Criticism for [WIP] "classical" piece in Finale

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Criticism for [WIP] "classical" piece in Finale

#1 Post by mjshi »

NEW: Updated (still WIP)

This is the ending portion of a WIP composition in Finale.
  • 1. Should the bpm be a little faster? Currently, it's at 100 bpm and I thought 120 bpm was a little too fast.
    2. I attempted to remove any parts that weren't harmonic with the others. Did you hear anything that sounded, well, out of place?
    3. Did the ending... end satisfactorily? Did it wrap up any loose ends the piece might have had without any big BOOMs (I find musicians often ended with a huge BOOM and wanted something a little different)?
    4. Other comments and criticism welcome.
The actual score (outdated):

And yes, the finished product will be longer as this is a WIP. Will update with newer vocaroo links when I've added more to it.
Last edited by mjshi on Fri May 17, 2013 8:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Criticism for [WIP] classical piece in Finale

#2 Post by Desu_Cake »

TBH, at the moment it's really too short to make a proper judgement on it, since I'm not really hearing a full melody from it. But I'll try anyway.
1. It sounds okay to me, possibly it could do with actually being a little slower.
2. Nothing sounded out of place to me.
3. No. It just sort of trails off. Possibly if it ended back on G, or if the E just before the end lasted longer...
4. It feels somehow Final Fantasy-ish. Not that that's bad or anything, just something I noticed.
The dip in volume sounds... odd. It's not doing anything for me, I'm afraid.

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Re: Criticism for [WIP] classical piece in Finale

#3 Post by mjshi »

@ Desu_Cake: This was done rather late in the night, so my auditory judgement may be a little clouded. Listening to it now, I think I should make the transition a little smoother instead of a big dip. I'll update later with a longer piece. Also, I thought I heard some strange sounds coming from the contrabass at the beginning, so hopefully I'll have time to fix that.
And I've never played Final Fantasy (that's a game, right?) so I really don't know how a Final Fantasy piece would sound like- welp, off to Google I go!

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Re: Criticism for [WIP] classical piece in Finale

#4 Post by TerracottaPie »

I'm like a month late here... There's not enough time to establish the piece as classical in the preview, but it sounded more orchestral than classical judging by what was there. The score has elements of classical music, though.

The ending felt really weak, as though the song wanted to continue. This is fine for looping music, but if you want the song to end, you'll want to change it. Consider using a Cadence to finish it. A cadence doesn't have to be big and booming, make use of dynamics if you want it to end softly.

Melodically it felt a little odd, I'll admit, but I'll attribute that to the cheesy MIDI Finale uses. I'd probably slow it down a little, personally, but it depends on the sound you want.

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Re: Criticism for [WIP] classical piece in Finale

#5 Post by mjshi »

@ Terracotta: Yeah, it's looping music so that end is not really an ending but a beginning of a new beginning :lol:
Thanks for the reply, I'll probably get a bunch of friends with their instruments and make them play it.
After listening to it for a few more times, I agree it does sound more orchestral... I did use a lot of string instruments, after all.

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Re: Criticism for [WIP] classical piece in Finale

#6 Post by TerracottaPie »

Live instruments are always the way to go where possible :wink:

If you have a stereo microphone it'd be a good idea to arrange the musicians in the same way an actual Orchestra would be arranged. Makes the parts easier to discern. Alternately you could just record each instrument separately and pan them in mixing.

A classical piece can be done on strings only, so it can be easy to mix them up. I'd try to avoid classifying something as classical until you're certain, just to avoid confusion should someone be specifically after classical music.

Looking forward to the final piece. :D

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