If you were a witch...

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Re: If you were a witch...

#31 Post by monele »

Seems like I totally forgot about that part of Zero no Tsukaima ^^;
Now, I understand your example. It's part wild magic and part "clumsy" magic, doing the right thing, except not quite right. This would be, clearly, for a specific character. I'd see this concept applied to a KN or VN about such a witch. Well, it could also work with a simulation game, but it would still need to revolve around that character, given the specifics.

Groundhog sounds quite possible. A very "earthy" companion, very keen on wooden things and nature... It would be unavailable during winter, though (or at least weakened, as familiars tend to be powered up versions of the regular animal).

denzil : Mmm, I'm not familiar with the Discworld universe, but I get more and more curious as time goes, and these witches seem quite interesting ^^. And yeah, Greebo doesn't seem *cute* ;)

As said earlier, I can see fairies being familiars :)

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Re: If you were a witch...

#32 Post by musical74 »

re discworld: if the discworld for PS1 is any indication the witches there are flirty and a bit naughty without SOUNDING naughty - at least, Nanny Ogg was such a one. Nice witch though, just flirty - and Rincewind wasn't too comfortable with her forwardness.

A fairy as a familiar? hmmmmm.....hadn't thought of that one before, although I did think of a bird as a familiar. Just seeing a fairy as a familiar...don't know...see them more as *companion* than *familiar*. :)
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Re: If you were a witch...

#33 Post by Showsni »

"Ribald" would probably be the description for Nanny Ogg. And Greebo's pretty tough... he killed a vampire (in bat form) and ate it in Witches Abroad. But witchcraft in Discworld is hardly ever waving a wand and having magic happen; most of the time, in fact, they don't use magic at all.

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Re: If you were a witch...

#34 Post by monele »

Coming back with a few notes I just wrote about familiars. I'm going with animal ones for now, though I have the feeling other types (faeries, imps) will help fill the more "magical" aspects. If you see things resembling stats and mechanics, well uh... cover your eyes ^^;

+++ Pup
The pup is very faithful (doesn't need to be taken care of too much and obeys as long as it can). It's good at hunting, is rather strong (high Body/Fatigue) but is not very smart.
The pup provides bonus points in the Search skill.

+++ Cat
The cat is a good hunter, has high perception (Spirit) and is rather smart (Brains). On the other hand, it's pretty weak and needs attention. Also, it does what you ask only when it feels like it. Only great care ensures a more than random chance of it helping out.
The cat provides bonus points when Hunting and when chasing off trickster spirits.

+++ Frog
The frog is close to things magical and sensorial (high Spirit) and has knowledge about plants and animals, yet is not so smart. It doesn't tire too fast and it requires regular care for an acceptable help.
As a bonus, the frog can divine the upcoming weather with an average precision (one or two days ahead with good precision).

+++ Raven
The raven is very cunning (high Brains) and has a high Charisma it can use with brethrens or even other animals. It's knowledgeable about ores and a bit about magic, too. It has to be constantly reassured about its usefulness to stay helpful to the witch : it requires little care, but it requires it often.
The raven provides a bonus to Intimidate checks thanks to its uncanny ability to put others at unease (helped by the many rumors about its race).

+++ Rodent
The rodent is very knowledgeable about plants and is also gives very good advices for cooking (although with a strong preference for cheese and seed based meals). While pretty faithful, it tires easily.
It also gives a bonus to Persuade checks thanks to its incredible cuteness. Yup.


Re: If you were a witch...

#35 Post by Ren »

Interesting topic :3
I wish I could help and contribute somehow, but if there's something I can't really imagine is what I'd do if I was a witch, really!

*except probably traumatizing telescopes, that is*


Re: If you were a witch...

#36 Post by Guest »

We prefer to be called "Wicca" or "Wiccans," dear Englisch....

Anyway, I'd work on some practical magic... the likes of Power Word Kill and Kaboom only go so far! What's considered practical? A few examples, then:
Instant Bath (could be handy for the young peasant far from suitable water)
Julienne's Dinnermaker (magiced food is no different from modern-day processed food... even magicians have to eat a proper cooked meal!)
Soundbite (a thousand decibel shriek and a bite to the bum drives away telemarketers; pairs well with Julienne's Dinnermaker)
You get the idea. Of course, when you're a neutral Magical Mediator like me, you need some of the usual offensive and defensive magics. Nothing says "break it up!" to a dragon and a king in a land dispute like Wall of Rusty Scalpels....

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Re: If you were a witch...

#37 Post by monele »

Ohohh, these two first spells sound very good ^^. Since the lake bath idea, I've been planning on taking hygiene into account when it comes to social relations, so such a spell would be a good time saver for busy, but socially inclined witches ^.^. The second one being the same for busy, and not so skilled at cooking witches :).
As for offensive spells, I'm still squeamish about having violence in what I'd expect to be a rather peaceful experience, but maybe making it comical violence could allow for more (I'm thinking Slayers for example).

In any case, thanks for these ^_^

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Re: If you were a witch...

#38 Post by Dusty »

Well, maybe you could put on a magic show for little kids.

Or the ultimate magic trick, creating a mansion. Fun stuff for when you get bored of the little cottage by the lake.

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Re: If you were a witch...

#39 Post by monele »

See, I love these types of spells, but they're *so* hard to implement in a... DM-less situation such as a Ren'Py game. You're right, though, I could totally picture the witch bringing up dancing lights to amuse children in the village, while parents mumble but don't dare say anything. It could also be used to scare people away from the cabin by making them think there are will'o'wisps around (though regular people are usually stupid and get *tricked* into following these ^^;...).
I'd like such spells to at least work in multiple situations, just like a Strong Body spell could help you, indirectly, both in catching an animal, or climbing a small cliff.

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Re: If you were a witch...

#40 Post by Dusty »

Oh, yes, the hard part is thinking of all the non-obvious ways to use a spell so the players don't go "why can't I use Instant Bath to create water for <potion recipe X>, instead having to walk an hour to the lake/well because my house doesn't have plumbing?". Hm.

Well, if you have lots of free time, you could possibly create the best game ever (but sadly you probably don't have lots of free time.)

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Re: If you were a witch...

#41 Post by Vatina »

Guest wrote:Nothing says "break it up!" to a dragon and a king in a land dispute like Wall of Rusty Scalpels....
Ouch O_O

Monele, have you read "Eventyr" by Haccan? I found it in the copy of Robot vol 1 that I bought, a very sweet, short illustrated tale about two young witches living in the forest, wanting to befriend the humans in the city. I think it fits the mood you're going for very well (don't know if it could help you with your game though....). And the illustrations are gorgeous, you should check it out ^^

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Re: If you were a witch...

#42 Post by Deji »

uhm... If I were a witch in a nature-ish setting....

I'd have a cat as my friend. I'd also practice some spells with him, turning him into ridiculous things.
I'll try to grow plants and fruits and try to make them bigger, more nutritive and more delicious... leading to some disgusting failed experiments.
I'll go to the nearby forest to colect ingredients for my potions and wold spend tme trying to memorize spells from this big old magic book I inherited, while lying under a tree... and I'd fall asleep and procrastinate doing silly spells.... To my cat.

I'd probably have to study or practice because I'd be still in training, and I'd have t travel into the deepest and creepiest part of the forest to meet the old, kind of senile, wizard who is in charge of teaching me some important nature magic after I prove worthy. Or maybe travel to a distant high mountain.

I'd probably have a sister who's better tan me that would come to visit every once in a while. Or maybe an aunt.

I'd have to go to the town and I'd try to help people, but most of them would be afraid of me because there used to be an evil qitch around (probably my granny, who passed away a few years ago) who used to scare poor villagers to death out of boredom.

I'd have a crush on this guy from the town near my place who's absolutely clueless of the world but that's kind of brave and would come to rescue me in my most dangerous mission, without realizing I'm a witch ntil the las minute.

And the book I own that I inherited from my granny would probably have evil spells. probably out of boredom/curiosity I'd try one of them and unleash some evil thing that I'd have to fight in the end. Or probably just a little stupid-looking demon who'd try to turn me evil but I'd just laugh at his ridiculousness.

Maybe I'd have somebody from a distant city, a wounded knight, come to my place one day and say they need the help pf this great witch who lived there, only to find my granny died and I'm the only one left to fulfill the task.
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Re: If you were a witch...

#43 Post by monele »

Vatina :
Bittersweet ending, though ^^;... I kept feeling dread as I read on, sure that this would end up like this ^^;... But apart from this, yes, this is the kind of feel I want. Their cabin is perfect, and the appreciation from the "lower" people is what I'd like.
I think I'd just like to avoid such conflicts, as it's the kind of injustice that kills my soul... I have another old project where the heroes actually fight back against such prejudice, but it's not the theme I want to give to this witch idea :). I mean, to give the tone, there should be trickster spirits that the witch has to keep in check, but even then, it'll be more like scolding a child than destroying creatures. The less violence and unfair conflicts there'll be, the happier I'll be ^^

Deji :
Poor cat! XD
I like the idea of the old wizard. At least the concept of a higher ranked witch/warlock who will judge of your progress. This could be a good main goal : one year to accomplish something on your own.
I also like the idea of relatives visiting a few times, probably bringing a few things to help (food, money, ingredients, new books...).
Heck, I like it all :) lots of good hooks in there ^_^ thanks!

I suppose most people just want to play, but just in case... would anyone fancy some sort of Witch Simulator where they could add their own little stories within an existing framework? Something similar to Neverwinter Nights (way toned down!) and other "editable" games?
Or... what about a game that doesn't force any story upon you and lets you develop your character while you make up what's going on and stuff? àla Sims?

Just ideas...

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Re: If you were a witch...

#44 Post by Cazel »

Sim Witch, hunh? In that case, she could act in local theatre productions, and you could have a ham sim witch. (Sorry!)

Thinking about witches I admit I tend to like about the Discworld witches myself. The Tiffany Aching books actually do a far amount of discussing what witches do from the perspective of a young witch. Ordinary chores, tending herbs, helping people, etc. From that, also, the following game ideas:

Familiar: Goat (can provide milk)

Spell: Borrowing: Borrowing in Discworld is a spell that basically involves a witch inserting her mind into that of a living thing, though the less human the thing is the more difficult it is. For the purposes of the game, perhaps just a spell that allows you to see through the eyes of your familiar. This could be very useful for the raven (to see things from above) or the rodent (to see things in areas too small for humans to enter).

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Re: If you were a witch...

#45 Post by monele »

Goats were suggested very early. I was thinking of making them as "herd" animals, along with the suggested sheep and maybe chicken. They would provide food as long as you take care of them.
But as *familiars*... what's bothering me is that I find *milking* your very own familiar..... strange ^^;... Feels like milking your best friend or family... eek! And you can't possibly eat them either ^^;...

Good spell idea. Details to be worked out, such as wether it allows you to spot ingredients/animals more easily... or if it serves as an alarm system (though the familiar could warn you itself, no need to look through it I suppose).

As for Discworld witches, your description seems to fit what I had in mind so far for a young witch. Quiet life, providing for oneself, helping people...

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