GraveKeeper's Academy [Fantasy][Paranormal][School]

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GraveKeeper's Academy [Fantasy][Paranormal][School]

#1 Post by Firgof »

The Hook

Author's Note: Some of these screenshots depict placeholder content, such as the CGs and backgrounds in some of the scenes and shots.

Screenshots from the Demo (Click for full size)
Image Image

Early Version of Part One, Burial Mound :: [Click Here]
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Game Info.
Content Warnings: Depictions of Death, Descriptions of Corpse Decay, Realistic Bloodshed, Fantasy Violence, Mild Swearing, Alcohol Consumption, Brief/Artistic Nudity, References to Racism and Sexual Violence, and Scenes which highlight, contemplate, or directly reference Suicide.

Estimated Game Length: First Route (12~ Hours), Second Route (10~ Hours), Third Route (11~ Hours). Total Estimated Time (34 Hours, incl. Bad Ends, not incl. potential Puzzle/RPG/Roguelike Gameplay Elements).

Commercial/Free: This is a Commercial project with a free first episode. Price to be determined but each subsequent episode may be between 3 and 7 dollars and feature 1.5 to 4 hours of content.

Estimated Release Date: Oct 2021 for final version of Part One, Late 2022 for Steam launch and Episode 2.

Character Profiles

World Setting
GraveKeeper's Academy is part of the Untamed World universe, a multi-layered post-apocalyptic fantasy world where Gods walk the same soil as Men and Fantastic Technological Wonders gather rust and mud amidst Renaissance-era Technology. A world of science, horror, piety, magic, and politics.

Of particular relevance to this game is how Souls and Spirits work, especially as it relates to Voshim the Goddess of Natural Death, Decay, and Luck. In this world, a 'Soul' has gravity and weight to it. Without a body to keep Souls separate they become un-anchored and can be easily pried out by Necromancers, congeal into horrifying abominations, or even re-materialize physically into Banshee and the like.

Worse, the Body acts as a critical means of maintenance to a Soul's "Living Memory". Without constant maintenance a Soul's memories and actions degrade and they will both metaphorically and literally start to 'lose themselves'. A Soul that decays to nothing becomes an empty will devoid of purpose; a true prize for a Necromancer due to it being an effortless thing to manipulate or contain.

As a result of all that the societies of the world have enlisted the divine aid of the Gods as well as the mettle of mortals to ensure that the dead are tended to and quickly. Large scale conflicts cause terror in the hearts of all and there is immense social stratification between those who merely tend graves and those who employ real Divine Power to caretake and wrangle the Dead - to the point that particularly prestigious lines of GraveKeepers are Nobles in their own right. Additionally mortals have convinced Lady Death to, on occasion, permit them to travel with Nosferatu; the souls of those Departed called back to the world by the Gravemother.

Thus GraveKeepers have formed a Society of both Mortals and the Dead all their own and, within that Society, Academies to foster new generations of GraveKeepers to beat back the terrors that lie beyond the grave. A necessary invention: Spirits are difficult even for the trained to handle and can not be beaten by simply throwing bodies and spears at them, and so it is an extremely dangerous line of work that often results in casualties.

In modern times, the privileged dead are buried in Grand Tombs; large, pyramid-like, structures surrounded by a fog that devours those who bear ill intents towards the interred. Within these labyrinthine structures built in part through the divine favor of the Gods are found the GraveKeepers' Academies; academic institutions run wholly by the GraveKeepers outside the authority and command of all but Kings and their Courts. At such an Institution, but a prestigious one even among the Academies, this story unfolds.

Next to each Chapter Heading will be a (%). That represents an estimate of how much of that chapter has been completed when this post was last updated.

[Route One :: Fire in the Sky (Semi-kinetic Route)]
  • Part 1: Burial Shroud (68%)
  1. Prologue (90%)
  2. Morte Aeterna(75%)
  3. From Rags(60%)
  4. Awaken(65%)
  5. Dreams(50%)
  • Part 2: Active Decay (20%)
  1. Roleplaying
  2. Duel
  3. Mother
  4. Heavy is the Crown
  • Part 3: Miasma (20%)
  1. Calming the Storm
  2. Intersection
  3. Critical Role
  4. Melee!
  • Part 4: Rot (20%)
  1. Alone
  2. Together
  3. Exam
  • Part 5: Bone (20%)
  1. One
  2. Holy Gale
  3. The Path Time Forgot
  4. The Time the Path Forgot
  5. And Then There Were None
  • 6: Dust (20%)
  1. (Prayers) Down
  2. (Final) Stand
  3. Sign (Your Name)
  4. (Do Not) Bow
  5. After (School)
Series Two :: Prayer Answered (xxxxx Route) (17%)
{NG+ from Series 1}

Series Three :: The Last Cry (xxxxx Route) (10%)
{Alternate Series 2 Route}

Just me at the moment!
Wanted: Beta Readers, Editor
Last edited by Firgof on Sun Aug 22, 2021 10:03 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: GraveKeeper's Academy [Dark Fantasy][Paranormal][School]

#2 Post by papillon »

Curious about this one, but I don't really have the time to dig into a demo right now. Can you tell us a little more about the story? The protagonist is a student, right? Are they one of the listed characters, or a separate player-created one?

I'm not totally clear if we are playing the goddess of death in disguise or if that's just part of the story around us. I think that's probably the protagonist, but I had to read the post up top a few times to be sure about it. If she is the central point, there's not much said about her yet IMO. I know for me personally a better understanding of the protagonist and their immediate emotional motivations helps get me more interested in stepping into the story.

(Listing 'cautious' and 'reckless' at the same time, which seem like complete opposites, is a little confusing?)

Without having played it, though, I'm generally in favor of adding some little gameplay elements to what would otherwise be a choiceless story. Having no interactivity makes VN-style presentation really drag, IMO.

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Re: GraveKeeper's Academy [Dark Fantasy][Paranormal][School]

#3 Post by Firgof »

A little more about the story
Sure! The plot starts (after a brief introduction where an ambiguous, amnesiac, force gets invested in figuring out why a Goddess became mortal and died) with the Goddess discovering her control over three aspects of reality (Natural Death, Decay, Luck) is weakening. As she loses control those same aspects are threatening to become 'independent'; they might become 'unfixed' and twist the world into a strange, eldritch, and horrifying place. To ensure this does not happen (and because there's no such thing as 'a tutor for the Divine') Voshim steals away to the mortal world and makes/possesses a mortal body to set out to one of her more prestigious Academies which she hopes to use to help her regain control and learn why it was rebelling.

Then, light early-game spoilers:
Once there, it revolves around Adversity - the one teaching your 'Cohort' (classmates) - and his various plots and schemes and motivations to force your class to fail out of an Academy that's struggling to justify its necessity. Meanwhile, Voshim attempts to maintain her disguise while learning both how to control her powers and her 'mortal' powers and you learn more about the other students' struggles and reasons for getting into a deadly line of work, and catch on to a dark plan that shadows the whole Academy. While all that's going on there's also some light romance and comedy, some peer-to-peer conflict, tests to prepare for, field trips to go on, and background conflicts between characters to learn about and (possibly) sort out.
If the gameplay elements are in then you'll use your 'free time' to hang out with characters, improve yourself, learn more about the world, and investigate more into the origins of the body you're in. To paint a very broad anime-brush over it, the best I can describe it is 'part Fantasy-My-Hero-Academia and part Inverted-Overlord with hints of Mushi-Shi and From The New World'.
Not totally clear if we're playing the Goddess of Death in disguise
You've got it right. It is indeed Voshim, in disguise, you'll be playing as, though in a fairly 'complicated' fashion that's difficult to really get into without later-game/newgame+ spoilers beyond 'the player is possessing her and becomes one with her to an extent'.
(Listing 'cautious' and 'reckless' at the same time, which seem like complete opposites, is a little confusing?)
Good point. 'Reckless' would probably be more usefully descriptive as something more like 'quixotic'. She's 'romantic' in terms of how she views the world and her place in it to the point she has 'Superhero Syndrome' on an almost philosophical level, which is a little reinforced by the facts of her existence, powers, and history.
I know for me personally a better understanding of the protagonist and their immediate emotional motivations helps get me more interested in stepping into the story.
Does the clarifications in the non-spoilers I posted help that along or is it still a bit too vague? I'm having a hard time thinking of a better way to frame it other than the cheese of 'a quixotic sheltered shut-in spirit-girl who plays desperately at being 'the adult goddess' is about to be rudely awakened to a brighter (and at the same time more terrifying) mortal life, where her very nature is challenged as she tries to wrestle with the imperfect girl she's becoming versus the flawless Goddess she has always been'.
Having no interactivity makes VN-style presentation really drag, IMO.
That's really relieving to hear. I know game elements aren't 'typical' in VNs more broadly outside the very simple stuff like branching paths and the like and I'm always worried that I'm barking up the wrong tree here by including some game stuffs in a visual novel. I know there are folks who enjoy Phoenix Wright and Long Gone Days out there -- I'm just unsure whether those folks are the ones who'd like this sort of theme in their novel. I'm still relatively 'new' to Visual Novels, having only some 10 or so such games under my belt, but I was turned on to them by a link through Adventure Games which I've played lots of.

How much interactivity would you say is 'too much'? I know taste varies but I'd love an impromptu census of the folks who read on LemmaSoft about that in particular to put my mind at ease and also give me at least a fuzzy target to shoot at.

Also, happy to disclose that I'm finally starting to get together sprites for the game. Akoda's (Voshim's Mortalbody) 'fresh from the grave' sprite got finished yesterday and, though I'm not the best artist, I'm sure folks will appreciate seeing it rather than permanent marker'd popsicle sticks. (Maybe I'll be able to later afford getting a better artist to do the sprites?)

e: Also, just wanted to say I really enjoyed Long Live the Queen; it's actually a game that set me on the path to try and make this one! Give Hanako Games my love!


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Re: GraveKeeper's Academy [Dark Fantasy][Paranormal][School]

#4 Post by Firgof »

Whoops. Looks like the Public Discord link was set to expire the day after I put it up; I've replaced that link with one that will work permanently.

I've also made some more progress on Akoda's and Gizi's sprites (they're the ones who'll be showing up most often throughout the story). Akoda's is more or less finished at this point and I'm now on to getting Gizi's into the thing.


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Re: GraveKeeper's Academy [Dark Fantasy][Paranormal][School]

#5 Post by Zelan »

I don't have time to play the demo anytime soon but I'm really really vibing with this project. I LOVE your character designs, especially Voshim - I like that she's female but doesn't look feminine, I don't see that very often in character designs. And Bran is a cutie ^_^

I don't necessarily mind VNs with gameplay, but I'm mostly interested in the story elements of a VN. Gameplay isn't usually the reason that I pick one up in the first place. If I do play a story-based game with gameplay, I get frustrated if the game is too hard and prevents me from continuing the story. Roguelike RPG games, for example, are a genre that I'm generally not very good at and, unless it was made specifically to be easy, would probably turn me off from the game. Adventure game style gameplay is much more in line with telling a story and, if there was any gameplay, I would probably prefer that option.

Good luck! ^_^

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Re: GraveKeeper's Academy [Dark Fantasy][Paranormal][School]

#6 Post by Firgof »

Thanks very much!

Yes, I'm spending a lot of time pondering on that question of what gameplay to have, if any, beyond the usual scope of a VN's routes and whatnot. It's good to have more feedback on that subject and I thank you for giving me some.

In the time between the last post and this one, I've made large strides for the project. For one, all of my principle character art has been completed to the point it can be brought in-game. I'm still missing expressions and the like but due to some changes in how NaniNovel works I'd like to change how I've got stuff set up to both save the reader's memory and also make it easier to expand on my existing cast with outfits and expressions.

In the meantime, I'll be updating all of the little character biographies above with a complete, new, set. A private build of the game is available for those who'd like to test the latest version out over on The game script contains the first 2 hours of gameplay but the polished parts end just after you arrive inside the City of Aeston.

Lots of changes. I remade the text-printer, I've completely re-written the introduction, and I'm starting to phase out the old background sets with new ones that I'm building myself. I also swapped out a few music tracks for ones I made. Even the Title Screen and Settings Menu got big overhauls!


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Re: GraveKeeper's Academy [Dark Fantasy][Paranormal][School]

#7 Post by Firgof »

I've been super busy since January! I'm starting to replace all the backgrounds with ones I'm making from scratch in Unity and Blender and more final character art is inching in while the UI has seen some real polish. Meanwhile, I'm tightening up the grammar, choices, and scenework - there's even a few new CGs in the game! Some updated screenshots and demonstrations of the new art below.

I'm hopeful to get a new build of the game out before too long both for public testing and to build awareness of the game. That should be posted at the following link in the next few days:

If you'd like to be kept abreast of the game's developments in close to real time, feel free to join the game's Discord!


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Re: GraveKeeper's Academy [Dark Fantasy][Paranormal][School]

#8 Post by Zelan »

The art is looking fantastic. Small critique of the textbox: I would advise against putting the speaker's name underneath of the dialogue. Our eyes are going to be naturally drawn to the top left when we read, and so when I first looked at the screenshot, I thought it was narration. And even after realizing that this is how the textbox works, I think having to look down and back up every time new dialogue came up would be a small but constant annoyance in paying the game.

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Re: GraveKeeper's Academy [Dark Fantasy][Paranormal][School]

#9 Post by Firgof »

Thanks much! I've added as of last night, as well, the ability to turn off the depictions of more extreme content in the game (explicit sexual content, depictions of death, suicide, etc) though, of course, those things will still happen in the game's narrative depending on your choices even though they won't be explicitly shown to you, the player. (still trying to figure out how to get that across to the player, explanation wise, in the size of the box I have. Suggestions welcome!)

Also a new System Dialogue Box for all the System stuff that's shown while you're playing! New build hopefully in the next day or so. I'm currently proof-reading and fixing a bunch of critical problems like the save game menu, once it's brought up, continuing to absorb clicks and button presses even after it's been hidden.


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Re: GraveKeeper's Academy [Fantasy][Paranormal][School]

#10 Post by Firgof »

Been a bit! I've been busy but have finally had time to come back to this. The NSFW content has been scrubbed for time and money and I've been very busy adding and polishing content, adjusting the setting a little, and preparing Part One for its full launch.

Check it out on, the early access version for it is already out! (missing some CG, BGs, character art, sound effects, and a lot of the CGs are pencil-grade -- but nice pencil-grade -- at the moment)

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