[OPEN] [FREE] ZER0 (Pokémon VN)

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[OPEN] [FREE] ZER0 (Pokémon VN)

#1 Post by agravedigger »

post on Relic Castle forums: https://reliccastle.com/threads/4635/
I'm glad you clicked on this post, really! ZER0 is my personal Pokémon fangame project and the first game I really put energy into - enough for it to actually take shape. However, I need help to quicken up the pace and efficiency of development and to make it just like I dreamed of it being!

Here's the thing: I'm mainly an artist, but I have plenty of level and design ideas and I'm decent at handling key points and progression of stories. I can somewhat mix soundtracks I find online on free music sites, but I'm probably the most dreadful at coding - even with Python being the only language I received some official education in. It holds me back so much that I can't show off assets I create or make them look nice together. Focusing on things I'm poor at takes a lot of my time and it's highly unnecessary - because I'm not even learning much since all I can do is scramble pieces of open-source code together or blatantly write random things and pray for it to work. The one-dev life isn't for me. If you're interested in helping me, please read on.

About ZER0
ZER0 was first intended to be a regular RPG style game, but I realized I suck at Ruby and RPG Maker even more than I do at Python and Renpy. Does this mean it's set to be a visual novel? Well, not really, it was more of a forced decision on my end. Although, with the features I ultimately planned, VN style definitely turns out to be more convenient. It is supposed to be smaller in scale compared to core games, featuring 4/5 towns, with heavy story and exploration/discovery focus, while leaving out the League as the end goal.
(click on this imgur link for higher resolution versions: https://imgur.com/a/5Oy7Drp)

What Makes ZER0 Stand Out?
Have you heard of many Pokémon Visual Novels? Me neither! I only played Academy Life... What about a fangame which focuses on Mewtwo's creation? While I intend ZER0 to feature classic RPG elements such as world exploration, solving puzzles, combat and collecting, it won't be in the way you know!
  • Think of location preview from FRLG and HGSS, and now imagine it in full art, several for every spot of interest!
  • Subtle puzzles have been the core of every Pokémon game so far - now experience it via a point-and-click system!
  • Battles will feature full animated art of select Pokémon fit for life in an in-universe Guyana and every fight is meant to be challenging!
  • Professor Oak and his PokéDex are years away - fill out your personal handbook with sketches of Pokémon and field data you obtain by observing different behaviours (no more just throwing Pokéballs!)
  • Four new towns/villages and new environments modelled after the Guyanese culture and nature!
ZER0 is a tribute to a copyrighted franchise and will be free to download and play forever. I won't promise you payment because there will definitely be none. There will be no donations either. The reason I'm doing this is out of sole appreciation and love for Pokémon.

Current Progress
I left a few screenshots above and here's a link to the current full overview of the game in video shape.
That's riiight... There isn't much of the actual game to see which is a huge shame since I have materials ranging to the start of April 2021.

Slots to Fill
I definitely need someone or even multiple people, in order to make equal distribution of work possible, to handle programming (scripting new features [point-and-click system; handbook system; Pokémon discovery system etc.], transferring existing Pokémon RPG elements [battle system; inventory system; navigation system etc.]). It'd probably be a good idea to gather a second artist (Sugimori style character and Pokémon spriting [multiple VN style expressions and front/back battle sprites respectively], backgrounds) and a writer (fleshing out the plot, polishing characters). To ensure combat is truly a challenging experience, I need someone proficient in competitive Pokémon (balancing of a custom ability and new forms; ability to create teams with difficulty ranging from mediocre to hard by effectively combining species, abilities, held items, moves, values). A sound designer (proposing effects which work well together, looping) is welcome - but I believe I won't pull for composing of an original soundtrack. There will definitely be a need for proofreaders and testers, but this is currently in the backseat.

To sum up, I'm looking for a: *Multiples are welcome too, but I'm not sure I could handle a team of more than 10! We'll see!

I use Discord regularly. That's where I have a communication channel organized, along with Google Drive to share files in real-time.

MediBang Paint Pro
spacetornado Renamer
VSDC Free Audio Converter

Lemma Soft Forums [\code]
Jackster Productions [fonts]
https://github.com/msikma/pokesprite [ripping and editing graphics]
The VG Resource; SexeiAlexy; Hanternos [ripping soundtrack]
Jim Hall; Mello C; Siddhartha Corsus; Rolemusic; sawsquarenoise; Komiku; KidNNasty; Starbox; Monplaisir; ermine [soundtrack]

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Re: [OPEN] [FREE] ZER0 (Pokémon VN)

#2 Post by exuin »

Hey, I'm interested in this! But I don't see your discord in the post?

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