"Do you resign as a human being?" -- Valvrave the Liberator

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"Do you resign as a human being?" -- Valvrave the Liberator

#1 Post by Blutkristall »

Greetings LSF, how are you liking this season's braincell-killing crazytrain masquerading as a mecha show so far?
I, for one, look forward to it every week since ever since it started the anime has been an endless ride of glorious stupidity and insane stunts the likes of which our kind might perhaps come up with after three weeks of a sleep-deprived drug binge.
Not only is the plot hilariously all over the place, the music is quite endearing as well and the mecha couldn't be described as anything other than sexy as hell.

Let's hear your opinions.
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Re: "Do you resign as a human being?" -- Valvrave the Libera

#2 Post by Kittenanna »

I've been watching it every once in a while, but I'm severely behind- only on episode 3. I'm really not sure if I like it or not at this point. I completely love the blood, gore, and awesome fight scenes, something I was NOT expecting at all that pleasantly surprised me...! I also like the world-building and political entanglements of the fictional nations, it's pretty intriguing from what they've shown of it. Even the art's great, and the eyes especially are very... well, eye-catching, haha.

However... I'm really kinda sick of these school anime. Like, okay, your main characters a student... cool, I guess. But there's, like, eight completely irrelevant (as of episode 3) other characters from the school who just kinda take up space. Guilty Crown had that same problem, I remember. I feel like- aside from the love interests- they're just there to die later on and create "drama".....

That's my only complaint, really. Too many characters that I kinda don't care about at this point. But I guess not every mecha series can pull off a huge cast of characters as well as Aquarion Evol did.

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Re: "Do you resign as a human being?" -- Valvrave the Libera

#3 Post by Blutkristall »

I doubt you know the history of Gundam -- few people do or care, and I don't blame them, but its creator was known for killing off half the cast for nonsensical reasons. I'm unsure whether this will be the case here, but certain signs do point in that direction.
On the other hand we've had already the main love interest survive through pure plot armour and another guy survive being several times with an automatic weapon so... it's all still up in the air.
I love how proactive the two love main girls are, if in different ways. You'll see what I mean once you get there.
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Re: "Do you resign as a human being?" -- Valvrave the Libera

#4 Post by LVUER »

Blutkristall wrote:I doubt you know the history of Gundam -- few people do or care, and I don't blame them, but its creator was known for killing off half the cast for nonsensical reasons. I'm unsure whether this will be the case here, but certain signs do point in that direction.
On the other hand we've had already the main love interest survive through pure plot armour and another guy survive being several times with an automatic weapon so... it's all still up in the air.
I love how proactive the two love main girls are, if in different ways. You'll see what I mean once you get there.
Ah yes, Amano "Kill Them All". I really hate them since he's just killing them all senselessly (and towards end of the series too, most even dead at the final episode, like flies). And it's all only because Amano's mood is bad to boot (Brain Powered is said to have better ending because Amano's mood is good at that time).

On topic, I haven't see any of Valvrave The Liberator episodes because I'm the type who wait until all 13 episodes is finished (or all 52 freaking episodes) and the bluray version is released (if the anime have lots of ecchi scene/gore that need to be censored). This anime have been under my watch from the first teaser was released... like Suisei no Gargantia too, all my friends say this anime is good.
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