Game Making Offer

Ideas and games that are not yet publicly in production. This forum also contains the pre-2012 archives of the Works in Progress forum.
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Game Making Offer

#1 Post by pirovash88 »

ok i have an offer for anyone who knows how to make a renai game using renpy or something else! since im not good at making my own game caused i tried already and its confusing to me, i was wondering if anyone would like to team up and make a renai game with me! i will have the story and i can have pictures for the game and maybe even art, i just need someone to make the game cause its really confusing! if anyone is interested contact me, thanks!! :D

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#2 Post by ShiraiJunichi »

I'm fairly familiar with Ren'Py- so if you can provide the story, and all the media, I would happily code it for you

Though, if you'd like to try a little bit more to understand Ren'Py, why don't you check out the Ren'Py tutorials-
Or you can check out the renpy forum. Ask questions if you need to. People will be glad to help you figure it out

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#3 Post by mikey »

It seems now there are more and more people available for putting someone's games together. It's great!

I would definitely advise you to just have a brief look at what ren'py can and can not do - this way you'll be able to adjust your scenes and graphics to fit its capabilities. But it's not entirely necessary, as a good coder/director will be able to do that for you. Still, it's good to have at least some overview of the technology one is using, IMO, mainly so you can structure the choices and/or even select the proper game style (VN with ren'py classic, or DS with ren'py DSE).

I think you'll be easily able to find people who can code your game and people who will give/compose music for you. Most of the designers write their own stories, so no problem in that department (I'd say that goes for you as well), and you can do your own art which is great. So technically, there's no problem! :P

Just being consequent and disciplined... From my experience this is what will determine whether that project is done or delayed.

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#4 Post by pirovash88 »

ok thanks a lot! i tried to make a renai game once with renpy but i didn't understand it that much! i think i'll let someone do it while i give them the story and stuff! :D

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#5 Post by ShiraiJunichi »

So, does that mean you'd like my help? I offered, but haven't heard back from you... I take it that you're working on the script. Let me know if you'd like me, or someone else to help

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