Looking For Someone to Create Kickstarter Graphics! [Closed]

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Posts: 116
Joined: Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:48 am
Completed: Imre's Curse: The Prologue, Secrets Untold, Snowdrop, Summer at Marisol Bay
Projects: Battle Royale: For Your Heart!, Secrets Unsung
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Looking For Someone to Create Kickstarter Graphics! [Closed]

#1 Post by LegendEx »

EDIT: We found someone to help, thank you so much to everyone who applied!

Hello, my team and I are working on a game called Battle Royale: For Your Heart! It is a battle royale themed dating game parody. We're finishing up our 60k word extended demo in these coming weeks in preparation of launching a kickstarter campaign. To find out more about the game click here!

We're looking for someone who can match this style and vibe:

Ideally we need:
  • 6-7 character sheets with a picture of one of the love interests and some information about them such as a quote and their voice actor.
  • 8 headers/panels such as story, characters, budget etc.
  • A pie chart to show off what our budget looks like.
  • A reward chart which will show off what donation amount gets you what
  • Stretch Goal Chart (to show what our stretch goals are)
I will be able to provide reference images!

If interested, please send me a PM with your rates and some examples of your work! Our kickstarter is launching by the end of august and we'll need the work done before then. Thank you!

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