College Jam Recruitment Page

For recruitment of team members to help create visual novels and story-based games, and for people who want to offer their services to create the same.
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College Jam Recruitment Page

#1 Post by Kianaco »

Hello, everyone! I am making a game called College Jam. I need a character artist but sadly I don't have money so this is a free job. First, here is some information on the game:

Main Character: Janett

As Jannett,The protagonist/You are about to move on to your first year of college(And depending on how long I,We if you join me, make this game,to last year)Leaving your oh so annoying younger brother,and motherly older brother,You/she will get to discover all the things about college:Things that suck(All the Work!)And things that don't(Romance!).

More Information: I've already begain coding, if you want you can take part in influenceing the writing. Also since I am in my mid-teens I will need help understanding the college experience (but you don't need to be of college age to help me, under or over that age is fine).

Remember:Free Job!

Also i have already thougth about how i want my character's to look,But i will let my character artist choose if they want a character to look differently!

Oh and here's some names of some of the character's:

Older brother:Darryl

younger brother:Ted

Guy 1:Johnny(Subject to change if you,The Character artist,Or anybody else,Helping me or not,wants)

Guy 2:Austin(Subject to change)

Guy 3:Chris(Subject to change)

Number of guys will decrease or increase,Depending on if my artist is up to it,Or not.

There are also some friends she meets along the way,As well at college,And some enimes as well!

Thank you all,and please respond back to me!

go here for downloads of a little show of things i can do: ... 38&t=15634

If you are interested in helping,Pm me.
Last edited by Kianaco on Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: College Jam Recruitment Page

#2 Post by Kianaco »


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Re: College Jam Recruitment Page

#3 Post by Applegate »

Do you have some prose to show people?

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Re: College Jam Recruitment Page

#4 Post by Kianaco »

well i do have some diolague and i have alot of backround photos as well

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Re: College Jam Recruitment Page

#5 Post by Kianaco »


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Re: College Jam Recruitment Page

#6 Post by fleet »

Hi. I can't help you with character art, since I can't draw.
You might want to consider making a short demo of the project using 'placeholder' sprites. This would give potential artists a chance to see a sample of your writing and that you have coding skills.
If you don't get any takers after that, it might be time to consider either drawing the characters yourself or hiring an artist.
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Re: College Jam Recruitment Page

#7 Post by Argeus_the_Paladin »

Sorry for being a little harsh, but regarding your project, a few things need to be said.

First off, being a dedicated artist for a game is hard. I personally think that for this genre, the artist is much more important than the writer in both role and workload. Given the workload and the commitment required, I doubt any skilled artists would be willing to jump into just any project - if only because they have better things to do than to take up the commitment in a project without a clear objective, goal or endpoint.

Which is why, as someone who starts a project, you have to convince those artists that you have something worth bringing to the table. A simple idea does not count - if I were to take a certain article at face value, everyone has ideas. But an idea does not a game make - you need to put in effort to turn that basic idea into, at the very least, something worth looking at, something that can convince people that it isn't just a daydream on the bus to school/work, but something you have given a lot of thought and commitment to.

Now let's look at your proposal. What you currently have is just that - an idea, maybe with the name of the characters and a very vague and general setting. Nothing in it stands out at the moment. I can certainly understand why artists here on the site will at the very least hesitate to help you - you have nothing that can yet convince them that your idea is backed by solid work - prose, dialogue, writing. Which is exactly why Applegate asked for your prose a few days ago. Your prose is the most solid proof that you have done something, you have brought something worthwhile to the table, and most importantly, you have commitment in this project, that you would not give up just because things don't go your way.

In other words, ideas are - no offense - generally a dime a dozen unless you've got the work to back it up. Maybe post a 1000-2000 word elaboration on your plot? Or at the very least, a detailed character profile? Until you've proven you've done your homework, I'm afraid you'll have a hard time looking for help, ESPECIALLY artists.

Or, what Fleet said. Prove you are willing to and are capable of producing your end of the bargain's worth of work, and you'll have artists willing to play their part in no time.
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Re: College Jam Recruitment Page

#8 Post by Kianaco »

Thank you all,I now understand how I SHOULD set this up,Ta Ta!

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Edit:Character artist found!

#9 Post by Kianaco »

Edit:Character artist found!

Hello everyone!I am currently working on a game called "College Jam"

Edit:Go to the bottom of the page for downloads

And i really need a character artist

right now i am just using place holders(By the great

Any drawing style will be accepted

I will give details and there is also 4 links to download my little less-than-a-demo-demo if you scroll down a bit!

This is the game:

In the game you play a girl named janett who is leaving the nest of her younger and older brother
to go to college

While at college she will meet various people including love intrests

the game will last somewhere between one year to the whole four years!

Now as character artist you get alot of chioce on things,Even if they have already been decided(For instace one guy i planned to name Johnny and be a ace-like
sweet but tough guy,But if you want him to be a jerk or cassanova or have a different name,It's you're command!)

Here are some of the character's:(The love intrests don't show up yet since i'm waiting for a character artist!)

Ted:Her younger easily annoyed brother

Darryl:Her motherly older brother

Steve:A loner,Rough and cute and strong

Johnny:As mentioned before,An ace,

There are other characters as well,But i'll let them be known by my character artist before anything sets off.

I hope to get offers very soon!
Last edited by Kianaco on Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: I am Looking for a free character artist!

#10 Post by Kianaco »

Oh!And this is not an offical demo!Just something to show that I can code and put things all together!

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Re: I am Looking for a free character artist!

#11 Post by Elze »

You might want to upload a mac and linux version too? That way you can have a larger audience (artists included) who can try your demo thingy. C:
Also, props to you for heeding advice and coming up with something to show, instead of just shying away like some of the recruiters did.

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Re: I am Looking for a free character artist!

#12 Post by Kianaco »

Thanks Elze!But I can't take to much credit,

when i first asked for a character artist I didn't really have much to show

But luckily people(And my twin sister) told me to show more!

Oh!And i getting all the ones for different computer types done right now as we speak!(type?)

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Re: I am Looking for a free character artist!

#13 Post by Kianaco »

Ok everyone!

here's the game for all computer types

if anyone has a different one

post on this thread and i'll make it for that one as well!

for mac:

for windows and more:

for linux:

for (Supposedly)all:

these need a winrar to download but if you don't have it I will upload the game directly!Thank you all people!

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Re: College Jam Recruitment Page

#14 Post by Kianaco »

For a view of what i can do go here: ... 38&t=15634 ... 38&t=15634

at the bottom of the page there will be downloads

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Re: I am Looking for a free character artist!

#15 Post by Argeus_the_Paladin »

This might as well have gone into a WIP/critiquing thread, but since you don't have one up yet, here goes.

First off my commendation for your perseverance. Most of the time, the only thing that stands between a project's success and failure is the project leader's dedication to see things pull through. I hope you'd maintain this attitude.

Secondly - and I might be rather harsh here, so apologies beforehand - putting some code together for some choices, with background and sprites thrown in do not make for a good visual novel, or even one visual novel proper. I am of the school of thinking that it is the quality of writing, the innovation of the coder, new themes or new takes on old ones, and everything that has to do with the substance of the game that makes a visual novel a visual novel. Even if you had Michelangelo to do your background and CLAMP your sprites, they would amount to nothing if you don't first have a solid story to tell. Which, at the moment, you still need a lot of work on.

You have, at the moment, at most a snippet - literally a couple of lines, riddled with no small quantities of grammatical and punctuation errors. That is to say nothing of your original idea, which is quite overdone, cliched and saturated. As it stands, in my opinion, even if you are to get some great artists to help you out, at the most you can only produce some mediocre work, hardly worth the time and the effort you have put out to gather the team. May I add that in my opinion, nothing turns off a reader to a visual novel as much as poor technical writing.

That is where your part as writer, coder and project leader comes in. My advice to you is to, for the moment, stop looking for artists. Concentrate on the writing, beta-reading and editing first. Make sure you have under your belt a good quantity of work of good quality. I'm not saying something like War and Peace in size, but 5000-6000 words of nicely polished good writing can catch people's interest much more so than what you currently have. That is something only you can do - it's your idea, your project, your writing.

Do keep in mind that this is strictly my opinion and does not reflect that of the community. Once again, I hope you maintain a good attitude, and wish you good luck on this endeavor.
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