Looking to get a game trailer done

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Looking to get a game trailer done

#1 Post by InvertMouse »

Hello everyone! Hope you all had an awesome Christmas :).

I would like to put together a game trailer for a project I am working on, so I wanted to make a post here and see if anyone might be down for helping out. It will be paid work.

For quality and style reference, here are some of my previous trailers:


And an older one:


I have details on this new trailer ready to be shared, but because I want to keep this project under wraps for now, I would like to share the info with those interested via email. Thank you so much for your understanding!

For those who are keen, please send an email over at:


If you have some previous video samples you could include with your message, that would be a huge help. Once I receive some entries, I will get into discussions with the candidates.

I am not sure how many entries I will receive yet, but whatever happens, thank you so much for being interested! At the very least, I will aim to send a confirmation message back to all the applicants.

Thank you so much everyone. Just a few days to go until 2016!

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Re: Looking to get a game trailer done

#2 Post by InvertMouse »

Hello :)! Just wanted to let everyone know I have found a candidate. Thank you!

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