Starting Anime Club

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Starting Anime Club

#1 Post by eternalwishess »

So...the new school year is around the corner (2 weeks, to be exact), and I really don't look forward to another year in that school. However, because I can't do anything about that, instead of complaining, I'll just try to maneuver things around and improve my high school experience by starting an anime club! I know quite a few anime lovers in that school, but... why isn't there an anime club where everyone can gather around to discuss their common interests involving it? With that said, I'd like to start one once the year begins, so freshmen who like anime will feel snug in their new surroundings.
But...I'm not sure what to do with it once I've achieved that goal. It'd be boring to just watch an episode of a certain anime for every meeting. I have a few things in mind that I've acquired from simple googling, but if things are repetitive, it's not going to be fun, so I need more activities to add on the list. I want to make every member's experience as enjoyable as possible.

This is my list so far...
During meetings:
- Discuss upcoming events
- Picking a manga series to discuss
- Learn the japanese term/name of the day
- Anime jeopardy
Events/Activities we can do:
- Attend conventions together

Any ideas? This is also my first time being the president of something, and I have no leadership skills whatsoever. I'm not sure how to act/talk? How do I make eye contact with the audience? How can I quiet members down if they're noisy? Should I create a set of rules for people to follow? What should be the extent of someone's rude behavior before kicking them out of the club?
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Re: Starting Anime Club

#2 Post by chocojax »

I'm not sure how to act/talk?
Since this is a club, you should act/talk as if they are your good friends. Try to make them feel welcome!
How do I make eye contact with the audience?
Just force yourself to look at them. Like, slowly move your eyes across the left to the right side of the room, don't just focus on one person.
How can I quiet members down if they're noisy?
You shouldn't yell, lol. Some of my teachers had these weird things that made soft noises when turned. You could buy a chime or a bell.
Should I create a set of rules for people to follow?
From hearing about past experiences of Anime Clubs, yes, you should probably establish a few rules, including what rules the room you're using has. (Like, no leaving your trash around, don't leave crumbs, etc.)
What should be the extent of someone's rude behavior before kicking them out of the club?
I guess disobeying rules/you/any other important staff members constantly. Or harassing other members. x:

I don't really know any fun activities, but going to local cons together looks fun. c: Good luck with starting up the club!

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Re: Starting Anime Club

#3 Post by DeeKay »

eternalwishess wrote:Any ideas? This is also my first time being the president of something, and I have no leadership skills whatsoever. I'm not sure how to act/talk?
Just be yourself, acting like you're playing a role would feel wrong in the long run and it's better to express yourself naturally. About leadership, while charisma is a plus it's not necessary. In fact, you could learn leadership abilities by having that kind of responsibility.
eternalwishess wrote:How do I make eye contact with the audience?
If you're speaking to an audience, you can stare roughly around where most people are sitting/standing. Make your gaze travel across the room as you speak, looking at different persons briefly as some become embarrassed if stared at for too long. It will come naturally so don't worry too much about it, it also comes with practice anyway. Just do whatever feels more comfortable to you, it's no use if you're too nervous yourself right ? ^^
eternalwishess wrote:How can I quiet members down if they're noisy?
If they're hardcore Manga/Anime fans, act like a tsundere ! ......... ^^'''
Um... seriously though, it's hard to find a balance. Your tone needs to attract attention but it doesn't have to be too harsh either. I'd say it depends on the situation at hand.
eternalwishess wrote:Should I create a set of rules for people to follow?
For sure ! It's always good to have a guideline on how everyone should/shouldn't behave.
eternalwishess wrote:What should be the extent of someone's rude behavior before kicking them out of the club?
Lack of respect for either you or other members on a regular basis, the usual stuff really.

As for ideas...
Hmm... None come to mind yet..
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Re: Starting Anime Club

#4 Post by Dalton5594 »

One of my favorite threads on a forum is always the "guess that anime" forum. Maybe have people bring in photos of less-popular animes that not everyone knows of.

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Re: Starting Anime Club

#5 Post by nyaatrap »

I was in a manga club and it were like anime k-on... we don't any work but just chatting randomly everyday lol. There's no rules, at least I know of.
But we're making doujinshis every year on a school festival to show we were an active club to the school.
(It's in japan so there must be many differences)

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Re: Starting Anime Club

#6 Post by Tsuroika »

Hmm... you could play a visual novel together (take turns picking choices for awesome bad ends).
Or you could all make a visual novel.
Though that may not be 'anime' enough, so besides conventions, karaoke? Sing anime OP's and ED's.
You could also try to make AMV's, have drawing competitions, or arrange random flash mobs.
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Re: Starting Anime Club

#7 Post by eternalwishess »

@chocojax - Thanks for your advice! Chiming a bell to quiet people down is a great idea! Although I don't know where to get one... I really hope the club doesn't die slowly as the year goes by with fewer and fewer people attending it. It would be so embarrassing seeing as my position is president.

@DeeKay - The problem is, when I talk naturally to others, my voice is just loud enough for the listener to be able to hear me. I don't try to be loud unless I'm talking to an audience, but when I do talk loud, I'm aware that I'm talking to an entire crowd instead of just a person beside me. All those eyes looking at me is bad enough. :(
As for kicking members, how exactly do I break it to them telling them they're out of the club without sounding too harsh? >__<;

@Dalton5594 - I'm worried about the people who are very picky about animes...I don't think they're going to enjoy the game very much. Maybe I should use this as an ice breaker to get everyone comfortable before the meeting starts. Thanks for the idea.

@nyaatrap - Making a doujinshi sounds like fun, however, it takes a lot of time and effort. I also don't think a lot of people will enjoy it (especially the non-artists), but maybe I could start up a "side project" and see who's interested in signing up. Heck, we can even make our own manga. That way, we can at least contribute something to the school and hope they'll fund our club in return so we can create funner events. Thank you for your help! ^_____^

@Tsuroika - Omg! VISUAL NOVELS GALORE! *O* This could be a great way to advertise Visual Novel games, haha. That sounds like a good idea, I'm going to add it on the list (I'll need to avoid the otome section for the sake of the guys though) and start compiling a listing of visual novels right away.
Also, what are flash mobs? I've never heard of that term.
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Re: Starting Anime Club

#8 Post by chocojax »

Seems like you might be going out of the anime aspect of the club. You might want to name it, "Japanese Entertainment Club" or "Japanese Culture Club," since when people hear Anime Club, they think of only anime etc. :v
Most teachers(at least, at my school) had bells at their desks. Or, you could go to your local office supplies store. If not, you could try whistling. c:

(For kicking out members, just give it to them straight. "I'm sorry, but because of the way that you've been behaving lately/for doing X, X, and X, I have to ask you to leave the club." If they ask to not be kicked out, and honestly seems like they're willing to change, you could give them a second chance if you don't wanna be harsh, lol.)

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Re: Starting Anime Club

#9 Post by eternalwishess »

Going out of the aspect? How? When I hear Anime Club, I think of manga and visual novels too. I just want to have as much variety in the club as possible but stick to the name 'Anime' at the same time.
Last year, we had a Japanese club but that died down fast because all we did was learn Japanese, and the people who passed by coming from other clubs laughed and snickered at us. :( I'm hoping the name change and different activities will draw more attention, since some people like anime but aren't interested in the culture of Japan.
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Re: Starting Anime Club

#10 Post by DeeKay »

eternalwishess wrote:@DeeKay - The problem is, when I talk naturally to others, my voice is just loud enough for the listener to be able to hear me. I don't try to be loud unless I'm talking to an audience, but when I do talk loud, I'm aware that I'm talking to an entire crowd instead of just a person beside me. All those eyes looking at me is bad enough. :(
As for kicking members, how exactly do I break it to them telling them they're out of the club without sounding too harsh? >__<;
I know, right ? Sadly, either you're used to lots of people staring intently at you or you'll have to bear with it and get used to it overtime.
Some would pretend they're alone when addressing an audience to get rid of the nervousness so maybe turning people into teddy bears or whatever in your mind might help you overcome this.
Then again, a nervous club president might be quite cute... wait no ! I shouldn't have said that, I don't even go to school anymore ! ^^'

About kicking members, it's always hard but if you've reached that point, you must have already warned them several times so... You shouldn't be afraid of being blunt in these cases, especially if you've already made your point more than once and you're right in what you're doing, just keep it diplomatic and hopefully they'll understand without drama taking place. As president, you have responsabilities to uphold so they can't ignore that it's part of your job. You have to keep a good atmosphere in your club right ?
Like chocojax says, if they're willing to change their behavior and not cause any problems, give them the benefit of the doubt since they've come clean, you'll still act accordingly if things go wrong anyway.
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Re: Starting Anime Club

#11 Post by Dalton5594 »

eternalwishess wrote:@Tsuroika (I'll need to avoid the otome section for the sake of the guys though)
Also, what are flash mobs? I've never heard of that term.
Actually, I, as a guy, along with my small pack of guy anime fans also enjoy Otome. It sounds wierd but at the same time, its rather easy to forget about the fact that you're even watching an Otome if you find it comical. I thouroghly enjoyed Otome wa boku no Koishiteru and it is on my recommended anime list.

also...a flash mob.....

I'd say this pretty much sums it up.....

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Re: Starting Anime Club

#12 Post by eternalwishess »

@DeeKay - Personally, giving the members a second chance seems more like a pampering act but it will probably give my club a good reputation.
Do you think talking in front of a mirror will help? I also have trouble putting/converting my thoughts into words on the spot, even though my hobby is writing. Kinda sad, isn't it? T____T
DeeKay wrote:Then again, a nervous club president might be quite cute... wait no ! I shouldn't have said that, I don't even go to school anymore ! ^^'
Haha, this was funny. xD

@Dalton5594 - I can bring up otome games once in a while if the audience is only females or if the guys are open-minded enough (most high schoolers are pretty childish though...the ones in my school, at least).
Also, I have no idea what I'm going to achieve with a flash mob. lol.
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Re: Starting Anime Club

#13 Post by DeeKay »

eternalwishess wrote:Personally, giving the members a second chance seems more like a pampering act but it will probably give my club a good reputation.
Right, you'd have to rely on your judgment and act on a case by case basis. You also have to consider the other members in this so yeah, tough one depending on the situation.
eternalwishess wrote:Do you think talking in front of a mirror will help? I also have trouble putting/converting my thoughts into words on the spot, even though my hobby is writing. Kinda sad, isn't it? T____T
Any kind of practice would work, to at least build up your confidence so yes, why not in front of a mirror ? You can also ask a close friend or a family member to act as an audience when rehearsing if you've planned something out.
As for having trouble converting thoughts into words, I still have this issue as well when recording myself sometimes, even when I have it all planned out. When writing, you can take the time to experiment and lay your thoughts whereas in spontaneous speeches, you don't have that luxury. Planning out meetings, themes and stuff will help you to at least focus your speeches on specific topics. So yep, it's not sad at all if you have trouble with it, it's natural at first :)
eternalwishess wrote:
DeeKay wrote:Then again, a nervous club president might be quite cute... wait no ! I shouldn't have said that, I don't even go to school anymore ! ^^'
Haha, this was funny. xD
I have a sweet spot for girls who try their best but are nervous or shy anyway so... yeah. It wakes up my “I want to be the shield that protects you, fair maiden” side.
Ugh, now I'm embarrassed ^^'''
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