Credit of soundtracks (if in a wrong way)

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Credit of soundtracks (if in a wrong way)

#1 Post by szebi444 »

Okay, i'm literally super-duper dumb, sorry about that. What if i credit a cc soundtrack in a wrong way? What can i except for? For an example: POV - You are searching for cc and free for commercial use musics, you found some but from different sites, which means they have different licenses... (x_x i am died lmao) So you are just credit them in the game's "about" section.
What if they want it in a different way?
Also, is there an option, which way i am ABLE just to credit in one way?

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Re: Credit of soundtracks (if in a wrong way)

#2 Post by Imperf3kt »

There isnt any particular requirements for how you credit the license holder, just that you do it somehow.

Some licenses however, will stipulate how to credit the IP owner, so you should follow those requests when found.
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Re: Credit of soundtracks (if in a wrong way)

#3 Post by szebi444 »

Okay, thank you! I just got a page from an author, where should i find musics, and when i read the license, i found this: "You can’t use the music in applications allowing an end user to customise a digital or physical product to their specific needs, such as “on demand” and “build it yourself” applications. You may use the music in these ways only if you purchase a separate extended license for each customer using the Item."
It's a bit formal for me, so i not really understand what does it exactly mean: "allowing an end user to customise a digital or physical product to their specific needs, such as “on demand” and “build it yourself” applications."

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Re: Credit of soundtracks (if in a wrong way)

#4 Post by Imperf3kt »

In not a lawyer, so this advice is only my understanding.
I believe what that means is you can use the music in games and applications, but only where it is part of the soundtrack, and not user modifyable, such as a game that allows you to make music with samples of the music. On demand, to me, means the player can listen to the track at will, such as through a "music room"

Again, you would have to contact the license holder or a lawyer to be sure.
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Re: Credit of soundtracks (if in a wrong way)

#5 Post by szebi444 »

Well, thank you!

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