Looking to work on short-term game for free (Closed for now)

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Looking to work on short-term game for free (Closed for now)

#1 Post by hiko27 »

NOTE: If you don't get your chance now, you can try again when I open the thread in the future after finishing the current game I agreed to work on.

EDIT: Golem's Wake currently on hold for now, so I'm up to looking for a short VN to work on.

Currently working on: Sibling Experiment, CGs (for Katta) // astrokeofmadness's project // omegafalcon's mod

I'm looking for ONE (or more, depending on each project's length) short-term game to work on for free. I've mentioned it in my commissions thread but I can't really fit it in the title, so I opted to create a separate thread for that if that's fine.
Sample for y'all who're too lazy to click the links below.
More samples of my art can be found at my commissions thread, art thread, or deviantart.

I'm very willing to do every art in the game: Character design, sprites, backgrounds, and CGs. And it will be colored ofc. I'm also willing to stick til the end (I personally don't like doing things halfway done), as long as you don't act like a douche. I don't want to be treated like an art machine that can just spit out art whenever you say so, I am human too so it'd be nice if you treat me as such as well. Heck, if we get along and become friends, I'd be even more willing to help you out on your other games/projects.

What I'm asking for:
-The story needs to have been fleshed out by the time you post here. I'd love you even more if the writing is 100% and all you need is an artist (I seriously will love you so think about that). I'm not going to consider any games that're still in the idea phase, or has less than 50% of the writing done. You NEED NEED NEEEED to show me that you're going to ACTUALLY finish this game. If you don't finish it, I'm going to hate you for the rest of my life and give away the artwork I made for the game or sell them instead.
-As mentioned above, please treat me nicely. I've done free requests on DA and I've pretty much been treated as if they're my employer even though it was all free. I'm okay with you acting all business-like, that I perfectly understand you'll need to finish a game with other people, but you're not paying me so we're on the same level right now. Treat me like a partner or colleague.
-You don't rush me. I have tons of requests on DA, commissions here, and commissions on another site, so I've pretty much dug my own grave and asked for more work. But I won't be asking for more if I don't think I can do it, so with that, don't rush me. I am willing to add you on Skype for faster communication but don't bug me everyday about the art, that'll really annoy me. I'm not going to leave the project unfinished. I'm pretty much a perfectionist so I never liked finishing things halfway through unless my schedule becomes so tight I really needed to leave, which is almost never.
-That my opinions be valued and taken into consideration. I'm not just an artist, I'm also a writer sometimes (I'd rather you not read my fanfics omg). I have a game in the works I've put back for other stuff, I've got a shit ton of ideas swirling in my head every minute of the day. I WILL give opinions if I feel something's off, or if an aspect of the story could be better, but in the end, it's up to you (if you're a writer) if you want to use my idea or not. I ask that I'm given a chance to voice my opinion at the least. And that you won't react harshly, rudely or like an asshole to being criticized or given my opinion. I do know what the hell I'm saying.
-Be considerable when it comes to the workload. As mentioned in the title, I'm looking for a short-term project. A few mins to 2 hours (or even more, I'm bad with estimating time honestly) of gameplay is what I'm looking for. I don't want to do 40+ CGs because that's just a lot of pressure and work to do by one person.
-I actually DO do logos for free, and you can ask me for one for the game, but don't ask me to do the GUI please. I'm too lazy to do that.
-I'm pretty forgetful, so once a week, remind me that you're still alive. In fact, it'd be nice if you set up a deadline for me (like one artwork each week/biweekly) or for the whole game so I know what I need to do. PLEASE MAKE A SCHEDULE FOR THE WHOLE GAME I WORK BETTER ON A SCHEDULE MY WHOLE LIFE IS A SCHEDULE. But I need to also know you're working on a schedule or doing some writing at least once or twice a week. Please make it reasonable though, and give me tons of leeway for when I can't draw cause of life.
-If you're planning on releasing this as commercial, I obviously want to be compensated for it.
-As stated in the first one, I wanted the writing to be 50% done. By done, I mean written, edited and finalized. Bonus points if you've got a coder, and some GUI done as well.

Types of games I'm interested in:
-Mystery/Detective (I honestly love these to death I swear please let me work on one)
-Anything else under the sun except for anything that'll involve machines because I suck at those
-Interesting plots/plot twist to a specific cliche
-Anything inspiring, kinetic novels ftw

I'm mostly into doing this because I want to work on an interesting and fun game for a short time. And by fun, one that has an amazing story, great character development -- something that makes me think, can relate to, and draws me in emotionally, mentally and intellectually.

But anyways, if you think I'd like your game and you'd want me to work with you, link me to your progress thread here in this thread. No PMs unless it's a question or I've decided to work on yours and we're discussing it in detail. I will ignore PMs to links about the game because I don't see the point if the game already has a progress thread in the forums. Which will lead me to two things about that PM -- it's still in the idea phase/writing isn't 50% complete, or it's a question. Most likely it'll be the former. Don't even think of replying/PMing me if it's still in the idea phase, I'll despise you.

If I've rejected your game but you still want me to work for you, I'd suggest you commission me instead. For more samples, PM me or post here in the thread. If you guys do have questions, just ask away here. Hopefully I didn't sound pushy, but I just wanted to lay some ground rules to avoid any future problems.

Last edited by hiko27 on Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:14 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#2 Post by Mickychi »

This is not a request to work with you, just to clarify. Just wanting to say good luck and love your artwork~ If I had a game in the right stage for this I'd be jumping on it. Can't wait to see what game gets your pretty artwork~

Also can you please give an update about the game or a link to a progress thread when you decide on one, I'd like to keep track of it if the story is good~

Good Luck again~ :)
Check out my WIP Prologue: Caged Bird!

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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#3 Post by hiko27 »

Mickychi wrote:This is not a request to work with you, just to clarify. Just wanting to say good luck and love your artwork~ If I had a game in the right stage for this I'd be jumping on it. Can't wait to see what game gets your pretty artwork~

Also can you please give an update about the game or a link to a progress thread when you decide on one, I'd like to keep track of it if the story is good~

Good Luck again~ :)
Thank you! Haha, it seems that I'll be waiting for that game for a few more weeks or so, I may have set the standard too high xD

Sure thing! I'll definitely post the link to the game in this thread, my commissions thread and my signature once I've decided.
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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#4 Post by Tracy Bullet »

I can't promise much at all, but I am writing a game right now, and I have a friend who agreed to act as editor. It's kind of a goal of ours to assemble a team. How far away from the "idea phase" do you want, and would you like me to PM you some of the stuff we have so far? Or maybe I could just write a description of the game here? It seems the kind of thing up your ally from the post here, but again, I am unsure if you would be willing to come along for the ride when it has barely started.

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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#5 Post by Raithfyre »

Hi there. I'd like to apply. You can view the game's progress thread here. As you can see, it was originally supposed to be a NaNo game. We got the script done but not the art, and said artists have since disappeared (though we do have a pretty kickin' UI!). Co-writer and I have also decided to rewrite the script to improve it, but technically there is a completed script and UI and half a soundtrack that COULD be used to make a game if needed. Hope that works progress-wise =P I also have a couple lists of needed assets and a detailed outline and stuff, but I'd rather discuss that via PM if we get that far. Cheers and thanks for your consideration! =)

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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#6 Post by Tracy Bullet »

Wow, Raithfyre, that sounds really put together.

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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#7 Post by LadyOfGatsby »

This is such an amazing idea, hoping to see what sort of project you take, and I think you updating about what game you've chosen would be nice (So I can stalk your lovely art) Though I hope I finish my script progress in time to recruit you :)

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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#8 Post by hiko27 »

Tracy Bullet wrote:I can't promise much at all, but I am writing a game right now, and I have a friend who agreed to act as editor. It's kind of a goal of ours to assemble a team. How far away from the "idea phase" do you want, and would you like me to PM you some of the stuff we have so far? Or maybe I could just write a description of the game here? It seems the kind of thing up your ally from the post here, but again, I am unsure if you would be willing to come along for the ride when it has barely started.
Doesn't matter what I get in return for the game, I just really want to help get more games out there if people are having a hard time getting art (though I see tons of artists on the forums). Well, technically, an idea is just that -- an idea. Nothing tangible to it, no writing (or at least, more than tens of paragraphs). Minimum: 50% of the writing is done, along with the characters, setting, outlines (if there are any), all the writing-based stuff. Just something that'll help me see that this thing WILL get done (a reasonable schedule would help as well), and that something has already been done and you're halfway there, because I don't want to agree to doing a project and then have people disappear on me. So if you've got 50% of the writing done, then I'll consider your game. You can post a summary here if so. If not, I'd rather not work on it right now but in the future, if you've managed to get a lot of the writing done, then I'll look at it.
Raithfyre wrote:Hi there. I'd like to apply. You can view the game's progress thread here. As you can see, it was originally supposed to be a NaNo game. We got the script done but not the art, and said artists have since disappeared (though we do have a pretty kickin' UI!). Co-writer and I have also decided to rewrite the script to improve it, but technically there is a completed script and UI and half a soundtrack that COULD be used to make a game if needed. Hope that works progress-wise =P I also have a couple lists of needed assets and a detailed outline and stuff, but I'd rather discuss that via PM if we get that far. Cheers and thanks for your consideration! =)
Ooooh, two of my favorite books -- Peter Pan and HMC (I personally love the book more than the movie though Studio Ghibli's version was nice, but too cliche imo). Only the character designs have been done so far or are there more that I'll have to work with (which is fine, I just need to know how much has been done already if I'm going to consider)? How short is this game? The designs are reeling me in honestly, plus the fact that it has elves in it, it's fantasy, and that it's inspired by two of my fave books is nice. The UI design would probably help me get the big picture on the game as well, if you don't mind. I'm just trying to see if this game is up my alley, and if it's interesting enough to get me really motivated. That's really what I want to feel when I work on these games, that it's so interesting and amazing that it makes me want to go above and beyond what I'm asked.
LadyOfGatsby wrote:This is such an amazing idea, hoping to see what sort of project you take, and I think you updating about what game you've chosen would be nice (So I can stalk your lovely art) Though I hope I finish my script progress in time to recruit you :)
Thank you! I might actually make this a thing. After finishing one game, I might open this thread up again, look for another game, finish that, and look for another game again. So maybe by then, you have your script done or something.
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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#9 Post by LadyOfGatsby »

Ooooh okay, that sounds awesome!

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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#10 Post by Tracy Bullet »

Well, it's not much right now, but if you still are offering later, I would love your help when we hit that 50% mark. So far, none of the paths are fully complete. I can see how that could be a serious problem for you.

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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#11 Post by hiko27 »

Tracy Bullet wrote:Well, it's not much right now, but if you still are offering later, I would love your help when we hit that 50% mark. So far, none of the paths are fully complete. I can see how that could be a serious problem for you.
Yep, I'm still offering for later. As I mentioned above to LadyOfGatsby, I'm considering opening this thread later on after finishing the first game but guidelines won't change. The game musn't be long (a few mins to about 2+ hours tops, bad with time estimates) and that about 50% of the writing has to be done. Though I'm fine with a game that has 50% of the paths done (like path 1 and 2 are done with endings while path 3 and 4 have yet to be done, something like that).
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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#12 Post by LadyOfGatsby »

Sorry for bothering you again but do you have some background examples? :)

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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#13 Post by hiko27 »

LadyOfGatsby wrote:Sorry for bothering you again but do you have some background examples? :)
It's fine, you're not a bother. This is the only sample I have so far. I haven't gotten around to finishing my other works with backgrounds but I'll try if you need more? I have so many incomplete drawings it's embarrassing.
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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#14 Post by LadyOfGatsby »

Well do you have like a background with objects? Lovely sky background btw, it feels so magical ^ ^ Haha that's alright.

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Re: Looking to work on short-term game for free

#15 Post by hiko27 »

LadyOfGatsby wrote:Well do you have like a background with objects? Lovely sky background btw, it feels so magical ^ ^ Haha that's alright.
Sadly no. I may have had one on our desktop computer but my brother wiped the whole thing a few years back so I lost all my files on there. I do have some incomplete CGs with backgrounds that I can finish for you, or I can whip up a completely new one if you'd like? I do need to create background samples >.>
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