[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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UPDATE 8/2/2021!

#421 Post by SweetChiel »

​​Hey, guys! What's up?
I drew a lot last week, never thought I'd be able to be so productive x_x

I told you that I wanted to make a 'ruined' version of Spring Village, didn't I? I was going to make it simple, like black & white style... but making a stylish black & white background isn't as easy as I thought it'd be 😂 I mean, we're about to face the last boss so I gotta do my best with the backgrounds to match the atmosphere! ​​

What kind of atmosphere? Well, here's a sneak peek for you:
(Full sneak peek preview is available for my $5 patrons~​)


For now, I finished 7 backgrounds​ in total and I think I'll add more variety for the Bad Ends.
I gotta pace myself tho, adjusting the brightness/contrast for these backgrounds are not easy for my eyes x'D
In addition, I drew something small for Valentine! I hope I can finish it on time -^.^)/​

Also, I did some programming!


12 pages are programmed in but take this with a grain of salt. Some scenes are revised again because I don't think they're that important ><

On another note... my keyboard seemed to have developed some problems x_x
I can't type square brackets and my right arrow is also unresponsive. I wonder if it's because they're dirty? I gotta bring it to be serviced later.

Hmm... I think that's it for now, here's hoping for another productive week! OuO)b
Thanks for reading, take care, and see you again next week!


Q&A session part 28! If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away!

- Do you know some jokes? Tell me your best joke!​​ -by: Sesame seed

Guntur: "I'm not good at telling jokes, but Kahlil is!"

Kahlil: "I am! Let's see... What is the most groundbreaking invention of all times?"

Arya: "Fuck me. Here we go again--"

​Kahlil: "--A shovel! ​​Hahahahahaha!"

​Kahlil: "Knock knock!"

​Guntur: "Who's there?"

Kahlil : "A little old lady."

Guntur: "A little old lady who?"

Kahlil: "I didn't know you can yodel, Tur. HA! Get it?"

*Kahlil & Guntur laughs while Arya covers his ears*

​Kahlil: "Aw, c'mon Arya. My dad jokes will grow on you!"

​Arya: "Nothing grows on me... except hair."

Kahlil: "Pfft--that's a good one!"

*Arya rolls his eyes*

- Are you a cat or a dog person? -by : FinchTheBinch

Guntur: "It's not convenient for me to commit and have a pet, but if I have to choose between a puppy or a kitty... a puppy it is!"

Arya: "Don't know. Never got one and don't have the time for it."

Kahlil: "Isn't it obvious?" *points at his Hell'A Kitty jacket & hairpins* "I love cats! Unfortunately, they don't like me irl."​

Kahlil: "I once had a hamster called Fatty though, but... it died because of obese."

Kahlil: " ...I don't think I'm a good owner." ​Q^Q


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Happy Valentine! <3

#422 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys!
I'm making an otome games so of course I celebrate Valentine! x'D
Here's a little something from me <3 It took longer than I thought and it's been a long time since I tried my hand at semi realism without outlines so I'm a bit rusty, but here you go:


"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres​"​ -- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

​Honestly, I was planning on something bigger, like a more complete picture, but I ran out of time Q_Q
The early sketch is this one:

It depicts the love of a Lamia with a Fae, where despite their differences, they still love each other.
You might find them familiar though. They're my OCs from 2015 and they have a special place in my heart so I decided to do a remake of them ^///^ In the future, when I have the time, maybe I'll continue this original sketch & polish them <3
For those who don't know/haven't seen them before, here's the two of them, born at 2015:


For my $5 patrons on Patreon, you'll be able to download the raw .PSD file! It's a bit messy in there though, so download at your own risk >_<;
Also... heads up, but because I've been too immersed making this piece (and there are Chinese New Year plus celebrating valentine with my bf in between), I wasn't able to do much progress with Bermuda this week, so... *bows* ​m(_ _)m please excuse me if tomorrow's update is a bit lacking!
With that said, Happy Valentine! Share the love and share the sweets!


P.S. The sketch looks better than the final version, I know Q_Q This keeps happening to me--I didn't make him grin because it made him look too evil (like he has something sly in his mind so I changed it, hoping to make him look more gentle/soft). As for the Fae, I kept messing up with her lips and eyes during the polishing phase, I'll need to work harder later/re-polish it later when I go with the original sketch.

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Small Update 15/2/2021!

#423 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys!
I got bad news and good news, which one do you want to hear first? 😂

Let's go with the bad news first; what I told you yesterday happened. I didn't get to do much progress due to being immersed making Valentine art QuQ I did drew a few things for Bermuda though:
- Made 2 new enemy silhouettes for the final arc
- Made 2 new item icons
- Edited 1 sprite (new variation)

​Sadly, no progress on programming due to not having much time left ><; I was very busy due to Chinese New Year and celebrating Valentine with my bf.

Speaking of my bf, the good news is related to him; he's not my bf anymore, he's now my fiancé X'D *throws confetti before getting embarrassed & hides under my blanket

​It was unexpected and very embarrassing because I cried a little QuQ
We're going to take slow steps, let the idea sink in first, then preparing mentally & physically (lots of preparation for that). I felt happy but also sad. I mean, while the marriage won't be happening soon, I worry about my mom a lot--but I should be overthinking because our houses in the future won't be so far apart. It's literally only 20 minutes away if there's no traffic. I also worry about my doggos, it'll feel weird without having Juno/Kiara laying on my feet while I work but at least they'll accompany my mom... if I could, I'll bring them all to live together with me but there are circumstances Q_Q

Welp, I can talk more but let's stop here before I cry again x'D

I guess that's it, what a start of a new year.
I hope you guys also had a great weekend! Still, don't forget to wash your hands often, eat, drink, and get plenty of rest so you don't get burnt out!


Q&A session part 29! If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away!

- For what in your life do you feel most grateful?​ -by : Yanonako

​Guntur: "That I'm able to eat delicious food until I'm full. Trust me, it might look/feel like something insignificant but good food will make your days better and have something to look forward to."

​Kahlil: "Mine is similar to Guntur's; that someone invented sweets! Even if your heart feels bitter/sad, eating sweets will comfort you when you don't have/want to talk to someone."

Arya: "That I'm still alive."

​*Arya's short answer shocked Guntur & Kahlil. They processed it for a while before giving him a BIG group hug

​Arya: "What the fuck?! Get off me!"​

- Would you mind being asked out/proposed to instead of the other way around? ​ -by: ro-ses (What a coincidence, eh? X'D)

Guntur: "I'd be very surprised and maybe a little regretful because I want to be the one who asked the question. But it's fine I guess, I like an assertive woman." *winks

Kahlil: "I think it doesn't matter who asked out/proposed first. It's sweet either way because it means they're thinking of a future with us and if we love each other, isn't it natural that we'd want to be together with them forever?"

Arya: "......Fuck. This thing is too sweet for me." *Arya looks a bit nauseous & tries to run away but get stopped by Guntur and Kahlil

​Kahlil: "C'mon, Arya! I'm sure everyone is curious what your answer is!"

Arya: "There's no answer because I've never thought of making a future or whatnot with anyone! There's no way I'd drag someone else to my shitty life, I got nothing to offer besides my fucking temper."

Guntur: "You say this now but wait until you meet the right person."

Arya: *snorts in disbelief "There's no fucking person. No one will be able to handle my fucking temper."

Kahlil : "D'aww, it's okay, Arya! You still have us!"

Arya: "Fuck--for the last time, get off me!"


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UPDATE 22/2/2021!

#424 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys!
How did your week go? Mine didn't go so well because I got sick ^^;

The cause is... well... um... will you think I'm silly if I say I can't sleep well for four days straight because I got too excited/happy that I got proposed? :'D I caught a cold and a mild fever, on top of that, it's also that 'time of the month'.

Even so, I'm still smiling--but the thing is; because I'm too happy, I can't focus/relate to the bad endings I'm supposed to program! OTL


I programmed in 10 pages Q_Q I know, it's not much.
This is the first time I feel so complicated; my body feels heavy(because I'm still sick) but my heart feels light, I feel guilty but the lingering happiness is still there! When I think about how I'll go with my bf to resize my engagement ring tomorrow (it's a little too big), I'm over the moon and forgetting everything else. What the heck am I experiencing right now??

I managed to finish 3 alternate backgrounds I'll be using for the first Bad Ending though.
The first bad ending will happen if you trust the wrong person. Depending on whose route you're with, the ending will be slightly different. BUT! There will be a different set of Bad Endings if you avoided the first bad end, fought the antagonist, and lost.

Yup, tension is rising for Maya's group so I need to get myself together! Q_Q

*bows* m(_ _)m
In any case, I apologize to everyone for causing inconvenience! As compensation, please accept these two sneak peeks:



Colors absent, the sky was red, the buildings were damaged, and the trees either withered or burnt.
Would you still enter and face the abyss despite them all?

I hope you guys had a great week and didn't get sick like me ><
I'll do my best to get into the right mood ASAP--maybe with watching some horror movies/horror game walkthrough?​
In the meantime, rest well and don't forget to eat/drink--see you again next time!


Q&A session part 30! No one submitted a question so I'll have some fun with them ^.^ If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away!

1. Who's the bigger baby when they're sick?

*Guntur and Arya simultaneously looked at Kahlil*

Kahlil: "Oh c'mon, guys! I'm not that bad!"

Guntur: "He keeps asking for sweets."

Arya: "He's fucking noisy and snores when he's sick."

Kahlil: "I don't snore! And what's wrong with eating sweets when I feel bad?"

Guntur: "You always end up vomiting them back out."

Kahlil: "Then I'll eat more!"

*Arya looks at Kahlil in disgust*

Arya: "Fortunately, you're not a woman. I can only imagine how worse it'll get if you get fucking pregnant."

Kahlil: "Hey!"

2. Who has the better shower singing voice?

Kahlil & Guntur: "Me!"

*They looked at each other*

Kahlil & Guntur: "Obviously me!"

Kahlil & Guntur: "Arya, what do you think? Who's better?"

Arya: *grumbles* "Both of you are loud and about the same. Whenever I took a bath in the river with you two, I have to cut my time short because I can't stand it (loud noises)."

Kahlil: "Then what about you? We've never heard you sing."

Arya: "I don't. do. singing."

Guntur: "Does humming count? He sometimes do that when he's working with that laptop of his. He's pretty good."

Kahlil: "Is that so? I'm still better than you though."

*Kahlil and Guntur continues to argue while Arya stays out of it*

Me: "I'll leave the decision to you guys~"


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Last edited by SweetChiel on Mon Mar 01, 2021 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#425 Post by Antizaba »

I just came to say, I'm really looking forward to this game :)
After not visiting this forums for a very long time, I've just read a big bunch of your update posts, and it made me super excited for the game!

Good luck with the development and congrats on your engagement! :)

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#426 Post by SweetChiel »

Antizaba wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 4:50 am I just came to say, I'm really looking forward to this game :)
After not visiting this forums for a very long time, I've just read a big bunch of your update posts, and it made me super excited for the game!

Good luck with the development and congrats on your engagement! :)
D'aww, thank you for your blessings and support, Antizaba!
I really appreciate it, especially when I'm not as fast as other game developers QuQ
I hope you'll bear with me just a bit longer!



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UPDATE 1/3/2021!

#427 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hey, guys! What's up?
Sorry for being late, I overslept >< I'm much better now though! The programming is doing well!


- 21 pages are programmed in and I did some intense polishing--especially on the branchings ^.^)/ I revisited horror movies and similar novels to get in the mood, like Constantine, Ready or Not, the Devil Elevator, the Conjuring... QuQ they're good but I still can't handle the jumpscares. Strangely, I'm okay writing them *cough* so a little warning here, but you might feel that the genre suddenly jumps from fantasy to dark-fantasy-slash-horror after you meet the antagonist.

- Added new sound effects, edited the enemy sprites, and added 2 new BGMs (tense & horror)! ​These are technical things that I fiddle with often. To give more impact and the likes ><

Hmm, the bad end I wrote this time isn't quite satisfying. But maybe I should keep the big guns for the bachelors' bad ends OuO)b
After all, bitterness and hardship will enhance the sweetness of happy ends!

Other than that, I'm bracing myself for the battle scenes ahead >_<;
There's more than one battle scene, each will involve lots of special effects and moving sprites. It'll take lots of time because I need to check them repeatedly (whether the sprites move like I want them to, positioning, etc...). There's going to be a scene dedicated to explaining the mystery revolving around the Spring Village, but after that? More battle scenes x'D

Let's continue working hard, everyone! But don't skip your meals and rest plenty!


Q&A session part 31! If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away!

1. Which one of you draws better? --​by: Sesame seeds

Kahlil: "Me!"

Kahlil: "When I was a child, my dream is to have/work in a toy factory. So of course I need to be able to draw so I can design new, revolutionary toys!"

Guntur: "Can't argue with that. My drawing is limited to stick man figures. Arya might be better at drawing than me.​"

Arya: "No, I've never drawn before."

​Kahlil: "Oh? It's never too late to start. Tur, bring us a paper and a pencil."

​Arya: "Fuck no. What good will it bring for me? I'd rather work."

Kahlil: *pouts* "You're no fun."

2. Do you want kids? If so, how many? --​by: Steph :)

Guntur: "In the future?" *chuckle* "Yes, maybe one or two."

Kahlil: "As much as we can afford! Boys or girls, I don't care as long as they're healthy."

​Guntur: "I agree. No matter the gender, the most important thing is that they're healthy.​

​Arya: "........."

Kahlil: "Arya? What's wrong?"

Arya: "I envy you guys for being able to answer so easily."

Arya: "I'm an orphan. I don't have any parental figure to speak of except for the ones who abandoned me. Having children is the last thing on my mind lest I make them as miserable as me."

​*Guntur & Kahlil looks at each other for a moment*

​*Then, they pulled Arya into a group hug*

​Arya: "Fucking get off me--this is why I hate questionnaires! I shouldn't have answered! I don't need your fucking pity!"

Guntur, Kahlil, & me: "We love you, Arya!"


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Last edited by SweetChiel on Sun Mar 07, 2021 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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UPDATE 8/3/2021!

#428 Post by SweetChiel »

​​Morning, guys!
How did your week go? Mine was so-so. I was mostly preoccupied with making the antagonist's fighting pose and expressions. They came out pretty good OuO)b​


- Programmed in 14 pages! More polishing here​~ especially with the antagonist's dialogue. Girl, you won't believe how much time I spent contemplating on this x'D I want to try making them not cliche, but it's hard!

​- Created antagonist's fighting pose (with 3 variations) & lots of new expressions for both normal/fighting pose! I haven't count how many expressions exactly (haven't program them all), but I made 1 new eyebrow variation, 4 eyes variation, and 3 mouth variation. I should be able to combine lots of new variation from them :3

​- Polished Kahlil's fighting pose! ​I forgot whether I have shown it to you or not, but if you haven't, here's a treat for you ^.^)/


I slanted him a little to make it more like he's in motion, edited his hair, hand, and added shadow! It's not perfect but I'm quite satisfied with it :'3 Oh, and don't worry about his face, this is what his base looks like before I program in the blinking eyes and eyebrow x'D​

​Other than that, my mom and I are starting to prepare for my wedding. I thought it'd happen next year... but turns out I'm getting married this November ^^; and since I'm Chinese, there are LOTS to do. From the clothes, the place to stay, reception, furniture--don't even get me started with the church ceremony. My fiancé and I are kinda overwhelmed, with hens flying, dogs jumping, and our parents breathing down our necks (mayhem).

Actually, it's not that bad if we take things slow, but yeah... you'll get what I mean if you know how many ceremony there are with Chinese & Asian parents x'D

Don't worry about Bermuda tho! I'll always do some progress every week! >:D

I guess that's it for now, I hope you guys are doing well over there!
Don't forget to rest and don't skip your meals! Other than that, let's continue to work hard together! \(OuO)/


Q&A session part 32! If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away!

1. Would any of the cast enjoy horror movies? --by: wagamama keimochi

Kahlil: "Oh hell no! I don't enjoy it one bit!"

Arya: "Sure, the screams, the blood splatter... oooh, I'm so scared I pissed myself."

​*Arya seems like he's more annoyed than scared really*

Guntur: "What's so scary about it? It's just a guy with a knife or an electric saw."

​Guntur: "I can do it too."

*Arya and Kahlil gave him a look*

Guntur: "What? Anyone can fight back given the right equipment."

Kahlil: "O-oh, so that's what you mean! Phew, let's move on to the next question!"

2. Do they consider themselves currently happy? --by: LoveSickBee

Guntur: "Sure, I have a roof over my head and food to eat."

Kahlil: "Yes! Ever since I live with Guntur, every day is so exciting!"

​Kahlil: "He's also a great cook, I just hope he'll allow me to eat more sweets..."

Guntur: "No, you already eat too much as it is. Anymore will ruin your appetite."

​*Arya clicks his tongue*

​Arya: "What do you use to measure 'happiness'?"

​Arya: "Money, of. course! Some said money can't buy happiness--I call it bullshit."

Arya: "With money, you don't need to think about how to pay the bills. Never have to face loan sharks or other things that can be solved with money..."

Arya: "That's why, currently, I'm not happy."

​Kahlil: "Are you having some financial problems, Arya? We can help you, but we can't if you don't tell us."

Arya: "Fuck no. This is mine to solve."


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UPDATE 15/3/2021!

#429 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hey, guys!
Sorry for being late! I got too immersed with fixing a bug and forgot to post an update until now QuQ
So, without further ado, here's what I did last week:


- 18 pages programmed in!​ ​I'm in the middle of programming a fast-paced scene where you'll have lots of timed menu options--if you continuously make a mistake, you'll get a bad end </3 It's not that hard though! You might even find it funny ><

- Programmed in 4 more expressions for antagonist's normal sprite! I also did some finishing touches for his fighting sprite ^.^

- The usual polishing + fixed the latest bug involving the timed menu options. ​

Overall, I'm still not quite satisfied with how some scenes turn out--I might have to program all of them first before testing again. But I'll definitely tinker polish them until I can get the right 'feeling'! Or maybe, you can help me with that when the time comes for beta-testing ;)

Other than that...
Here's a full body character sheet you can use as a reference if anyone want to make a fanart -^.^- (request made by: AceAlex)


I'm a little embarassed--I was not very creative when it comes to designing shoes (still is ><; )
I considered showing Guntur's massive tattoo on his back & the 'layers' of their clothes but... nah. I'll save them for you so you can fully enjoy 'stripping' them off later in-game //hammer (Is it too late for me to repent and try to sound modest? I mean, I've shown you the bachelors naked with only towels covering their wohoo areas... but honestly, the story won't be as erotic as I described them x'D)


In any case, the programming is doing well! Albeit a little slower than before QAQ
I followed my fiancé's advice and started exercising. On top of that, my mother-in-law-to-be scheduled Spa, Facial, Skincare, Waxing, etc next week.. hopefully I can survive them! Others might think of this as a relaxing bonding time, but it's a challenge for me because I've never cared much about my appearance before. Honestly, in my mind, this Spa/Facial/Skincare are luxuries and why bother if we'll all get old and eventually get wrinkles? The money can be used to pay better things, like the bill, food, save for later for our future child... am I 'weird' for thinking like this?

Welp, either way, it's time to say goodbye to my dream of becoming a potato couch and become healthier x'D
Hopefully, things will change for the better~


Q&A session part 33! There are lots of excellent questions submitted this time so I'll answer 3 of them today! ^.^
If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away!​

1. Does surgery scares you?​​--by: Sesame seed​

Kahlil: *shivers* "Definitely! Doesn't that mean they'll cut you open?"

​Arya: "Scaredy cat."

Kahlil: "...!"

​Arya: "Like it or not, some diseases need to be treated with surgery or you won't get better."

Arya: "As long you trust the doctor and he's skilled, there's nothing to be afraid of... even though it's as expensive as fuck."

Guntur: "Pfft--true."

​Guntur: "It's okay to be scared though. Going under a knife is scary of you think about it, but the truth is you'll be sleeping the entire time so you won't feel anything."

​Kahlil: "I see..." *shot Guntur a knowing look before looking away*

2. How will the boys respond to people saying "Oh, dayuuuum, you're hot" to them? ​​​--by: PangHerHeart​

​Guntur: "I'll wink at them. Compliments are always welcome."

Kahlil: "I'll say they have great taste! It's not a sin to appreciate beauty!"

Arya: "Oh sure, you're beautiful alright."

Kahlil: "Why, thank you Ar--"

*Kahlil realised something*

Kahlil: "--Hey wait a minute! You can't see!"

​Arya: "Exactly."

3. What kind of wedding would they like?​​--by: owo

Guntur: "Eh... I don't know much about it so I'll let the ladies decide (meaning; wife-to-be and mother-in-law-to-be)

​Kahlil: "Oh don't even start--there's much to prepare for a wedding!"

​Kahlil: "It's a once in a lifetime event so I'll definitely get involved. Slowly but surely, one by one, I'll plan it with my loved one."

​*Kahlil continues to ramble, leaving Arya to answer last*

Arya: "Less is more. Nothing too extravagant. It's should be a private, personal, intimate event."

Arya: "That is... if I ever get married."


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UPDATE 22/3/2021!

#430 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! What's up?
I hope you guys had an awesome week 'cause mine was hectic x'D

I didn't get to enjoy spa/bonding time with my mother-in-law-to-be (it got postponed) because we've been busy collecting the required documents for the church ceremonials! Honestly, I never thought it'd be this complicated ^^; I'm sweating just trying to remember what documents are needed and whether I forgot something--we also need to attend catholic wedding prep online class and get a certificate, which is a requirement for another thing and so on. It feels like a chain quest x'D

Still, I managed to secure some time to program Bermuda!


19 pages are programmed in!​
​Most of them are fighting animations with branchings. There are still more to come QuQ


I also​ added some special effects! ​
Remember the timed menu options? In this event, a blood splatter will appear on each corner of the screen every time you make a mistake. Four strikes and game over ;)

Hmm... I think that's it for this week's update.
It's been a while since I show you a screenshot~​ I don't want to spoil you but this much should be okay, right?

Welp, in any case, I gotta go now and work on the wedding invitation designs! Gotta make a few so we can compare and choose. I want to take it slow but they've been asking for it so... yeah x_x

Ciao, my lovelies! See you again next week!


No Q&A session today because the author is busy!
However, if you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away!​ ^.^)/


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UPDATE 29/3/2021!

#431 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi guys! What's up?
I'm really sorry for the late update--I've been so busy, I actually forgot today is Monday :'D

I've finished submitting the documents for the church ceremonials and wedding prep online class! We only need to wait now and hopefully, nothing will go wrong when I meet the wedding organiser and photographer. I also finished the wedding invitation designs--I got into a small argument with my mother-in-law; you know my palette, right? I like bright and cheerful colours but she wanted it to be simple and elegant, so... I compromised. It's not a big deal, it might be the pressure talking when we argued OuO; everyone were busy and hectic, our grumpiness level just went through the roof!

In any case, I've managed to secure some time to program Bermuda!


- 19 pages programmed in once more!​ We're entering the beginnings of a drama--I... might went a bit overboard with it. I should tone it down later, especially when there's more drama to come x'D (Or I'm just overthinking things as usual lol, I'll just program it and slowly polish it like usual!)

- Programmed in 1 last side character! ​This one have a face, so yup, a new and new expressions!

- New sound effects, new flashbacks... you know, the small details in order to increase the immersion~

And that's it!
I'm a little worried with the info dumps I'm trying to fit into the later part of Bermuda, but then again, there's an Open Beta for a reason!
I'll trust my proofreaders and the feedbacks! I look forward to polishing Bermuda further! OuO)b​

Take care and see you guys next week!
Let's keep up the good work and be productive!


Q&A session part 34! If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away!

1. Do the cast have any personal philosophies and moral codes they follow?--by: LoveSickBee​

Kahlil: "Work hard, play hard!"

Guntur: "Eat well, live well. Spend more time with your family."

Arya: "Life is harsh. Deal with it and don't wait for something to change because it fucking won't. You need to fucking work for it. Oh, and everything needs money."

*Guntur and Kahlil nodded solemnly at Arya's words of wisdom*

2. Are you a floor person (meaning you like to stay on the floor)?​--by: Sesame seed

*Kahlil and Guntur shared a look*

Kahlil: "Uhh, are you asking me if I like to sit on the floor?"

Kahlil: "I don't mind sitting on the floor, but if there's a sofa, I'd hop on it."

Guntur: "As for me, I like sitting on a carpet more than a sofa."

Guntur & Kahlil: "Arya?"

​​Arya: "...You're asking me, who's sitting almost 24/7 working with a laptop, whether I like sitting on the floor?"

Arya: "The answer is; fuck no. Have you seen my ass? It can't go any more flat!"

​Kahlil: "Pfft--hahahahaha! Arya just admitted that he has a flat ass!"

Arya: "Shut the fuck up or I'll make yours as flat."

Kahlil: "......"


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UPDATE 5/4/2021!

#432 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?
I'm a bit late again today, still as busy as ever ><

My fiancé and I have just finished planning where and when to take the PreWedding pictures!
We're going to visit Bandung on July and hopefully, things will go as smooth as this week's programming progress -^.^)/


- Programmed in 23 pages! This includes the usual polishing and new sound effects <3
Still a long way to go before the climax/final fight, but we're getting there! >:D

- Fixed some minor loopholes! Only small changes but I'm glad I noticed them! ><

- Polished 2 of Arya's CGs! Anatomy fixing~
Sneakpeek through a key's hole is available for my $5 Patrons on Patreon >///<

Aaand... that's it!
I'm still going to be busy with my wedding preps but it's easier now. I think there's only the wedding cake and wedding rings to decide... ? I hope I'm not forgetting anything @@

In any case, cheers for another productive week! \(>u<)/
I hope you guys also had one heck of a week--don't skip your meals and rest plenty! I heard covid mutated again so stay cautious O-O;


Q&A session part 35! Since no one submitted a question, I'll have fun today! If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away ^.^

1. Who takes the longest to get ready?

*Arya and Guntur simultaneously looked at Kahlil*

Kahlil: "What? I have long hair and a tail to brush!"

Guntur: "Before this you sometimes hog our apartment's bathroom for two hours. What do you have to say to that?"

Kahlil: "Facial care."

Guntur: "......"

Arya: "There's your answer."

2. Which one of you is the most romantic?

*Arya looks away while Kahlil throw Guntur a knowing look*

Kahlil: "I... think it's Guntur."

Guntur: "What makes you say that?"

Kahlil: "Well... I don't have any experience while I've seen you woo and kis--hmpf!"

*Guntur hastily covered Kahlil's mouth*

Guntur: "You don't know that. While I have the experience, Arya might be more romantic than me."

Kahlil: "Arya? Him?"

Guntur: "There's a saying for a man like him; 'cold in the streets, beast in the sheets'."

Arya: "What the fuck?!"


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UPDATE 12/4/2021!

#433 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?
I hope you didn't wait long >_<

Last week, I thought I got everything prepared, but lo and behold! I forgot about my wedding shoes and earrings :'))

I got my ears pierced today but I still haven't found the right shoes--this is more difficult that I thought it would be. Turns out that beautiful and comfortable shoes are hard to find :'D

I'm still doing my best with Bermuda tho!


- 16 pages programmed in! I didn't program as much as last week--but wait! There's more!

- Programmed in new expressions for 3 important side characters (5 in total, will make more this week). These expressions are important! The drama is coming soon and I'm going to nail it! >:D

- Created 3 new visual effect/variations for important items!

- Made 1 new background variation (Ruined ver) and polished 1 old background! (I've polished this background before, but I decided to polish it more ><). Since it's been a long time, here's a special sneak peek for you -^.^-


Not bad, right?
Oh! Also, there's something I want to ask you:
- What do you think about me releasing my future games in routes? Example: Mystic Destinies, Anicon...

KyiSoRo made this suggestion and I think it's a good idea to try? I mean, I can release the game's content faster and the price is usually based on the final price of the game. If the whole game is 20$, then if I have 4 bachelors, it'll be 5$ per route! This way, you can play earlier, give me feedback to improve other route, and the fund flow will be better. But the con would be: I'm unable to touch the released routes. No more polishing once I release it (which is kinda 'eeh'... ^^; you know me. I love polishing!)

I'm still 50:50 on this so tell me what you think!


P.S. Other than work... um... I've been addicted to a K-drama TV series lately OuO; 'Penthouse' anyone? *runs away

But seriously, I'm hooked to it and it's frustrating that it's not completed yet! It's entering season 3 now...

The author is taking a break from Q&A session!
She is looking forward to hear your answer regarding the question above~


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UPDATE 19/4/2021!

#434 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! What's up?
I hope you guys had a fun and productive week!

I have a lot to talk about today so without further ado, let's get on with it!


- 19 pages programmed in! Not bad, but there's going to be lots of polishing in the future. I can already imagine my proofreader's face when she sees this mess :'))

I really admire k-drama scriptwriters sometimes. Their storytelling skill is completely on another level. They're able to write complicated circumstances AND explain them in an easy-to-understand way! I need this! D:

- Made more expressions for the important side characters (a new set of Surprised eyes + Shouting mouth)

- Polished the BGMs and SFXs! Currently, I'm in a dilemma over a background music I used for the 'big reveal'. You know... that moment when the Antagonist's identity is revealed?

Originally, I was planning to use a BGM created by Kevin MacLeod:

But then I found out that this BGM is already used in another otome game titled 'Demonheart'
Can't blame them for having great taste! It's really hard to find another music with the same 'feeling'/'impact'.

The problem is: Will you remember Demonheart when you hear this music? I don't want you getting distracted during the 'big reveal' :S
Am I overthinking again?

Last but not least, I want to thank you all for sharing your thoughts concerning the future of my games! *bows* m(_ _)m
It was a close call but I see more people are leaning towards 'complete release/all at once' rather than 'releasing in routes'. Personally, I'm also leaning towards 'complete release'. I can do quality control easier and polishing won't be a problem.

However, if I you want me to, I can try release a game in routes.
Please take note that due to my limited programming skills, I will treat them as different games with completely different stories.

I'll be out of my comfort zone but if it's for you guys, I don't mind trying something new in order to lessen your burden (a.k.a waiting time). Really, I can't say this enough, but I'm really grateful with how patient you guys have been with me QuQ

In any case, let's focus on finishing Bermuda first.
Afterwards, I will create a voting event for my next game. I already have something in mind and it could be released either way. Be it 'all at once' or 'in routes'.

Who knows? Maybe you'll change your mind by then ;)


We have a lot to take in today so the author will take another break from Q&A session!


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UPDATE 26/4/2021!

#435 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! How did your week go?
Anyone fasting? If yes, I wish you the best of luck! \(-^.^-)/

Last week was pretty slow for me, still looking for the wedding shoes with little luck x'D
But the great news is that I did lots of programming!


32 pages programmed in! I got quite immersed with the route branching OuO;
There will be one more confrontation (with 3 branches, depending on whose route you're in) before the big final fight! Let's goooo! \(>o<)/

I'm also very happy & relieved to hear that I'm overthinking about last week's BGM rofl
Thanks for having my back, guys!

Last but not least, don't forget to take care of yourself! Don't skip your meals and drink lots of water!
See you again next week~


Q&A session part 36! Since no one submitted a question, I'll have fun today! If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away ^.^

1. Who is the pickier eater?

Guntur & Arya: "Kahlil."

Kahlil: *sneaks away*

Guntur: "Kahlil! How many times do I have to tell you to STOP eating sweets before your meals?! You'll ruin your appetite!"


Kahlil: "Tsk."

Arya: "Heh."

2. Who’s more likely to cry during a sad/touching movie?

*Plays the movie Homeward Bound* may contain spoiler for those who haven't watched it*

​Guntur & Arya: "......"

Kahlil: "......*sniff*"

​Guntur: "Kahlil, the dog is fine."

Kahlil: "B-but he's old and hurt! Can he really make it?"

*The ending plays*


Guntur: "I told you so."

Arya: "...I like the cat better."

Guntur: "Of course, Sassy--wait, why are you looking away?"

Guntur: "Huh? Your cheeks are wet?"

Arya: "Shut the fuck up!"


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