[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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Location: Indonesia

UPDATE 8/19/2019!

#316 Post by SweetChiel »

Good morning, guys!
How did your week go? Mine was tiring >< I went out a lot this week so my work often started late at night.


The programming is going great though! 37 pages of small events! The next big event will take somehere in page 200 or less, so we still have quite a bit to go~

I've also made 2 more icons, new expressions for the bachelors, & 1 CG lineart for Kahlil! The icons are 1 item & 1 Chibi Maya. By chibi, I mean this one:


When the grup is exhausted (usually after a big event), this icon will appear on the map and 2-3 days or more will pass by ^.^)/ of course, it will be accompanied with narration of what they're doing in those days!

As for the new expressions, it's only minor things like their mouths and eyes, for example:


This is not a spoiler, right? I'll let your imagination make guesses why Arya is blushing x'D

On the other hand, gotta say I'm very happy with the result of Kahlil's CG lineart >///< he has long hair and sometimes, I got carried away and he became more beautiful than Maya *cough* b-but he's really looks good in this CG!

So far so good, right? OuO
I'm planning to rest a bit this Monday & Tuesday though. The reason I went out a lot last week is because 18th August is my birthday *cough* and an introvert person like me could only go out so much before I got exhausted x'D my stamina is so pitiful but my energetic bf is like a puppy who drags me outside to socialize more lol.

That's it for now and see you guys next week~
Thank you for reading as always!



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UPDATE 8/26/2019!

#317 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! Morning!
How did your week go? I'm beat! x'D

My cousin is going to get married at August 31st, so I went and looked for a dress with my mom (there's a dresscode). You know how it went :')) with my pitiful stamina, I got tired easily and there's another reason why I went out a lot last week but let's start with the usual progress report first:

- I programmed in all small scenes in month 2, chapter 2! 39 pages in total!


All that's left is one last big event, adjust the minigame, and 1 more CG lineart for Arya before I start coloring them and add them into the script -^.^)/ after that, Chapter 2 for the main bachelors will be finished! *yay!

- I also had the usual polishing + 2 new item icons~

On another note, I've been having a lot of fun with these:


Snap Squad anyone? x'D
I'm a big fan of Jurassic Park so these tiny dinos are irresistible to me QuQ If you added me on facebook, you'd notice me taking a lot of photos of them with miniature food x'D

Unfortunately, snap squad is very hard to find. They're only selling it at a chain convenience store called Alfamart and only in small amounts.

Other than looking for a dress, I also visited a lot of Alfamart last week just to get these :'D I'm still looking for the green t-rex (Buck, is that you?) and then I'm going to wait for Charlie, Delta, Echo, & the Mosasaurus to be released, buy/find them and I'm all good~

That's it for now and see you guys next week!
Hopefully, I'll be done with Chapter 2's big event next week and then, I'll focus on coloring the CGs!



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UPDATE 9/2/2019!

#318 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys! How did your week go?
Mine was very busy but the good news is:
- I managed to finish programming chapter 2 part 2!


Woooot! x'D
The simple animations could use some polishing though. There's a lot of running involved so the sprites could make you a bit dizzy >< Hopefully, I can find a way to make it less dizzying!

- I also finished a CG lineart for Arya + 1 creepy image for the game over screen when you failed to finish the minigame within the limited time. With this, I have a total of 4 CGs to color (I scratched one Common CG out, changing it to an enhanced/secondary background. Trust me on this >:D I got this!).

I want to finish coloring the CGs within a week, but Guntur's CG have 3-4 variations so it's quite a tall order o.o;

- Additionally, I made a few changes in the script + a cut in for a cue everytime a minigame starts:


I keep adding new things into the game, aren't I? x'D

On a side note, my cousin's wedding went great! I introduced my bf to the big family, the food is awesome, especially the dessert--but I wish they have chairs to sit on during the reception @@

So... yup, currently, my legs are swollen, just a little x'D Monday is quickly becoming a resting day for me lol.

That's it for now and see you next week! Wish me luck so I can finish coloring the CGs quickly!



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UPDATE 9/9/2019!

#319 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey guys! What's up?
I'm happy to announce I got to finish coloring 4 CGs last week! x'D

It had been grueling--considering it has been a long time since I last draw something. I really should draw more, but I'm afraid if I got pumped, I'll spend all my energy on 1 art and ended up burned up for several days ><;

Anyways, this concludes Bermuda's Chapter 2!


And to celebrate, here's a treat for you; a sneak peek of Kahlil's CG!


I cropped it to avoid spoilers x'D 
I'm not too rusty, right? I know there's bound to be some differences since Bermuda's demo CGs were made more than a year ago, but I like to think my coloring is more steady and tidy now OuO

There's more! For my patrons on Patreon, I'll post a full preview of Arya's CG! 

Are you happy? I hope so! ><
Originally, I wanted to post Guntur's CG sneak peek here, but I felt I need to tweak his pose a bit--currently, it looks a bit... awkward? Something is weird about his pose, but I can't point it x_x I'll do my best to fix it, but forgive me if it still looks a bit off in the end QuQ

On another note...

Last week, I went to Comifuro with my bf and splurged a bit to make an aquarium-slash-jurassic park diorama for my baby dinos!


No regrets and I'm so proud of it! >///< my little babies are so cute! I can't stop rearranging them and there's always a silly grin whenever I look at it! I mean, there's a jurassic park in my cupboard!



Okay, I'll stop here before I flood you with photos of mini dinos x'D

I'm planning to take some rest today before I start programming chapter 3 ^.^ 
Cheers for another productive week!



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UPDATE 9/16/2019!

#320 Post by SweetChiel »

Moooorning, guys!
How was your week? Mine went great! My bf had a birthday and I got lots of things done!

First, the programming of chapter 3 is off to a good start ^.^


19 pages--not much but I spent a lot of time drawing last week!
- Adjusted Guntur's CGs in chapter 2 & a new character's sprite for chapter 3.
- Made 1 Secondary Background of the Ruins for chapter 2
- Made 3 enemy silhouettes for chapter 3, including its attacking & idle variations.
- Made 2 ally silhouettes, variations only up to swordsman for now. More will follow later.
- Made 1 CG lineart for chapter 3; if I'm not wrong, there should be 3 common CGs in chapter 3!
- Polished chapter 2 and a bit of chapter 3 (will polish more according to how far I programmed in chapter 3)

The new character and ally silhouettes that will make appearance in chapter 3 are... *dun dunnn...* remember him?

If you remember, the knight with colorful plumes and in full body armor was in one of my sneak peeks ;)
His name is Sir Marco, and yes, he's a lefty. His alliance is with Kaiden, along with many soldiers below him.

The soldiers will have many variations later; like, lancer, archer, and swordsman--including their idle & attacking pose.

As for the enemy silhouettes? They're a secret ;) don't wanna have too much spoilers, right?

In addition to all above, I also ocassionally looked up new sound effects & BGMs--I'm really picky about those, so... the search will probably continue until Bermuda is finished & with lots of revisions later ><

In any case, cheers for chapter 3! Let's continue to work hard!



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UPDATE 9/23/2019!

#321 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey guys!
How did your week go? I think I did a good job with Bermuda's progress ^.^-

- Programmed in 30 pages from where we left off~

- While chapter 2's setting is near the Ruins, chapter 3 takes place deep into the forest so I adjusted the working chibis; hunting & making fire to be exact. Washing clothes will still take place near the Ruins (there's a reason why).


- Made 1 CG lineart for chapter 3! Two down, one more to go! >:D

Everything is well~ I just wish I can program the script faster ><; here, have some cookies and cyber hugs while you wait! *offers a cookie before giving a bear huggg*

Aside from work, nothing interesting happened last week o.o
I hope you had a great week! Cheers for another productive week!



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UPDATE 9/30/2019!

#322 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys!
How did your week go? Mine went quite bad @@

I caught a stomach flu because I ate bad sushi from a mall *yikes*
At the first day, I thought I caught a cold or something. My stomach felt bloated and it's really uncomfortable, I couldn't sleep for the whole night. Then the diarrhea started. It went from bad to worse. Besides drinking, I didn't have the appetite to eat anything and I went to the toilet every few minutes.

Well, I'll spare you the gross descriptions x'D but in short, it took me 3 days or so to get better and in those days, I didn't have the energy to touch my laptop, so I only started working on Friday Q_Q


I tried to at least meet the quota, and I barely managed to program in 21 pages ><;

Oh, I also polished a lot of scenes and programmed in a new character ^.^ There's a lot of small events going on in chapter 3 and I got a dejavu lol. I mean, there's quite a lot of small events in Winged Ones, right? This one feels like that.

I didn't have time to finish a CG lineart though Q_Q

I'm really sorry that I didn't make much progress this week... *bows* m(_ _)m I'll make it up to you this week! To show my sincerity, here's a sneak peek of a common CG where Maya meets a new enemy in the Summer forest!


Can you guess who-or-what the enemy is?

For my $5 patrons on Patreon, I'll show you a HUGE exclusive background I'm using in chapter 3! It's scary but also grand looking at the same time. I hope you like it!

That's it for now and see you again next week!
Here's hoping for a productive week!



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UPDATE 10/7/2019!

#323 Post by SweetChiel »

What's up, guys? How did your week go?
Mine went okay~

- From where we left off, I programmed in 23 pages!

- Made a spear variation for the soldier silhouettes.

- Polished the conversations! I did a lot of that these days and will probably do more in the future o.o; There's only few scenes left before we reach 2nd Big Battle & advance to the Autumn Forest--and oh boy, there's a lot animation involved x_x

- To make up my shortcomings last week, I finished 2 CG lineart! Last time, I said there's only 1 CG lineart left in my to-do-list, but apparently, I forgot 1 ><; But with this, I've finally finished ALL CG lineart for Chapter 3 part 1 and part 2!

I'm also very satisfied with the result >///< I mean, there are days where my CGs are okay/not as good as I imagined them to be, but these two are like, premium quality x'D

As today's bonus, here's a full preview of one of the CGs -^.^-


It's spoiler-free~ They're only having a nice chat around the campfire~
But you get what I mean by they look premium, right? Man, I wish all my CGs are like this x'D

The second CG also features the four of them. There's a little bit of spoiler but not too much, so... I've decided to show it to my $5-and-up patrons on my Patreon! It's been a while since I gave you a treat, right? :3

That's it for now and see you guys next week!
I hope you enjoy the sneak peek!



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UPDATE 10/14/2019!

#324 Post by SweetChiel »

Good morning, guys!
How did your week go? Mine was arduous x_x

I spent most of my time programming, editing, and polishing the script. And by editing, I mean; I deleted & re-wrote a discussion scene, which took forever to finish! The ordeal is I sometimes didn't know the english for some words I was thinking to use and before I knew it, it's night already QAQ

I'm quite satisfied with how it turned out, but the polishing will continue in the future if I find a better alternative for some sentences/words.


But the good news is that I managed to program in 36 pages! There's only 4 small scenes left before we enter our 2nd fighting scene + minigame!

I'm planning to rest on Monday and Tuesday though >< did you know that 'Doraemon Story of Seasons' is now out on Steam? I simply adore the waterpainting style they're using! I'm also an avid fan of Harvest Moon so I need to try it! x'D Of course, I'll do my best not to get addicted *cough 

Okay, that's it for now and see you guys next week!



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UPDATE 10/21/2019!

#325 Post by SweetChiel »

Mooorning, guys!
How did your week go? Mine was so-so :3

I polished the scenes as usual and focused on finishing off the small events~


Exactly 20 pages! Yay! ^.^ 
I'm going to start programming the fighting scene. It also has another minigame with a time limit! You'll get a bad end if you don't finish it in time, but the bad end has tiny bits of hints for the Antagonist route, so it's not a bad idea to see it once x'D

I also got 2 new items + sfxs~ By 'items'it could mean; items that belongs to the bachelors or for background purposes, like this:


Lol, don't be surprised that the backgrounds sometimes have 'horror' elements/atmosphere. Even if the original genre is fantasy, not everything is rainbow & unicorns in my VN x'D They're fighting something and you'll have to uncover the mystery surrounding the Forgotten Isles!

On another note, man, Story of Seasons did it again! For people who's looking for peaceful/casual games, it's definitely a game worth to be noticed :'D There's also a new game called Digimon Rearise that is quite addictive--fortunately, I'm not a hardcore gamer or Bermuda will be in trouble x'D

That's it for now and thanks for reading, everyone!
See you again next week!



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UPDATE 10/28/2019!

#326 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?
I got one hell of a ride last week x'D

The fighting scene is full with simple animations(sliding sprites, attacking effects, sfxs, etc) and man, did I get a headache or what :')) there's also some revisions I made for the script, but overall, I'm satisfied with how it's going!


16 pages of programming is done~ sorry, I don't meet the usual 20 pages quote but we're this close to get to our 2nd minigame! >.<;

I've finished the preparations (the images I'm going to use for the minigame) so all I need is to program it and test for bugs ^.^

I also designed magic circles last week!


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there are magic users in Bermuda!

I imagine that when someone wanted to use a particular spell, the magic circle would be white first before slowly changing color into the element corressponding to that spell. For example; fire wall spell would be white => red, wind spell would be white => tosca/light green, earth would be => brown w/ speckles of green, etc.

The more complicated the magic circle is, the more advance the magic. You'll get to see some simple animations/effects of what these magic circles do ^.^

However, magic is not the main focus in Bermuda, so you won't see magic circles often :'3 (Maya's group won't have the time to learn or a teacher to learn from, but... expect some surprises! *hinthint*)

That's it for now and see you guys next week!
Hopefully, I'll be finished with Chapter 3 part 1 by then!



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For all my patrons on Patreon, I'd like to tell you that I'm really grateful and appreciate your support QuQ Before I knew it, it has been more than 2 years since Bermuda started and your donations have been really helpful for emergency funds + helping me pay the bills! I know I'm not as productive as other creators with tutorials/digital art, so please, if you have any suggestions on what you want to see/posted, please comment below!

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#327 Post by CatyCats »


I've been ghost watching you ever since the beginning!
I thought I would first play the demo before commenting on this but I never got far into the demo because the heroine was not appealing to me at that time. It might now though! I always have this..habit(?) to play but then stop if it's not interesting enough but years later, I would give it a try again and much to my surprise I would love it and replay it many times! There are games where I'm directly addicted too ( like My time at Portia). :lol:

Anywaaaays, I decided to comment on this now since...I watched Malificent 2 and had this urge to replay Legend Of the Winged ones! (Sad it's 1am now, too late to play :( )

I'm sorry to hear about your flu, stomach ache,... Sounds awefull and I know the feeling... I hope you never get to experience that ever again!
Also, omgggg you watched Game of Thrones too! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: For me, the last season...was too quick. A sudden turn of evilness in Dany too. Cersei too, Jaime too, ... It's just ended sooo easy and quickly to me. I'm glad my fav characters are alive tho!

About the game, I wonder how big this is gonna be?! So many updates, chibis, words, chapters, people,... It's amazing to update us every week too! BUT! Don't overstress yourself. Keep having fun like always! :D
Again, I love the art and story wise makes it so exciting! Love the six packs~ Glad it's not too overly buffy like some games made their guys so muscular that they look like they're on steroids ;/
I remember from the Demo that we click Explore on the map right? I'm sorry to not have played the demo fully.. But how's the game gonna be now? Still visual novel ish or is it a stats raising? Is it solving puzzles?

So, I think I'm out to express myself now :o
I wish you much good luck for the further development and a good health!

PS: just finished playing Nusantara all routes again and I have a question: What does it mean when Tamara was combing through Mitra's wings, that the wings were shuddering in pleasure and Mitra was shocked about it? Why did they shudder? Why was Mitra shocked?

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UPDATE 11/4/2019!

#328 Post by SweetChiel »

Good morning, guys!
How did your week go?

Happy late Halloween! x'D
Did you eat lots of sweets? My country doesn't celebrate it, so I never got the chance to dress up and walk from door to door asking for treat or trick QuQ It must've been lots of fun seeing many cute kids all dressed up and adorably asking for candies--not counting the naughty ones, who I heard, threw toilet tissues all over your house for 'trick'? x'D 

But I did have fun on 30th October--because it's my mom's birthday! Love you, mom! ^///^

Other than Halloween, I'm also excited for Christmas! It's my fave holiday because we get to trade gifts(or even gift ourselves for job well done lol) and lots of events/discounts going on everywhere!


Okay, I'll stop rambling about holidays and get on with Bermuda's progress update x'D

- Chapter 3 part 1 is done and I've started on Chapter 3 part 2!


We're finally done with our 2nd big fighting scene! *phew* The minigame is also fine-tuned and works well! -^.^- In total, I've programmed 19 pages this week!

There won't be another big fighting scene until Chapter 4 part 2, so the programming should be faster. However, there are lots of new chibi artworks later in Chapter 4 part 1, where Maya helps/works part time in the Autumn Village, so... yup, wish me luck so I can finish them quickly! >_<; 

- I added 3 new sfxs and 2 new item icons (1 important, 1 not important). Reminder: you can check important items and its descriptions on the status page (right click on game). It's right below the bachelors' affection meters~

- I noticed that Steam updated their Library so I updated Winged Ones' Library Assets! ^.^ Nothing major though, but it looks good >///<


Oh! One more thing!
My patron, K.H., suggested for more fun facts about the bachelors, so here we go!

Fun Facts:
1. Arya is ambidextrous.
2. Kahlil used to have an unhealthy diet consisting of sweets, until he met Guntur.
3. While Guntur is a great cook, he also has a great appetite. He eats a lot and sometimes, he got caught eating straight from the rice cooker.

That's it for now and stay tuned for next week, where you'll get fun facts regarding their names'!



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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#329 Post by SweetChiel »

CatyCats wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2019 8:32 pm Hihi!

I've been ghost watching you ever since the beginning!
I thought I would first play the demo before commenting on this but I never got far into the demo because the heroine was not appealing to me at that time. It might now though! I always have this..habit(?) to play but then stop if it's not interesting enough but years later, I would give it a try again and much to my surprise I would love it and replay it many times! There are games where I'm directly addicted too ( like My time at Portia). :lol:

Anywaaaays, I decided to comment on this now since...I watched Malificent 2 and had this urge to replay Legend Of the Winged ones! (Sad it's 1am now, too late to play :( )

I'm sorry to hear about your flu, stomach ache,... Sounds awefull and I know the feeling... I hope you never get to experience that ever again!
Also, omgggg you watched Game of Thrones too! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: For me, the last season...was too quick. A sudden turn of evilness in Dany too. Cersei too, Jaime too, ... It's just ended sooo easy and quickly to me. I'm glad my fav characters are alive tho!

About the game, I wonder how big this is gonna be?! So many updates, chibis, words, chapters, people,... It's amazing to update us every week too! BUT! Don't overstress yourself. Keep having fun like always! :D
Again, I love the art and story wise makes it so exciting! Love the six packs~ Glad it's not too overly buffy like some games made their guys so muscular that they look like they're on steroids ;/
I remember from the Demo that we click Explore on the map right? I'm sorry to not have played the demo fully.. But how's the game gonna be now? Still visual novel ish or is it a stats raising? Is it solving puzzles?

So, I think I'm out to express myself now :o
I wish you much good luck for the further development and a good health!

PS: just finished playing Nusantara all routes again and I have a question: What does it mean when Tamara was combing through Mitra's wings, that the wings were shuddering in pleasure and Mitra was shocked about it? Why did they shudder? Why was Mitra shocked?
Hi-ya, CatyCats! I remember you! x'D

Yeah, I'm glad the stomach-flu is over and done with x_x

And you've watched Maleficent 2!? My God--they did a great job on that and surpassed my expectations QuQ
I also agree that Game of Thrones' last season ended too quickly >< they could've polished it well and extend it to another season, but I guess it has something to do with their budget? I heard the original writer isn't too happy with how it turned, but overall, I think it's good QuQ I'm also glad to see my fave character, Tyrion, is alive and well!

As for how long Bermuda is going to be... at the bery least, it's going to be triple the word count of Winged Ones x'D
And yes! You can semi-explore the map (clicking on where you want to go), but overall, it's still the same system, where you raise the affection status of the bachelor you like and solving minigames here and there :'3

To raise their affection, you'll need to raise the corresponding status (diligence, strength, & creativity) in order to see their events (if you want to get into Arya's route, focus on raising diligence, etc).

There are traps though. If you picked VERY bad choices, you might get the VERY bad ending ><
This ending is separate. I mean, each bachelor will have bad endings, but this VERY bad ending will happen if you pick the wrong choices & irritate the antagonist too much.

Phew, I think that's all I can tell you for now?
It's easier to understand once you play them though! As usual, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me here! ^.^

For Avians, touching their wings is considered intimate contact, reserved for lovers/family. Hence Yuda got mad the first time Tamara touched granny Sukma's wings--or was it Asih's wings? Sorry, my memory failed me QuQ

So when she combed Mitra's wings, he became shocked lol. While he enjoyed the sensation (to the point of shuddering), he wasn't sure what this means. Did Tamara like him? Did Tamara even knows what this means? But at that moment, Mitra was sure of his feelings for Tamara and he allowed her to comb his wings-- of course, the dense Tamara didn't realize this x'D

I hope I answered you question well!
As always, thank you for your undying and warm support! >///< *hugs and gives a virtual cookie*

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Miko-Class Veteran
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Joined: Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:53 am
Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
Deviantart: SweetChiel
Skype: Cecilia Susanto
Location: Indonesia

UPDATE 11/11/2019!

#330 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys!
Sorry for the late update! I'm a bit out of shape and overslept ><; 

Christmas is coming and there's something I want to buy, but commissions are not going well these days, so I got into a small part-time job--it's only for 3 days so I didn't think it would be this exhausting but oh boy, am I mistaken or what x'D


In short, I became an LED screen assistant/freelancer for SEACA 2019 (South Eash Asia Game tournament, for Dota 2, PUBG, Free Fire, and Tekken 7). It's thanks fo my boyfriend that I got the job >< there are bumbs along the way, where my emotions got the better of me, but that's how relationships grow right? ^^; *cough* In any case, my responsibility was quite simple; making sure the LED screen I was in charge of didn't go black screen/white screen. Also, when it's time for Dota 2, I had to click a button every time Roshan died and who won the round (Radiant win/Dire win).

Of course, I made sure I fulfilled Bermuda's programming quota before I focus on SEACA!


30 pages programmed! I polished the scenes as usual and there are minor items need to be drawn, but nothing major ^.^ Chapter 3 part 2 is like a vacation compared to Chapter 3 part 1 lol. Ah, I'm also thinking to make more CG for some scenes. But for now, I need to rest @@ my part time job needs me to wake up at 5-6AM and work until 10-11PM. I usually sleep for 8 hours or more, so... after SEACA is finished, I got myself a headache, a sorethroat, and stiff limbs from sitting too much ^^;

I think that's all?
See you again next week and stay healthy, guys!


Fun Facts:

1. Guntur's name means 'lightning' in Indonesian. His parents wanted him to grow into a strong man--and he did. Maybe even a bit too much >< (He's very tall and buff for an Indonesian. On average, Indonesian men are only 5 feet 5 inches tall. However, we are growing taller by each generation.)

2. Arya means 'noble', 'valuable', or 'precious'. He is certainly a precious bundle of joy, huh? x'D *cough* jokes aside, his adoptive father really loves him and Arya knows this. He strives to make a better living/pay him back for raising him.

3. Kahlil's name is supposed to be Kah'lil (with apostrophe), but because of programming issues, I changed it into Kahlil. His name is from Arabic origin and it means 'friend'.  And yes, Kahlil has a mixed ancestry ^.^


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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SweetChiel
or buy me a Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/sweetchiel

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