Otome Boyfriend - Free Otome - Situation

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Otome Boyfriend - Free Otome - Situation

#1 Post by ChangLu »




This is a free - to - play visual novel with short different interacting situations. The game currently has 3 characters with 6 endings in total.

Genre: Otome, 15+

Words: 10000

Language: English



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Kokoro Hane
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Re: Otome Boyfriend - Free Otome - Situation

#2 Post by Kokoro Hane »

I actually first came across this game on the Lemmasoft post, but at the time never finished it. Recently I decided to give this game a go again, and I am happy I gave it a second chance. I left a review on Itch already, so I shall place the same review here for convenience --

I find it really neat how there's really no main plot, but rather individual vignettes which I assume are unrelated. You off the bat select which route you want to play, and each one is different from the other. The MC also seems to be different depending on the route, which whilst she looks the same in each one, it appears to be a different story each time so it'd make sense she is a different character each time. Not sure if that was on purpose or not but it is something I noticed (like she seems more shy in Yuta's route but more mature and outgoing in Hirota's and somewhere in between on Aki's).

The art for the game is really pretty to look at. I admit that is what drew me into playing the game at first. The writing for the game can come off a bit on the cheesy side, it's very sweet and fluffy, sometimes too much so for my taste but I am sure is uplifting to anyone reading on a bad day. It's a bonus too that there are no bad endings and the CGs for each ending are absolutely gorgeous! I especially loved the ones on Yuta's route.

Speaking of routes, I personally enjoyed Yuta's the most. I really love how it all transpired during a festival, and I like how Yuta was protective of the MC.

Overall, it was a cute game that was obviously made with a lot of love. Some of the writing could use some tweaking, but overall it's a fantastic idea to have individual unrelated stories that you can select to play from the get go and it'd be neat to see new stories added maybe in the future? Good job on your first game and keep at it, you have a lot of potential ^^

In short, this game may not be for everyone, but if you're looking for a light and fluffy story to brighten your mood, this is sure to make you smile even if a little ~
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