Artist Found!

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Ghost #9
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Artist Found!

#1 Post by Ghost #9 »

(The part that can be skipped.)

There comes a point in every young developer's life when you're suddenly struck with the realization that the block that's been preventing you from moving forward isn't just going to magically dissolve away. In fact, that block might as well be made of adamantium infused diamond. It's not going anywhere fast. It is 100% possible that every young developer does not actually experience this phenomenon, but I am quite positive that I have!

Thankfully, the block isn't just a permanent fixture in the proverbial young developer's life. It merely needs to be chipped away by temporarily shifting one's attention to other creative pursuits! At least, if you're like me. Or actually me. So, here we are!

-------------The Project-------------
(Why we're all here.)

Here's the pitch:

In The Super Secret Supervillain Diaries (a.k.a.The 100% True Confessionals of What It's REALLY Like to Be a Full-Time Supervillain), you are a plucky young hero having some serious second thoughts about your career choice. While you're out narrowly avoiding getting blown up on a weekly basis and rescuing angry cats from sewer drains for an endless supply of ungrateful little brats, Meister Maestro is gazing up at you from yet another magazine cover. Little Miss Mystery has about a dozen priceless gemstones in her possession as of last Friday. And Doctor Devious...Who knows what he's up to? Probably building a rocket ship to Mars for illegal mining or something. The point is, from where you're standing, the villains are getting a heck of a better deal than you. No gigantic tome of rules to follow, free money, better costumes...What's a thankless young hero to do?

Suddenly, it dawns on you. The perfect plan! You'll refashion your boring old hero garb into something suitably villainous, slip unnoticed into their headquarters, and then... What? You've been a goody-goody all your life! They'll spot you immediately! Unless...Yes, that's it! What better way to learn about proper villainy than from the best of the worst themselves? And what better way to learn stuff about someone they won't actually tell you than from their diary?! All you have to do is learn as much as you can about your dastardly idols, figure out where they're hiding their diaries, snoop (discreetly!), and then you'll have all the knowledge you could possibly need to become the greatest villain the world (city/your street) has ever seen!!! What could possibly go wrong?

(But how does it work?!)

I'm glad I asked!

At present, I envision SSSD as being a visual novel with adventure game elements. The (gender and name changeable) protagonist will snoop around Villain HQ, conversing with (and possibly subtly interrogating) seasoned villains in an attempt to learn the secret to becoming THE GREATEST SUPERVILLAIN EVER. Our "hero" will also attempt to locate diaries and other momentos which give insight into the more intimate details of these villains' lives, thinking perhaps that's where the really real secrets lie. All while attempting to avoid being found out and ejected (or worse!) from Villain HQ entirely. Here's a handy bullet list of desired features!

• Interactive map
• Inventory system
• Stealth
• Puzzles
• Cutscenes?!

(From idea to reality!)

I am a writer, first and foremost! I've dabbled around in Ren'py, so I'm quite certain I can get a basic game going. I've also got a very talented background artist perma-partner. That leaves... everything else! But here's what I'm actively searching for at the moment:

Character/CG Artist: For certain reasons, I am especially interested in commissioning an artist who can draw a range of different styles!

If anyone thinks they might be interested in visual novel/adventure game hybrid with a bunch of wacky hijinks (sprinkled with bits of seriousness), villainous mayhem, and a hopelessly naive protagonist, do not hesitate to stab that reply button! Please include a link to your gallery and your prices.
Last edited by Ghost #9 on Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Super Secret Supervillain Diaries: Seeking Artist!

#2 Post by SexBomb »


Gotta say, I love the pitch, and am a big fan of wacky and comedic VN's. As an artist, I definitely fit the requirement for a range of styles--though I will admit none of them are distinctly "anime." Prices for my work vary depending on your needs, and I can also provide video editing and animation if desired.

You can view my personal thread here: Art by SexBomb

Good luck in your search!

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Re: The Super Secret Supervillain Diaries: Seeking Artist!

#3 Post by Nekobako »

Oh man, this visual novel sounds seriously fun! I love your pitch, and your concept sounds just my type too.

I don't have a thread here (yet) or a VN-art specific post (yet), but here's my regular commission post! Prices will vary depending on exactly what you're looking for, but you can use my journal as a baseline. Sprites (character and object) are my specialty, but I can do a variety of things including concept work.

You can also look around in my gallery! Despite it being all anime, I am able to do a variety of styles. (I can do a variety of anime-type styles too :D )

Either way, good luck on your project! I'll certainly be keeping an eye on it either way. :wink:

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Ghost #9
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Re: Artist Found!

#4 Post by Ghost #9 »

Thank you both for responding to my request!
I'm glad the idea appeals to you; It gives me confidence that this sort of game will be something that other people will be interested in playing.

You both have great art styles and I'd have been more than happy to work with either of you, but I'm currently already collaborating with another artist!

Thank you again for your interest. I would be happy to keep you both in mind for future projects!


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