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Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 10:16 am
by DaFool
Mr. E. if you call this 'sucky writing' then all hopes I have of writing something decent is smashed...

Because my best efforts couldn't even amount to something like this, which you indicate is a 'worst effort' on your part.

I couldn't even fathom what you could have come up with given enough time and freedom to overhaul large parts of the script. But with this piece, I like it, and is more than the effort I put in my recycled regurgitated character art.

Anyway, this is a complete solid ang good game / story, that's all that matters now. Good luck on your future endeavors. And perhaps next time use deadlines to jumpstart projects rather than cut them short.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:31 pm
by F.I.A
Since it is holiday for me, here I am starting my own gaming spree.(While spending optimum time on my own project.) For a favor I owed you, I shall play and review your game first.

Simple said, you blew me away again with another good work. You got me strangled that I even went through the whole 9 endings in one go, and succeeded in figuring out the flags to trigger them.

For Mr. E only:
Aldous reminds me of you-know-who in that game of mine, but well... most casts have such feature.

Some stuff I nitpicked:
A typo mistake in Alvin's 1st ending, with the "He kissed her hands quickly.

Second part of Alvin's side has some image overlapping with Aldous and Aurora.
My own review on the concept
The immortality in this story caught my interest. Especially how each characters feels on it(How Aurora is in distress over her immortality, Alvin's sadness in not able to defeat time itself.)
It is sad that you will not work on it further. But if anything, the decision is yours alone. I shall be waiting for your new masterpiece.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:41 pm
by Hudzon
Good job on the game, I enjoyed it thoughtfully. :D

I liked Aldus in the way that you don't know what's really happening until you play his part. The stranger with shady intentions turned out to be a very kind man!

The immortality in this story caught my interest. Especially how each characters feels on it(How Aurora is in distress over her immortality, Alvin's sadness in not able to defeat time itself.)

I too was intrigued by the part that immortality played in this game.
Then again, I am intrigued by any game where immortality plays a part so :P