATE 4/14/2019!

#286 Post by SweetChiel »

Good evening guys! ^.^)/
Tomorrow I'm going to the dentist again so I decided to post my update early!

Mostly, I spent my time polishing Chapter 4 part 1 until I'm satisfied with the overall events:


I also started writing Chapter 4 part 2, including making more notes/short ideas:


In total, I wrote around 4k+ words last week! The antagonist route progress should look like this now:


Winter arc will feel short compared to the other arcs, but I hope it will still fun to read :3

And guys! We only have Winter Arc and Spring Arc left before I can finally draw the CGs and do the programming! YAYYY ^///^

I always feel bad for my slow writing... I want to write faster but if I pushed it too much, the scenes won't turn out well and most of them would end up deleted, so thank you for all of you who are still waiting patiently for Bermuda's completion >///<

We can see the end now and when I do the CGs, I'll show you more sneak peeks as service!

Other than work, is it just me or it's very hot these days? @@ I often feels like I'm in an oven--it's even hot when it rains! Many people already got sick because of the ridiculous weather so please take care of yourselves and drink lots of water ><

Here's hoping you guys had a nice week and even better week tomorrow!



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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#287 Post by akrasia »

So exciting! I think you're making fantastic progress. :D Keep cool and good luck at the dentist.

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UPDATE 4/22/2019!

#288 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?
I did a lot last week so let's get started!

1.) I did the usual polishing and wrote 3 small events for Chapter 4 part 2 (around 3k+ words).


If everything went well, the pace will pick up after two medium-big scenes and we will jump straight to the Spring Arc >:)

2.) Winged Ones' Soundtrack/BGM DLC is available on itch.io now!


Enjoy a total of 33 Music Soundtrack of Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones, a collection through a strict selection from Kevin Macleod, Erdaenos, Roland M. Zabarjad, Kristy G. Lantang, Benjamin Mastripolito, and Lutfi Azandi!

I've received their permissions to distribute their wonderful music, the DLC also includes original lyric & music such as the Opening, Ending, Trailer, green2 (Forest BGM), and Tribal Music (Reksa's route). 

Have fun & enjoy!  If you want to use their tracks, refer to the "music copyrights.txt" for the direct sources to credit them ^.^)/

"I thought you're going to publish the DLC on Steam?"

Well... I've been having problems with Steam's DLC tutorial video and I'm a bit afraid to mess with the codes so I've decided that any DLC I may have in the future, will be only available at itch.io!​

3.) I polished the CGs again! This time, I revised ALL of the characters' hair shadings to make them less semi-realistic and easier on the eye to see the detail. Below are the samples!



It's a small change but I like it better this way >< 

4.) Remember when I said I'm helping a friend coloring a simple animation? She got more work and it's becoming more like my part-time job now x'D

Whew, I did quite a lot last week, huh? What about you? I hope you guys also had a productive week!

On the other note, the weather is still as hot as always and I'm sweating buckets, even when I literally just spend the day sitting in front of my laptop ^^; stay dehydrated, everyone!

That's it for now and see you guys next week!


P.S. Season 8 episode 1 Game of Thrones is out!! I'm so excited--but I'll be patient and wait for it to finish before I do a re-watch/marathon from season 1! >///<


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UPDATE 4/29/2019!

#289 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys!
How did your week go? ^.^

Mine is a bit bumpy with the usual polishing and plot bunnies jumping here and there ><;

I even re-wrote a scene in Chapter 3 part 3 (common route). I'll re-read it again later and see if there's anything else I can improve >:)


Overall, I wrote 3.9k+ words last week. We're halfway down Chapter 4 part 2 and I'll think of one or two small scenes before we go to a huge scene where we'll get another discussion + antagonist POV ^.^)/

I've written a large part of the antagonist POV, the only problem is how I'll insert it/integrate it with the other events...hopefully I won't overthink about it and make it difficult ^^;;

My part-time job as my friend's coloring assistant is going well but my body don't feel so well since yesterday though x_x

I have this very painful period cramp, which is funny since my periods usually doesn't hurt as if someone was twisting a knife in my belly.

So... I'll take a few days off and use this chance to mull over what other interesting ideas I could insert in the Winter Arc :'D

That's it for now, thanks for reading, and see you guys next week!



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UPDATE 5/6/2019!

#290 Post by SweetChiel »

Good moooorning, guys!
I overslept a little today ><;

How did your week go? Mine went super busy, as in I always have something to do everyday x'D

I spent half of the week to do my part-time job. The short animation video is almost done! It's not difficult, but there are quite a lot of layers to color for every scene.


On the other hand, I wrote 4.6k+ words last week! Just a little bit more and the Winter Arc will be done! ><

I'm having a little trouble with the order of the events--I mean, everything I need is there, but I feel like something is not quite right yet! It's even more annoying because I don't know what it is! It's like wanting to sneeze but the itch is not itchy enough for me to sneeze Q_Q


I guess I'll re-read it and see if I can spot anything weird >< maybe what it needs is another intense polishing? Nothing to worry, it's what I do everyday x'D

But I really can't wait to finish the scriptwriting! I want to move on to programming and get into the fun part where I see my characters become alive! OTL

I'm also a bit worried. It's already May, you know? And I can't help but to wonder whether I can really finish Bermuda this year with my writing-pace... or am I overthinking again? Time really went by in a blink of an eye though! ><


In any case, other than work, I also caught up a bit with life. Friday was crazy, I went to an all-you-can-eat BBQ and karaoke'd with my friends until past midnight.

Needless to say, my unfit body went limp the next day :'))

Oh, I'm also going to the dentist again this afternoon. I'm really hoping this would be the last time I go there Q_Q it's expensive and hurts.

What about you? Did you have a good week?



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UPDATE 5/13/2019!

#291 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys!
I'm proud to announce that the Winter Arc is finished and we're down to one last arc for climax!


Did you know? Today is exactly one month from when I started writing Chapter 4 part 2 (Winter Arc)!


In addition, I also wrote a really rough draft for a scene in the antagonist route's Chapter 5.


Overall, I wrote 7.1k+ words last week!

Phew, it was tiring and Chapter 4 part 2 last scenes took a surprising turn, which left me half satisfied, half skeptical ><

I guess I'll leave it for now and see whether it's out of place or not later when I re-read it/during programming--either way, I'm still going to polish it! x'D

Are you happy, guys? I sure am!

Sheesh, I didn't expect the scriptwriting will take me around a year to finish. I've really underestimated the complexity of the story but I've poured my hear and soul into it so it's going to be worth it!

Wish me luck so I can finish writing with a bang, guys! My hands are already itching to draw the CGs and do some badass programming x'D

That's it for now and see you again next week! Thanks for reading,



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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#292 Post by crystalscm »

Yes! Congratulations, Chiel!
I'm happy to see this coming along nicely - I'm pretty darn curious about the antagonist, hehe〜

I feel really happy for you. This has come a real long way, and I've been supporting this project since, well, a little before it got announced! So, this is really exciting for me as well!

Go break a leg! (Obviously though, don't push yourself too hard!)

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UPDATE 5/20/2019!

#293 Post by SweetChiel »

Good morning, everyone!
How did your week go? Mine was intense!

1. I did an intense polishing for Chapter 4 part 2! Intense as in my brain almost got fried by the deep conversation happening here >< I'm between satisfied and not satisfied with it, but it's finally going to the direction I wanted and I'm going to check it again later at programming! (It's easier to check the flow after I re-read the whole script).

2. I found two plot holes and gave them first aid! The first aid is in the form of adding additional sentences across Chapter 1 to Chapter 4. Hopefully I nailed it!

3. I made a progress with Chapter 5!


3.8k+ words! Again, there's a deep conversation happening here. I need to immerse myself in angst genre soon to get aboard the bus of feelings! QuQ

Phew, it feels like my brain is squeezed dry :')) but it feels good in a way because it means I'm working hard with the plot!

I have a lot of things planned to do this week though. I might not be able to write as much, but I'll do my best! ><

Cheers for another productive week!


P.S. It's been a long time since our last sneak peek, isn't it? Honestly, I'm out of idea about what sneak peek to give you @@ any suggestions?


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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#294 Post by SweetChiel »

crystalscm wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 10:35 pm Yes! Congratulations, Chiel!
I'm happy to see this coming along nicely - I'm pretty darn curious about the antagonist, hehe〜

I feel really happy for you. This has come a real long way, and I've been supporting this project since, well, a little before it got announced! So, this is really exciting for me as well!

Go break a leg! (Obviously though, don't push yourself too hard!)
Aww thank you so much, crystalcm!
Yup, so far I've been in a love and hate relationship with the antagonist x'DD he's so hard to write!

It really has come a long way, isn't it? QuQ *hugs* I couldn't have done it without you and the others' support! You too, I hope things are going well at your side! Let's work hard together while still taking care of our health! ><

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UPDATE 5/27/2019!

#295 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?
I hope you had a nice week. Because mine is not so good :'( it's one of those bad weeks.

First of all, my neighbor is renovating their house and the loud sound of them cutting steel and hammering away is piercing through my ears for days! How do they expect me to focus? Q_Q I need peace and quiet to write, but they only stop at night!

With that, I slept around 1AM-ish these days... but it didn't stop there. Oh, no. My pup, Juno, who is sleeping with me has been fussy--fussy as in he woke me up at dawn to get out and pee or ask for a drink.

I wanted to catch up with my sleep and take naps at daylight, but again, the neighbor is renovating their house...ugh.

Do you know why there's a saying 'wake not a sleeping lion'? I sure feel like a lioness -_- I became grumpy and snarky when I'm sleepy!

In addition to that, I went to the dentist twice last week because the new filling kept falling off. TWICE. and I hate going to the dentists!

With all those problems and more, my muse is having a fit and didn't appear until I use force.

Maybe it's because I was in a bad mood, but I also had one of those times where I doubt myself. Like, is this story makes sense? is it good? is it too complex? etc, etc... fortunately, I found Stan Lee's video and it reminded me why I decided to kickstart Bermuda.

Link to Stan Lee's Video: https://www.facebook.com/joseluis.shaza ... Q2MTk4MTE/

Alright, I better stop grumbling now x'D all in all, I managed to write 3.9k+ words last week.


I haven't been able to get into an angsty mood though. But I figure it's better to write all my ideas down first before I slowly adjust and polish them, than not writing at all.

I also polished quite a lot of Chapter 4 part 2 and Chapter 5 of the common routes.

Well, the good news is that I heard Game of Thrones is finally completed at Season 8? Finally! This show helps me a lot in terms of medieval grammar so I'm planning to do a marathon and watch all seasons in three days ^.^

Tyrion, in particular, is my fave character! He's very smart and witty with his words--a bow of acknowledgement to the author and actor for being able to create a character as awesome as him!

GoT also had a lot of angst/dark scenes so I hope it can help me to get the mood and inspiration right for the antagonist's climax scene ><

Wish me luck, guys! And here's hoping we get a productive and better week!



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UPDATE 6/3/2019!

#296 Post by SweetChiel »

Good morning, guys!
Excuse me for posting late, I overslept @@

Last week was hard, hard as in I had to juggle between watching Game of Thrones and writing x'D hell, it was hard to stop watching at all and I'm still at Season 5!

Tyrion is still my fave character ever! He's so smart, good with words, and smooth, he should be playing jazz somewhere in town *cough*

But seriously, GoT helps me a lot with grammar and complicated conversations. It makes me more... eloquent? There's so many things I wish to tell in Chapter 4 and 5 in the antagonist's route and I hope I did them justice ><

Here are the things I did last week:

1. I polished Chapter 4 part 2 again and this time, I re-wrote two scenes and added 1.5k+ words to the word count.


2. I slowly make my way through chapter 5. There's this scene I polish again and again, and I'm still not quite satisfied with it >< I think I'll leave it for now and re-read it later to see what else I can improve.

For now, I've decided to just continue writing. It still feels like a rough draft, but I'll get there once I get the angst mood/inspiration I need!

2.3k+ words is added to Chapter 5!


3. Talking about polishing, I polished Guntur's & Kahlil's body proportions.
For Guntur, I polished his abs. I thought they look a little strange so I make the shape firmer and shifted them a bit to the right. Better looking, right?

I also tweaked the face of his 2nd sprite (Defined his jawlines and chin a little).

But for Kahlil, it's tricky.


Which one do you think suits him? He's androgynous, but at the same time, I want him to look lean with a little bit of muscle, at least more than Arya, but with his pretty face, it's kinda difficult for me to get it right >< any suggestions?

Last but not least, here's a sketch for Lilynthra! She asked to see a sketch/fanart of my characters and I coincidentally make one of Guntur (when I was thinking about how to make his abs look better/firmer x'D)



Okay, phew, lots of pictures for today's update, eh? 
This week, I'm planning to finish watching Game of Thrones and hopefully, I can write a good climax for the antagonist route!

That's it for now and see you guys next week!



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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#297 Post by NekoKarasu »

I think a bit muscle for Kahlil suits him just fine, if it's about an androgynous male with some muscles, maybe androgynous male model can be used for references? like David Chiang and Danila Kovalev?

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#298 Post by SweetChiel »

NekoKarasu wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:12 pm I think a bit muscle for Kahlil suits him just fine, if it's about an androgynous male with some muscles, maybe androgynous male model can be used for references? like David Chiang and Danila Kovalev?
OMG, Danila Kovalev & David Chiang are hot! O////O
Thanks for the recommendations!

Some of my friends also recommended to use olympic swimmers as references or combine A & B, so here's how he becomes!

Thanks for the suggestions, guys! x'D

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UPDATE 6/10/2019!

#299 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?
How did your week go?

Mine was so busy, I thought my legs fell off x'D

You see, we were having Lebaran/Idul Fitri vacation last week and I visited my *cough* boyfriend's *cough* family and went out with friends -^.^)/

It was a once in a year national holiday so... yup, I left my cave and kinda went all out ><

I wasn't even able to finish watching Game of Thrones because of that lol, but fortunately, I was able to reach my weekly writing quota!

Firstly, I added an additional scene in Chapter 4 part 2:


It's only around 700 words though, not much but I think this scene is needed :'3

And secondly, we're slowly climbing to the angst climax of Chapter 5~


2.3k+ words of building suspense and drama! I've re-arranged the sequence of events and I think it's better than what I've planned before. We'll see x') I have a knack of editing and polishing the script a lot, but I'm sure as heck not going to stop before I'm satisfied with how Chapter 5 develops!

I also polished some scenes in other chapters (too many to count >< it's mainly about grammars and I re-phrase some sentences to become better.)

Hmm... other than above, I think it's time for me to immerse myself in angsty feelings QuQ

Alright, Happy Idul Fitri or Eid-al-Fitr to those who celebrates it and see you again next week!



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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#300 Post by chiharuchi »

AAAHHHHHHH ma girl Chiel coming in with the updates. A cure for my sadness when one of the game projects I'm following is abandoned. D'X Omg Chiel I cannot wait to play your game! <3 I can be harsh with games sometimes but you, ma girl? I'm sure I'll love it! That and I've played Nusantara. xD I'm definitely gonna go for them bad boys first (if I can). Keep up the good work Chiel! Happy Idul Fitri

Also visited your boyfriend's family did you HmMMmmmMM? ;o

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