ApocalypseZ v0.3 Updated 11/07/15

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ApocalypseZ v0.3 Updated 11/07/15

#1 Post by Evildumdum »

So origionally i started making this game as a simple zombie sim game (with sex scenes obviously), however since i started i have improved my programming abilities, (though sadly not my speed), and realised i can probably make it better than that. Added to that i played a couple of games by the simply fantastic storyteller Sierra Lee which made me question why i set my sights so low with this game. I have spent a good deal of time thinking over the backstory of the game as well as reworking the concepts i am basing the game on. The idea is that you will be able to build up affinity with certain factions, making friends with them, while making enemies of others. Please let me know your opinions.

Please note: The current version of the game does not include any of this, however the next update should at least lay the basic story out and set the groundworks for a narrative.

I have decided to have the apoclypse brought about by demons taking an interest in our world. Since we are only a minor speck compared to other realms/worlds only minor demon lords take and interest and they do what demons do best, which is dick around causing lots of death. A demon lord of Nurgle (rot and decay) royally fucks everything by releasing a desiese that kills off 98% of humans on the planet. Que apocalypse music.


So obviously this world was dominated by humans before everything hit the fan. Far from being wiped out, millions are still alive. However they are no longer the dominant speces. To make matters worse they have splintered into several factions that don't necessarily get along:

Human alliance:
These guys have nothing special about them. They scavenge what technology and weapons they can, trying to create safe areas to re-build civilisation. Although they have the weakest fighters of the human factions, they are the most numerous. They might not have the military might that others have, but human tenacity should never be underestimated.

Religious fanatics that believe humans are the ultimate lifeform. They have adopted a zero tolerance approach to anything they consider "tainted" and will kill without mercy. If they had just been a cult they would have been shrugged off, but ever since the apocalypse, the god they worship seems to have become more active, often blessing his followers with superhuman powers. They are generally frowned upon and avoided by normal humans due to their extreme views.

As is always the case humans, some just want to pillage and rape. Bandits are made up of all the scum expelled from the more civilised human colonies. They have no formal structure, however there are many prominent gangs that dabble in everything from raiding to slave trading.

The undead have always existed, but always in the shadows. Necromancers, witches and vampires knew all too well that if they made too much of a splash they would be dealt with quickly and brutally. Then 98% of the world turned into corpses almost overnight.

Necromancers and witches are selfish creatures and almost always work alone, though the stronger ones will often force the weak to serve them. They work only to gain more power, regardless of who or what they have to kill in order to get it. Drunk on their new found freedom, most necromancers have re-animated every corpse they can lay their hands on, as well as freely conducting horrific experiments. Zombies are not the most dangerous thing in the world, but they are the most common. But with billions of corpses on hand, who know what they will come up with.

The apocalypse did little to change the habits of these creatures. Much like necromancers they do not work well together. On the whole they tend to keep themselves to themselves. Anyone who has any sense will let them stay that way. You don't fuck with a vampire. That is not to say they have removed themselves from the world completely. They still need to feed. A vampire with ambition is not unheard of either.

Just the presence of demons, especially demons of tzeench (mutation) warps and distorts life. Even the most harmless of plants and animals can and have become new and dangerous life forms.

Its not clear if they were originally humans or animals, they themselves don't even know. Your basic half human half animal life forms. Found in tribe like colonies they tend to keep themselves to themselves. Don't be fooled though, they might look fuzzy but they are ferocious fighters and will mercilessly kill anything they consider a threat.

Warped nature:
Not so much a faction as a name given to the massive number of plants and animals that have mutated into dangerous killing machines. A quiet walk in the forest is now a thing of the past.

Demonic cults:
Despite the devastation they have inflicted on the world, there are relatively few demons kicking about. The main demonic presence comes from cults. These humans have abandoned humanity to worship the chaos gods in the hope of gaining power, or simply as a way of protecting themselves. Some of the more powerful cultists are able to summon demons, or even use demonic powers themselves. It is worth noting that all cults actively fight each other, since the chaos gods do not exactly get along.

Cult of Blood:
Worships the chaos god of blood and fire, Khorne. Very aggressive, since the only way they can keep their god happy is by killing things. There is no reasoning with these guys if they decide they don't like you. You either kill them or they kill you.

Cult of decay:
Worships the chaos god of rot and decay, Nurgle. Not the healthiest bunch. They use biological warfare, so expect plenty of poisons and desieses if you fight these guys.

Cult of mutation:
Worships the chaos god of change, Tzeench. Fairly reasonable as far as demonic cults go. They will still destroy things for the funnies, but they are more than happy to keep things alive and mutate them instead.

Cult of pleasure:
Worships the chaos god of pleasure and pain, Slannesh. Big fans of orgies and BDSM. Best not to get captures by these guys though. They prefer not kill their enemies. They will keep them alive and torture them as much as possible.

There is now a shop implemented. Since all you can do at the moment is run around blasting the heads off zombies, i've made it so you start with £1500. Money is relatively hard to collect at the moment, and there is no incentive to just keep fighting zombies with your fists. Buy a few things and try them out.

V0.3.2 is now the current version. It is not the full V0.4 since i've not managed to include everything i wanted for v0.4. However i have rewritten 80% of the script from scratch. There are no new features compared to V0.3, but the existing features have been improved beyond recognition. If you have played previous versions I highly recommend reading the changelog.

Changelog V0.3.2:
Looting no longer just dumps loot in your inventory. You are given the option of taking what you like and leaving the rest. With a weight limit on your inventory it is only fair, plus helps prevent an inventory cluttered with lots of useless crap.

Now for the big one, the combat engine. It has changed completely:

1. You may now fight up to 3 different groups of enemies at once. Each one operates independently from the others.
2.The GUI has been vastly improved. you are no longer spammed with text telling you how much energy / hitpoints everyone has, you just have displays that show all the time.
3.Combat is no longer entirely reliant on strength. This was a major flaw of the old system. If you had low strength then it was virtually impossible to win fights. Now all weapons have a base max hit. Strength gives a bonus that can raise the max hit for melle damage and increases the range of thrown weapons.
4. Similarly to strength, hitting an enemy is no longer entirely reliant on a high accuracy skill. Each weapon has a set chance to hit the enemy. Accuracy simply raises the max hit of the gun or thrown weapon you are using in a similar way to strength.
5. The biggest change by far is that fitness is now arguably the most important skill in a fight. It now determines how often you get to act compared to your enemies. You will see an attack speed bar under your hitpoints and energy. Your enemies will have one as well. The higher your fitness, the faster the bar will fill. When the bar is full you can act. Whenever one of your enemies gets a full bar, they get to attack.

Changelog v0.3:
Expanded map
Five new weapons
Improved inventory display and mechanics
Limits to the weight you can carry (based on strength)
A shop, though please consider the prices placeholders for now.
Major bug hunt, most bugs found in v0.2 should be zapped

To be included in next update:
Contact with a faction of your choice (Vote in the Poll)
Some sex scenes based on the faction you come in contact with.
Player exp and levelling system. (Finally a way to raise your stats.)
Expanded map
Complete overhaul of the now totally outdated combat engine, with the ability to fight several different types of enemy.
New weapons
New enemies

I will apologise in advance, some of the text is bad grammatically. With this being my first project and quite a complicated one, i've been focusing on the code and I've neglected the text a little bit. This will be solved, but not until i've got the mechanics of the game to an acceptable point.

Here is the link to download the game:
https://mega.co.nz/#!SRdnmZQR!8ijZpB43J ... up5vwOlFJI

The game is created in renp'y so you will need to dowload and install that if you haven't already to run it:

Please let me know what you think of it, and let me know if you find any bugs / exploits.
I hope you enjoy it.
Last edited by Evildumdum on Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:37 am, edited 8 times in total.
"If at first you don't succeed, try hitting it with a shoe."

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Re: ApocalypseZ [RPG style zombie survival sim] Latest: V 0.

#2 Post by Evildumdum »

V0.2 is out. There isn't much to do apart from run around killing and looting zombies at the moment, but it is playable.
"If at first you don't succeed, try hitting it with a shoe."

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