Landscape artists wanted

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Landscape artists wanted

#1 Post by RockTheClock »

Now, as for pay goes, my programmer and I are hoping to sell this game, so we'd all split the profits between ourselves, that would be me (lead author, character designer, and director), my programmer, our custom sound creator, the website we publish our final product on (hopefully steam), and then the newest addition to the team, the landscape artist.

So details on the project itself:
It's a visual novel titled Marked, and till consist of at least 13 chapters (and perhaps if it's popular enough, some random extra chapters to be released at another time). The story takes place in a fictional victorian-esque city named Deppolis. The style of this world is similar to steampunk, however this town's main commodity is tourism and largely powered by an enormous waterwheel, so I've taken to calling this style "Aquapunk."
It centers around a woman about the age of 20 named Sesorus, so continues to follow her life as she stays under the radar, but also as she becomes a major player in the up coming political drama between Deppolis's prime minster, and the short brutish country elves.
Drama, romance, and comedy in sue.

This story will be long and very dynamic as there are many choices and so there would be a multitude of settings. If you're up to the challenge, please reply to this forum with some way for my programmer and myself to evaluate your artwork.

And if you're not happy with how the pay is being distributed, I'm sure we can work something out.

Thank you all for reading and I can't wait to see your artwork,
(Ms) RockTheClock

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Writing Maniac
Posts: 3428
Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2003 8:51 am
Completed: Metropolitan Blues, The Loyal Kinsman, Daemonophilia, The Dreaming, The Thirteenth Year, Adrift, Bionic Heart 2, Secrets of the Wolf, The Photographer
Projects: The Pilgrim's Path, Elspeth's Garden, Secret Adventure Game!
Organization: Tall Tales Productions
Location: Germany

Re: Landscape artists wanted

#2 Post by Taleweaver »

If you're not offering a pre-defined or pre-negotiated amount of money for work but rather split profits, then you're a Commercial Project Looking For Partners.

I moved your thread into the appropriate forum.
Scriptwriter and producer of Metropolitan Blues
Creator of The Loyal Kinsman
Scriptwriter and director of Daemonophilia
Scriptwriter and director of The Dreaming
Scriptwriter of Zenith Chronicles
Scriptwriter and director of The Thirteenth Year
Scriptwriter and director of Romance is Dead
Scriptwriter and producer of Adrift
More about me in my blog
"Adrift - Like Ever17, but without the Deus Ex Machina" - HigurashiKira

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