Looking for Event CG Artist - eSports VN

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Looking for Event CG Artist - eSports VN

#1 Post by Vogue »

Hey there. I'm Vogue, writer for SC2VN.


I'm looking for someone that can do event CG in a style close to our character art. You can find examples of that on our devblog by scrolling down (please note that the art on our kickstarter is outdated). We're trying to get the first act of our game done in the next 3 months and, for that, we require 6-8 pieces of CG for important moments in our game's narrative. It's also highly preferable that you are able to provide more CG at a later date once the first act is complete and production for the later acts begins. We're really close to having something to show for all of our work, so you won't need to wait long before adding our project to your portfolio.

Obviously, since I'm posting on this forum, we are able to pay for work. I'm happy to negotiate pricing privately over email or skype (TeamElevenEleven (at) gmail (dot) com).

Post here if you're interested. Please include some links to examples of your work.
Last edited by Vogue on Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Writing Maniac
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Completed: Metropolitan Blues, The Loyal Kinsman, Daemonophilia, The Dreaming, The Thirteenth Year, Adrift, Bionic Heart 2, Secrets of the Wolf, The Photographer
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Organization: Tall Tales Productions
Location: Germany

Re: Looking for Event CG Artist - eSports VN

#2 Post by Taleweaver »

Your thread is currently in violation of our Rule 14:
The Lemma Soft Forums are meant for public discussion. Threads that direct replies to PMs or Email may be deleted.
Please amend your opening post to allow feedback through this thread.
Scriptwriter and producer of Metropolitan Blues
Creator of The Loyal Kinsman
Scriptwriter and director of Daemonophilia
Scriptwriter and director of The Dreaming
Scriptwriter of Zenith Chronicles
Scriptwriter and director of The Thirteenth Year
Scriptwriter and director of Romance is Dead
Scriptwriter and producer of Adrift
More about me in my blog
"Adrift - Like Ever17, but without the Deus Ex Machina" - HigurashiKira

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