Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Agender Protagonist]

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Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Agender Protagonist]

#1 Post by sorani »

1280x720 | Pure Visual Novel | Rating 15+

Release Date:TBA


In the outskirts of a white palace lies a forest banished from the realm of the gods.
Despite the Forsaken Forest's infamous reputation, it still gets visitors from other kingdoms.
Many of these humans have a fifty-fifty chance of surviving the the maze of the forest depending
on the mood of the Forest Guardian, Loke.

However, one day, the exact day when the forest holds a Harvest Festival,
a gunshot is fired and three humans enter the forest. Unlike the forest’s usual visitors,
getting three in a row is rather unlucky on the day of the Harvest Festival.

Warned by the Forest Elder, one of the three intruders will bring destruction into Loke’s forest, but who is it?
Just what will happen when Loke does meet one of them, will it be their deaths or Loke’s?

• Romantic Undertones or maybe some Friendship
• 2 Paths
• 1 Hidden Path
• 6 Endings
• CG Gallery
*EDIT NEW*• A interrogative segment gameplay to weasel out information from your victims

Main Characters

From Left to Right: Frea, Loke, Sign, Hiem
The story isn't related to any Norse myths.
Though the plot has nothing to do with Norse mythology,
the names are influenced from the Norse Gods names.
Loke is based off Loki's powers and trickster character.
Frea is Freyja, the Norse Goddess.
Sign is from Sigyn, the wife of Loki.
Hiem is Jötunheimr.
Sorry for any misunderstandings!
And designs are subject to change at any point this year.[/i]

The androgynous Guardian of the Forest.
Enjoys tricking humans and is generally apathetic towards human affairs, unless it involves the forest.
Has powers unknown to humans, as well as a strong emotional connection with the forest.
Loke is very possessive of the forest, naming every tree trunk on the acre.
Loke is also one of the reasons humans come back to the forest. There is a rumor that Loke is a
fairy that can grant wishes with a fountain located in the center of the forest.
Loke is agender, showing a detachment to humanity despite looking like one.

First of the three humans who enters the forest.
A deluded, happy-go-lucky princess who seems to have lost her way
and claims to be looking for a knight.
She's a terrible singer and surprisingly has callused hands despite her docile appearance.

A young man who claims to be the King of Thieves, but has lost his treasure, the princess.
Arrogant with his self-proclaimed title but his skills are the real thing.
His bag is full of mysteries and seems to be of Asian descent.

The Loyal Knight who is searching for a princess and a thief, presumably together.
Incredibly determined to retrieve the princess and refuses to disclose any information.
Actually entomophobic and can not live without his armor.

Forest Elder
A mystic member of the forest guardians.
Is known to predict accurate prophecies and another reason why humans visit the forest.
Loke does not know the seer's true appearance but treats the elder like family, particularly a grandfather.

Spirit Flies
Souls of the dead shaped like fireflies.
They are the messengers of the forest and can shape themselves as a flat screen TV.
According to Loke, they taste like ambrosia.



• Outline: 90% Subject to change OTL
• Script: 3/16
• Coding: 0%
• GUI: 90%
• Sprites: 1/6 I just have sketches,unsure of the sprite style
• CG: 0/16 Need to start sketching them...
• BG: 6/6 Almost completed! Also need to do Morning/Noon/Night ver.

For more updates, follow my twitter!
I like to post artwork on it, and probably some rantings.


Originally this was suppose to be for NaNoWinter 2015 but I didn't want to release a game that had a rushed and messy story, so I decided to push it back a bit.
However, it is going to be a short story...

And here's the definitions of my title and protagonist's name. It's kinda spoiler-ish.
Loke (lōk)
n. 1.A private path or road; also, the wicket or hatch of a door.
Lok (lǒk)
n. 1.(Scandinavian Myth.) The evil deity, the author of all calamities and mischief, answering to the Ahriman of the Persians.

User Feedback

1. What are your thoughts on the WIP?

2. Does the WIP need some more information?

3. What do you think about the art? Does my inability to draw trees stand out a lot?

4. What are your thoughts on having an agender protagonist?

5. Any questions? Things that need some clarification?

Thank you for reading through my WIP! :D
Last edited by sorani on Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:24 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Free]

#2 Post by Reikun »

1. What are your thoughts on the WIP?
LOOKS GOOD! I'm rooting for you!!

2. Does the WIP need some more information?
I think you've done a good job presenting what you have so far :)

3. What do you think about the art? Does my inability to draw trees stand out a lot?
I think the trees are done well since they're all consistent with each other/create a mood together. They don't need to be hyper-realistic to look good!
And I'm looking forward to whatever style you decide for the sprites. The character designs so far look distinct from each other so that's a plus! I'm excited for Hiem's armor HAHA;;;

4. What are your thoughts on having an agender protagonist?


5. Any questions? Things that need some clarification?
Is the main plot figuring out which intruder will bring destruction? Is the harvest festival itself an important part of the story? Are you planning premature bad ends and/or fleshed out bad ends? And based on Loke's description about how people perceive their gender, does any feeling up occur in the story? 0___0 (I have no preference as to whether or not it occurs, just curious since you mentioned it haha)


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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Free]

#3 Post by sorani »

Reikun wrote:1. What are your thoughts on the WIP?
LOOKS GOOD! I'm rooting for you!!

2. Does the WIP need some more information?
I think you've done a good job presenting what you have so far :)
Thanks so much for your support, especially on twitter <3
You're like the Japanese Fisherman who says "Never Give Up!" and it really motivates me, thanks XD

Reikun wrote:3. What do you think about the art? Does my inability to draw trees stand out a lot?
I think the trees are done well since they're all consistent with each other/create a mood together. They don't need to be hyper-realistic to look good!
And I'm looking forward to whatever style you decide for the sprites. The character designs so far look distinct from each other so that's a plus! I'm excited for Hiem's armor HAHA;;;
Thanks! I'm glad you like Hiem's armor, surprisingly I wasn't thinking much in his design? lol, but I'm kinda despairing over having to draw his armor in CGs OTL
Reikun wrote:4. What are your thoughts on having an agender protagonist?
Yay! I'm glad to hear!
Reikun wrote:5. Any questions? Things that need some clarification?
Is the main plot figuring out which intruder will bring destruction?
Kind of. I'm planning to have the player choose an intruder to investigate over the course of three days, before the Harvest Festival ends, and during that duration, Loke tries to interrogate or interact with them. The clues that Loke finds are something the reader interprets from in the course of the visual novel. But I'm not planning to put any mystery game play since I purely intend it to be a pure visual novel, but since you asked that, I might put in more choices for the player to choose from to make conclusions from the clues Loke gets from interacting with the intruders.
Reikun wrote:Is the harvest festival itself an important part of the story?
Yeah, I'm planning to make the Harvest Festival a guise for the dark past of the forest, so expect something that's not all rainbows and unicorns lol
That's also why my naming sense for all those titles are kinda bland lmao
Reikun wrote:Are you planning premature bad ends and/or fleshed out bad ends?
I might, like if the choices chosen throughout the game doesn't match the ones to get the bad end or good end, then it'll lead to a premature bad end, then I might have to change my ending count after I sort it out in my outline haha
Reikun wrote:And based on Loke's description about how people perceive their gender, does any feeling up occur in the story? 0___0 (I have no preference as to whether or not it occurs, just curious since you mentioned it haha)
Yeah, depends on the person. Frea is so happy easy going that she doesn't understand the meaning of personal space.
I wonder if this contradicts that Loke is agender, but then again, Loke isn't very human either.

Reikun wrote:GOOD LUCK!! *CHEERS YOU ON*
Thanks!! <3
Good luck with Theo as well!! I'm looking forward to the next beta XD

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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Free]

#4 Post by Heiden »

Oooh this looks really interesting!

1. What are your thoughts on the WIP?

I think it looks really interesting! I was at first confused at the title being Lok, yet the character is named Loke, but
you later clarify that these two words have different meanings, haha.

I especially like how the three human characters seem to be looking for each other, yet it's kept vague enough to suggest that they might be looking for people other than each other. Very mysterious!

2. Does the WIP need some more information?
I think it's good, though I'm not very experienced in reading/making WIP threads, haha.

3. What do you think about the art? Does my inability to draw trees stand out a lot?

I like the character designs! They give a good feel as to what the character is like as well as having different color palates. (I love it when characters have distinct colors~)

And I think you did a good job with the trees. The roots in the inside of the house are especially pretty.
I also like the outside trees as well, as their 'straightness' (there's a better word for this but it's not coming to me at the moment) remind me of a boreal forest http://www.ecojustice.ca/images/boreal-forest/image, especially with the limited foliage and the blues/greens that give it a cooler feel. That, combined with the Norse-sounding names, gave me a feel that the story took place in a more northern, colder part of Earth (or whatever planet this is happening on).

4. What are your thoughts on having an agender protagonist?

I like it! Though I did have questions when you mentioned: "...but depending on Loke's target's sexual preferences that'll be their gender...". How will this work? Is Frea, Sign, and Hiem attracted to the opposite gender? Same? Both? Is there a reason that Loke can't continue to exist as agender? I suppose I'll find out when it comes out. :)

5. Any questions? Things that need some clarification?

I only had one other question as I was reading your plot description, where is this taking place?
Initially, I was thinking a fantasy world, as there was a Guardian of the Forest as well as a Princess and a Knight and other things like that. But there is a gunshot and the Spirit Flies can turn themselves into a flat screen TV (haha, this sounds great), which made it sound more modern day. It's an interesting mix of fairy-tale elements and modern day, I'm excited to see how it'll blend together in the finished product! :D
Completed: Elvine (GxB), The Life Threads, Helena's Flowers (GxG)(As Writer, Coder), Dr. Frank's Build-A-Boyfriend (BxB), Beyond the Deep (GxB)(As Artist), The Bog's Heart, The Girl with the Gray Hair Awakens, The Far Rings, NB107A.

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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Free]

#5 Post by sorani »

Heiden wrote:Oooh this looks really interesting!

1. What are your thoughts on the WIP?

I think it looks really interesting! I was at first confused at the title being Lok, yet the character is named Loke, but
you later clarify that these two words have different meanings, haha.

I especially like how the three human characters seem to be looking for each other, yet it's kept vague enough to suggest that they might be looking for people other than each other. Very mysterious!

2. Does the WIP need some more information?
I think it's good, though I'm not very experienced in reading/making WIP threads, haha.
Thanks XD I was trying to go for a mystery type of feeling while writing the bios, I'm glad I achieved it haha
Heiden wrote:3. What do you think about the art? Does my inability to draw trees stand out a lot?

I like the character designs! They give a good feel as to what the character is like as well as having different color palates. (I love it when characters have distinct colors~)

And I think you did a good job with the trees. The roots in the inside of the house are especially pretty.
I also like the outside trees as well, as their 'straightness' (there's a better word for this but it's not coming to me at the moment) remind me of a boreal forest http://www.ecojustice.ca/images/boreal-forest/image, especially with the limited foliage and the blues/greens that give it a cooler feel. That, combined with the Norse-sounding names, gave me a feel that the story took place in a more northern, colder part of Earth (or whatever planet this is happening on).

Oh, that's kinda cool lol I wasn't really thinking about a specific tree, but those trees are pretty~ And thanks, the roots in the room was a pain to paint OTL
I was trying to go for a surrealistic setting, but I like your theory! I haven't really given much thought on an accurate landmark, so I'll make sure to specify it in the actual story~
Heiden wrote:4. What are your thoughts on having an agender protagonist?

I like it! Though I did have questions when you mentioned: "...but depending on Loke's target's sexual preferences that'll be their gender...". How will this work? Is Frea, Sign, and Hiem attracted to the opposite gender? Same? Both? Is there a reason that Loke can't continue to exist as agender? I suppose I'll find out when it comes out. :)
Yeah, after I finished the thread I forgot to clarify on Loke's agender and their gender, as well as the other's sexual preferences. I was going to put it off, since I wasn't sure I should make the game have romantic undertones are not.
It's not that important to the game's conclusion, but Loke can transform their body, used as a tool to mess with humans. At first they'll use it, but later in the game, Loke will go back to identifying as agender when the attraction game gets boring. It's also used to get some of the other characters to reveal their orientation, which depends on the romantic undertone of the path.

Frea = Homosexual
Sign = Bisexual
Hiem = Pansexual
Loke = Pansexual
The reason Loke reverts back to being agender is only when they feel comfortable with the person, they'll correct the other character's the misgendering depending in the path.
I didn't want to label it as romance since there isn't a dating thing, but there are undertones of interest that'll go on in the game, I'll edit the thread to clarify.
Heiden wrote:5. Any questions? Things that need some clarification?

I only had one other question as I was reading your plot description, where is this taking place?
Initially, I was thinking a fantasy world, as there was a Guardian of the Forest as well as a Princess and a Knight and other things like that. But there is a gunshot and the Spirit Flies can turn themselves into a flat screen TV (haha, this sounds great), which made it sound more modern day. It's an interesting mix of fairy-tale elements and modern day, I'm excited to see how it'll blend together in the finished product! :D
I wanted to make the setting timeless, like you can't really tell what era it takes place in, so some inventions and technology can get messy in some places.
But to clarify and make it less of a plot hole,
The flat screen TV transformation is just a flat screen of light that can show images and Loke uses it to receive messages from the Forest Elder.
The gun was obtained from trade, but who knows from where.
I hope I clarified somethings before getting too spoilery, but thanks! I always like making urban fantasy fairy tale like stories and I'm glad it interests you too!

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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Agender Protagonist]

#6 Post by Mad Harlequin »

A few things:

1. I'm totally fine with a protagonist who's agender.

2. I'm not a visual artist, so I can't really provide much constructive feedback about the backgrounds and character sprites beyond this: I think the sprites could use some refinement, and the trees need branches. They shouldn't look like identical popsicle sticks.

3. I suggest renaming at least some of your characters, if only because saying they were chosen at random seems a little haphazard. I've always thought characters should have their names for a reason, even if that reason is something as simple as liking the name.
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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Agender Protagonist]

#7 Post by sorani »

Mad Harlequin wrote:A few things:

1. I'm totally fine with a protagonist who's agender.

2. I'm not a visual artist, so I can't really provide much constructive feedback about the backgrounds and character sprites beyond this: I think the sprites could use some refinement, and the trees need branches. They shouldn't look like identical popsicle sticks.

3. I suggest renaming at least some of your characters, if only because saying they were chosen at random seems a little haphazard. I've always thought characters should have their names for a reason, even if that reason is something as simple as liking the name.
Thanks for replying!

2. Sure, I was thinking about where the leaves are tbh, I'll remember to make those changes~
And I'm kinda conflicted with the art style, that's why the sprite is still in sketch form OTL I think I'll make it painterly to match the BG than a cell shaded style.

3. Well, to be truthful I didn't pick them up randomly...
To clarify:
Though the plot has nothing to do with Norse mythology, the names are influenced from the Norse Gods names. I'll be sure to edit that in the WIP!
Loke is based off Loki's powers and trickster character.
Frea is Freyja, the Norse Goddess.
Sign is from Sigyn, the wife of Loki.
Hiem is Jötunheimr.

Sorry if I come off as incompetent with my lack of research, but thanks, your advice is helpful.

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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Agender Protagonist]

#8 Post by Mad Harlequin »

sorani wrote:2. Sure, I was thinking about where the leaves are tbh, I'll remember to make those changes~
And I'm kinda conflicted with the art style, that's why the sprite is still in sketch form OTL I think I'll make it painterly to match the BG than a cell shaded style.
If you're still deciding what to do with the trees, that makes sense. And I think making the sprites look painted would be great! :)
3. Well, to be truthful I didn't pick them up randomly... Sorry if I come off as incompetent with my lack of research, but thanks, your advice is helpful.
Oh, it's no trouble! I wasn't trying to be mean or anything. I just tend to wonder about these kinds of things. Names can sometimes reveal a lot about a character or an author. Of course, I'm not saying names necessarily have to have some deeper meaning, but it's pretty common in certain areas of literature.
I'm an aspiring writer and voice talent with a passion for literature and an unhealthy attachment to video games. I am also a seasoned typo-sniper. Inquiries are encouraged. Friendly chats are welcome.
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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Agender Protagonist]

#9 Post by sorani »

@ Mad Harlequin: Sorry for making you sound mean, but I am really thankful for any comments tbh
I think it was good to help clarify some things for you! I actually thought of the names last year, so I kinda almost forgot how I came up with them.
I'm pretty new at creative writing, and I haven't read literature in a while so I'm worried about writing a decent story OTL So if something isn't clear to you, I'm glad to answer!

And here's some of the tree BG edits. I added some branches and leaves, but unfortunately, I can't really do anything for the house, I already made three ver. and the night ver. is hard to edit OTL
Forest Redone
Forest Redone

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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Agender Protagonist]

#10 Post by noeinan »

1. What are your thoughts on the WIP?

It looks good so far. I'm excited to see the character sprites.

2. Does the WIP need some more information?

Seems like a good overview for a short game.

3. What do you think about the art? Does my inability to draw trees stand out a lot?

I like the art-- I personally can't do digital painting or backgrounds for shit. You may have decided to just show the tree trunks because you have a hard time with trees (not painting leaves) but I actually think that makes it stand out more and seem kinda magical/mysterious.

4. What are your thoughts on having an agender protagonist?

I actually decided to look at the game after seeing there was an agender protagonist-- I'm neutrois myself and thought it was cool to have a main character with a similar gender identity. It seems Loke is partly agender due to physiology, but it seems he prefers an agender body so maybe identity also plays into it.

5. Any questions? Things that need some clarification?

Not a question but the code for the Honest Critique button is here: http://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewto ... 13&t=23057


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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Agender Protagonist]

#11 Post by Reikun »

Just when I thought you were already doing so well YOU WENT AND ADDED LEAVES/BRANCHES it looks so good O___O *stares jealously at your bgs* I really love your berry bushes T___T They're so cute. I'm totally looking forward to this game!!

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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Agender Protagonist]

#12 Post by sorani »

daikiraikimi wrote:1. What are your thoughts on the WIP?

It looks good so far. I'm excited to see the character sprites.

2. Does the WIP need some more information?

Seems like a good overview for a short game.

3. What do you think about the art? Does my inability to draw trees stand out a lot?

I like the art-- I personally can't do digital painting or backgrounds for shit. You may have decided to just show the tree trunks because you have a hard time with trees (not painting leaves) but I actually think that makes it stand out more and seem kinda magical/mysterious.

4. What are your thoughts on having an agender protagonist?

I actually decided to look at the game after seeing there was an agender protagonist-- I'm neutrois myself and thought it was cool to have a main character with a similar gender identity. It seems Loke is partly agender due to physiology, but it seems he prefers an agender body so maybe identity also plays into it.

5. Any questions? Things that need some clarification?

Not a question but the code for the Honest Critique button is here: http://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewto ... 13&t=23057
Thanks for commenting! I'm glad that the agender protagonist interests you, and your description is really helpful~ I've researched beforehand on gender identity and likewise, want to see visual novels with characters of various gender identities, and sexual/amorous orientations! If I make any mistakes in the character, I would love some feedback from anyone who are agender and so on.

And thanks for the link, now I have my own green button hahaha, I hope I am able to use everyone's critique usefully OTL
Reikun wrote:Just when I thought you were already doing so well YOU WENT AND ADDED LEAVES/BRANCHES it looks so good O___O *stares jealously at your bgs* I really love your berry bushes T___T They're so cute. I'm totally looking forward to this game!!
Thanks! BG aren't my forte, but they're fun once I get in the zone haha and thanks for liking the berry bushes~ haha though I might make some edits to them, they actually look weird up close OTL

And and update!
Finished Loke's sprite omg it took too long, wasn't sure what to do with the style but it works, maybe?
Sprite w/ shadow
Sprite w/ shadow

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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Agender Protagonist]

#13 Post by Ernestalice15 »

sorani wrote:1. What are your thoughts on the WIP?
Can't wait for more already. It seems thought well, by seeing the concept and characters. I hope you do well, too, in the scenario making.
sorani wrote:2. Does the WIP need some more information?
For the time being, I guess it's enough. I can understand the overall project. Of course, updates are welcomed anytime.
sorani wrote:3. What do you think about the art? Does my inability to draw trees stand out a lot?
The characters and backgrounds are quite good and stand out from the usual anime-art style. I like the coloring, too, and I don't really have any problem with the trees. It's really good and you should be more confident about it.

If there is any problem I catch, maybe it's about the title logo and the grasses.

Logo -> Not really like one. I think the color differences are too many like you put some words on a background. And because it has the same color type (which is green), the title doesn't really stand out. Tales or Final Fantasy series, for example, has a simple font, too, with the object color is different with the font color.

Grasses -> Or to be more precise, the things nearer to camera, I think they should be more detailed than the others on the back. It's just like you can see things in more detail when you're closer to that thing. If you use camera, sometimes it will be blurred if it's too close, and it's just another effect.
sorani wrote:4. What are your thoughts on having an agender protagonist?
Not really a problem. VN in general is novel with free choices of genre, story, and characters.
sorani wrote:5. Any questions? Things that need some clarification?
I don't really have one, but I wonder if you do this project alone?

Maybe that's all from me. Good luck with the progress and updates :)

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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Agender Protagonist]

#14 Post by noeinan »

I think the new sprite is gorgeous. And neutrois is a gender identity very similar to agender (sometimes they are considered the same.) My understanding is that neutrois identify as a specific gender that is neutral, and neither male nor female, while people who identify as agender feel they have *no* gender and like to separate themselves from the concept itself. I wouldn't mind weighing in on gender stuff in the story. :)


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Re: Lok [Fantasy][Mystery][Agender Protagonist]

#15 Post by sorani »

Thanks for commenting! Addressing the logo however, I'm afraid its going to kinda hard to change it, but I do see how the colors choices are indistinguishable, and for the grass, I took that advice for my new BG, to blur that in the distance, so thank you for your advice.
And yeah, I'm am currently working on this solo, but in the later and final stages I might look for help editing and proofreading.

Thanks for explaining~ I'll be looking forward to receiving help!

Update 2/7/15
My break is over and I'm back in school, therefore I'm a bit slow in my updates. Luckily I actually finished my backgrounds for the whole game, which I think will aid my writing a bit more in world building, something I forgot to put in when I was creating my story outline. Hopefully, my goal is to finish the story by March, so art would just be the only thing I'll have to worry about, and then NaNoReNo, which I hope to attempt this year OTL
Sorry for slow progress, but I haven't give up yet XD


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