Silent Tears: Origins [Drama/Friendship/Fantasy/ChildProtag]

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Silent Tears: Origins [Drama/Friendship/Fantasy/ChildProtag]

#1 Post by MyFrozenSanctuary »

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"Tell me something; Have you ever wondered why?"

♔ Visual Novel
♔ Children/Friendship/Family/Politics/Royalty/Society/Fantasy/Drama
Teen/Young Adult (M15+/T) for mature scenes concerning psychological abuse/trauma,
threats and attempts of violence resulting in death and the practice of coercive persuasion.
(Which is sounding alot more morbid than I intend)
Potentially Triggering Content (Spoilers):
Attempted Murder, Actual Murder, Assault, Abandonment/Isolation, Child Abuse/Psychological Abuse, Brainwashing/Indoctrination, Cult, and 'A single life in exchange for many' mentality
Free game for a Commerical series
♔ Five children as main characters + Side Characters including families and important figures
♔ Decisions that will impact future games
♔ Multiple Endings based upon several factors including interactions with others
♔ Ability to play with the risk of death to the MC or to remove the risk before playing.
♔ Original background music composed by Christopher Escalante
♔ Unlockable scenes featuring the other characters during and after The Incident.
Silent Tears: Origins takes place in the Kingdom Of Carvinity, an island nation home to many refugees from their war torn neighbours. As the only realm to be completely neutral in everything, including the war, citizens are free to live in the knowledge that they will never have to face the threat of war again. A treaty between their neighbours, the desert nation of Himpilin and the woodland domain of Larson, allows Carvinity to play the middle man when it comes to trade and disputes. For many, Carvinity is a welcomed relief to the war effort as they seem to be the only one standing between the two biggest factions in the world. However, not all believe Carvinity is as pure and innocent as they appear to be, because isn't it always the quiet ones you have to watch out for?

The Kingdom Of Carvinity is due to celebrate the eighth birthday of it's Crown Princess in just a few days. For such a huge event there seems to be something rather... off about the organisation of the celebration. All information about the event is being organised behind closed doors and all public information is kept to a minimum. Always open to input and suggestions from it's citizens, the fact such a big celebration is being kept away from the public eye is making many citizens feel rather uneasy. As there has been no official comments from the royals or organisers, several public critics have decided that maybe the stress of Celeste's eighth birthday is to blame for the obvious breach in protocol. Unknown to even the little princess in question, the organisers have alot more pressing issues to deal with than just organising a royal birthday celebration. The unexpected news that the royals from Himpilin and Larson are going to turn up for Celeste's birthday celebration has caused absolute chaos among the organising ranks. There is also the news that another huge event, the official naming ceremony of Carvinity's baby princess, is going to start the day after the birthday celebrations, as compensation for the neighbouring royals arriving earlier than planned.

With all this chaos happening in the public eye, surely that's all everyone should be worrying about, right?

But behind closed doors and among dark passages, whispers of a hidden truth are beginning to stir. A dark legacy that has happened for generations is now facing a unexpected problem. After decades of utter devotion, there are some among the ranks who are beginning to feel their moral conscience returning. Many were actually monitoring their young princess at the time of their awakening, the link between the two now as obvious as day. What on earth could this young girl have done to warrant such a horrible future? If that's to be called one at all. Those who are becoming aware of the truth of the situation now face a critical decision; keep quiet or expose the truth of the celebration and risk immediate death.

Will Celeste find out the truth of her birthday celebration or will she be destined to follow her predetermined fate?
Her very life is in your hands.
Celeste Lydia Rosenforth
"The Naive Headstrong Princess"
♥ Crown Princess Of Carvinity // Protagonist // Descendant of The Divine ♥
♥ Purple Hair // Pink/Violet Eyes // Fair Skin ♥
♥ Seven Years Old ♥

"I don't want her anymore! Take her back and give me another sister!"

Celeste is a humble and loving princess who always strives to make others feel at home in her presence, even at the cost of upsetting her family. She is very vocal about her utter disdain of the class system and will go out of her way to remind everyone of that fact. Despite repeated warnings against it, there have been many incidences where Celeste is in the servants kitchen. Feeding a group of peasant children her leftovers from dinner. For Celeste, it's never been about having everything at her fingertips, its always been about why can't she share everything with everyone. "If food is going to go to waste anyway, why not feed everyone who's hungry with it?" For many, it's a stark reminder of Carvinity's first ruler; Celeste's paternal great-great grandmother. Celeste has always drawn attention, being a crown princess tends to do that. But it's different now; it's almost as if they're looking for something. Maybe she's more alike to Carvinity's founder than just her physical appearance?

While she is a very good child who commits to her princess lessons and follows most orders without question, she isn't perfect. Her anger rivals many adults, enough that when her voice begins to rise, many will run in the opposite direction for fear of the words that come spilling out. The birth of her sister has seemed to cut Celeste's fuse shorter and she is even more likely to blow up at something that doesn't agree with her morals. For a girl who rarely allows herself to be selfish, Celeste is now facing the reality that she can't be the perfect girl everyone wants her to be. That she will get angry, that she is extremely jealous of her sister and that no matter how hard she tries, Celeste will always have flaws. And like all children, she loves the excitement of breaking rules and running into trouble. So when the opportunity to be rebellious appears, will she finally give into her inner childish desires or will she maintain the perfect princess form?

Akil Nathaniel Synclair // Alki Theodore Synclair
"The Cold Intellect // The Flamboyant Troublemaker "
♥ Descendants of Valnora // Identical Twins // Childhood Friends ♥
♥ Black Hair // Green Eyes // Fair Skin ♥
♥ Nine Years Old ♥

"By the goddess you two will be the death of me!" // "Oh stop being so dramatic brother, that's supposed to be my role!"

The Synclair brothers are notorious in the Carvinity Castle for their extreme personalities. At first glance this does appear to be the case. Akil, the older of the two, is highly intelligent and logical. He also seems detached from emotional entanglements. Alki, is an emotional being who thrives off social interaction and causing unnecessary trouble. As Identical Twins, Akil and Alki, have accepted that many will never be able to tell them apart. Which is why they go out of their way to try and look different from one another. They still share enough characteristics to easily switch places without most people realizing. A game they have been playing from day one. Celeste is one of the only ones who actually treats them as individuals which is why she'll always be able to tell them apart. Akil is very protective of Celeste and Alki, which is why he'll always take the blame when it comes to the chaos that surrounds them, even if it wasn't his idea at all. He is also in charge of keeping the other two in line, making sure they don't do anything too reckless. Alki is also protective of his brother and Celeste, but he has a different way of showing it. He makes sure that everyone around him is caught up in his highly addicting fun loving attitude and constant adventuring.

Akil, Alki and Celeste form 'The Trio' a group that strikes both fear and delight among the ranks. When they aren't causing trouble for the servants, The Trio are usually helping out with tasks that are far beneath their station. An apology for their ridiculous behaviour. As the descendants of Valnora, The Twins are treated as nobles and are near equal to the members of the royal family. The close ties between the children and Celeste puts the Synclair family at a good political vantage point. Something many other families are highly jealous of. It's not all brightly coloured flowers though. As the only children in the known world with hair as black as night, there have been many vocal opinions about this unusual occurrence. Rumours of their mother having an illicit affair with a evil entity seems to be the most common conclusion. Those who start the rumours quickly fall silent, a certain twin is always found hours after, a knowing grin plastered across his face.

Celeste's Notes: I don't know what I would do without them. They have been with me from day one and no one can separate us. Akil may be harsh with his words but I know deep down he's all talk. Alki will always bring a smile to my face even when he looks like he's about to cry himself.

Izac Malirick Gilson
"The Two-Faced Prince"
♥ Crown Prince Of Larson // Perfect Prince // Only son of King Malirick ♥
♥ Silver Hair // Blue Eyes // Alabaster Skin ♥
♥ Twelve Years Old ♥

"I'm sorry little princess but I can't act like this much longer. Unless you want to see me at my worst, leave me and don't look back."

Izac inherits two of the most important characteristics when it comes to being a Prince; being presentable beautiful and chivalrous/courteous to all. There have been many stories of the beauty of the Gilson family, but all will agree that Izac is the most beautiful one, only second to his divine mother. There is just something about his silver hair and blue eyes that seems to sway all to his cause. And let's not mention that smile of his. Izac is the child you've always dreamed of having. Perfectly composed, follows instructions without questions, and above all, acts exactly how a prince should. He has a way with words, a charm that seems far too mature for a boy of mere twelve. Some say even butter wouldn't actually melt in his mouth. Take that as you will. Izac is also very carefree and has no quims about who's attention he receives; young or old, male or female. He is very attentive and observant, especially to those who he is conversing with. Things that are said in passing is often remembered and even quoted back at a later date, a teasing smile on his lips.

Yet there is another side to this charming boy, a side that only few have ever seen. A boy who is spiteful and vicious, his hatred of society in all it's form as clear as sunlight. The usually open and friendly attitude is gone and is replaced by a cynical and almost adult persona. Speaking to this boy, if you dare, doesn't really end well. This completely opposite version usually stuns those who see it, and those who aren't, are convinced that he's just having an off day. Izac is allowed to be himself when he acts like this; he can freely admit how much he hates having to act like the perfect prince. His anger is only one part of this, there is also a deep sadness, almost suffocating in comparison to his friendly attitude. This side of Izac is kept close to his chest and is only ever seen when he's at breaking point. Many instructors have warned Izac of the consequences of 'breaking face' especially foreigners of his kingdom. He has a role to play in this grand game; to be the face of his people and his kingdom. Izac must please all around him or loose something more precious than life itself. It's only a matter of time before he cracks again. Will Celeste be a support or a hindrance in his journey?

Celeste's Notes: I can feel his sadness almost as strongly as I can feel his desire to please others. He is all smiles but there is something more to them, almost as if he is begging someone to see past the lies and deceit. Will I ever know what lies behind that charming boy?

"Malroy" Mallory Idris Lieb
"The Weak Commoner's Prince"
♥ Youngest Prince Of Himpilin // Emotional Child // "Malroy The Kind" ♥
♥ Chestnut Hair // Amber Eyes // Olive Skin ♥
♥ Six Years Old ♥

"I'm not stupid! Your the stupid one!"

Malroy was supposed to be a girl, that's what his father would declare if asked about his youngest son. He even went to the extreme of naming him Mallory, a name meant for a daughter. Despite many attempts to change his official name, The King stayed cold in his judgement and only granted his son the name Malroy to be used by foreigners and those who truly cared about his son. As harsh as that sounds, after four sons, a daughter would have been a nice change of pace. The queen was very quick to defend the existence of her youngest child but wasn't able protect him as much as she wanted to. Malroy couldn't help feeling unwanted and unloved by most his own family, especially his father, who was transparent with his dismissal of his youngest child. His brothers weren't as cold as his father, but they were pretty obvious in their annoyance for having another male sibling. But being the youngest did have some good advantages, many that Malroy found to make up for everything else.

He is able to spent most of his free time with the commoners, mingling with the underprivileged and those so far beneath his class. Malroy loves his life in the streets; the fact he can easily blend into the crowd, and just be another body in the masses. He has made many friends during these times, who are ecstatic to play games and talk with him. His position as prince had been raised a few times by the commoners he has approached but were dismissed quickly as they watched his gentle interaction with them. To his subjects, he is known as Malroy The Kind, a young child who cares deeply for his people. While his other siblings sneer at him, his mother is proud to see at least one of her children interact kindly with their subjects. Malroy is still a young boy and is always questioning everything. The fact there is an obvious difference between the way people treat his friends and himself is in the centre of many inquiries. He has declared time and time again that he hates being a prince, especially since he can't even look after his friends. With his kind heart comes a cost, little Malroy is very emotional about everything and will always end arguments by crying. Those who aren't at least a little moved by a six year old sobbing his eyes out are pretty cold hearted.

Celeste's Notes: I find it very hard not to try and coddle Malroy, especially when he gets mad at everyone for not understanding him. He is so adorable when he's mad, I just want to pick him up and hug him forever. His passion for his people is rather inspiring for such a young boy. I wonder if that's all he cares about though?

Outline: 90%
Script: 1500/? words
GUI: 20%
Music: 30%
Sprites: 0/?
Interior BGs: 1/?
Exterior BGs: 3/?
CGs: 0/?

To Be Implemented:
Morality Indicator
Relationship Indicator

MyFrozenSanctuary - Writer, 3D Background Artist, Programmer
Christopher Escalante - Composer/Musician

Concept 3D Environments using Vue 2014
Image Image
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(Free free to answer the ones you want to)

Do you like the premise of the story?
If you do decide to risk death, what sort of scenarios do you expect to face?
Theoretically, if Celeste was to die as a result of your decisions, do you think you'd feel responsible? (and do you think it's okay if I play on that during the bad endings?)
Is there anything in particular you'd to explore? (eg: cultural differences, the dark legacy)
Do you have any lingering thoughts about this dark organisation? Anything you'd like to share (or what I should avoid)
How about the children? Are they developed enough?
What sort of friendships dynamics between the children would you like to see? (eg: rivalry between Akil and Izac)
How are the characters? Any favorites? (or if you don't like any, thats cool too XD)
Anything else you'd like to add?

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading this far. As you've probably guessed, this is my first VN and I'm pretty nervous about this whole process. So if you've got any questions or comments feel free to drop a message or reply to this thread. Suggestions are welcomed too. I'm more than happy to ramble about my love for this story and it's characters. ^^

If anyone is an artist and would like to offer their services, feel free to pop me a message or reply to this post. It will be a paid commission. I'll put more detail in my recruitment ad. (hopefully in the next day or two)

Anyway! I hope you all have a great day/night. Thanks for taking an interest in my little project. <3
Last edited by MyFrozenSanctuary on Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Silent Tears: Origins [Drama/Friendship/Fantasy/ChildPro

#2 Post by qirien »

Wow, this looks really interesting. As a mom of 3 I'm always interested in children's issues and family dynamics. I like your 3D backgrounds, and the personalities seem realistic and balanced.

One thing people often get wrong when writing about children is that it's very hard for children to see things from someone else's point of view on their own. They usually see themselves as the heroes of their own story, and everyone else is just an NPC. That often makes them appear selfish, when, in reality, they haven't even thought about other people yet. I think that developing sense of other people's reality is one thing that makes child protagonists very interesting and I hope to see some of that explored in your game. :-)
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Re: Silent Tears: Origins [Drama/Friendship/Fantasy/ChildPro

#3 Post by MyFrozenSanctuary »

qirien wrote:Wow, this looks really interesting. As a mom of 3 I'm always interested in children's issues and family dynamics. I like your 3D backgrounds, and the personalities seem realistic and balanced.

One thing people often get wrong when writing about children is that it's very hard for children to see things from someone else's point of view on their own. They usually see themselves as the heroes of their own story, and everyone else is just an NPC. That often makes them appear selfish, when, in reality, they haven't even thought about other people yet. I think that developing sense of other people's reality is one thing that makes child protagonists very interesting and I hope to see some of that explored in your game. :-)
Hey qirien! Thank you so much for your suggestions and comments. I've been a bit worried about writing the children (they've been adults in my book and I only had flashbacks of their childhood) so I'm very glad to hear your thoughts on it. ^^ If it's okay with you, I'd love to pick your brain a bit more when I'm got a good draft. Family and friends have been pretty helpful but there's that unspoken bias that tends to get in the way of being critical. The more I write about the kids the more I'm remembering forgotten childhood memories, hopefully it'll bring readers back to their childhood for a while before I utterly destroy them with angst.

I'm so sorry I didn't reply sooner. I thought I checked the box that said it'd send me an email if someone responded. I only realised that I didn't yesterday when I decided to update the thread.

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Re: Silent Tears: Origins [Drama/Friendship/Fantasy/ChildPro

#4 Post by qirien »

Sure, I'd love to read over a draft! Feel free to PM me. :-)
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