My *SMALL* review for TOL part 1

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My *SMALL* review for TOL part 1

#1 Post by E-l337 »

Okay, since nobody seems to have done this... I will give my *VERY* unprofessional opinion about this demo. Remember, this is unprofessional and an OPINION, so it applies to nobody but myself.

I recall Lemma telling me that he happened to have problems running the game initially. However, I was able to get it working on my computer (WIN XP PRO) with very little difficulty. So, I went and played it, and here is what I think about it:

Personally, I kinda like the art. Sure, it's not professional, but who cares?? It still gives you an idea of the person, and since it is NOT a hentai-based dating game (as many of the more popular ones appear to be these days....) I think the art looks very good. The characters are for the most part supposed to be cute, and I kinda like that. So, the art gets a big thumbs up.

As for the choices... they seemed alright to me. Although following that beeping noise was annoying... ALL THAT FOR A CELLPHONE! And then I threw it against a wall... yeeps. Not a good thing. But then I was joined by my "companion" soon enough... nothing wrong with that. Allowed for some pretty funny pratfalls I thought.

Strangest part? The mushrooms. I never would have expected to see something like that in there... from that point on, I was pretty paranoid about another fight coming up, like, I dunno, a rabid squirrel or something... who knows? But the battle system wasn't bad really. So, even though it was strange, it DID at least provide a somewhat interesting approach to the game.

Overall, I thought it was very well put together. The only thing I can think that should be implemented in the future is a save function, but only if the games get longer, or condensed from several small ones to one large one. It's not necessary to see it yet, but I wouldn't mind seeing it at some point in the future.

Overall, in my opinion, I give this game a 9 out of 10 considering the fact that for a home-made game, it was actually fun to play.

Way to go Lemma!!! Keep up the good work fella!


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