Ren'Py 4.8.1 Released

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Ren'Py 4.8.1 Released

#1 Post by PyTom »

Ren'Py 4.8.1 has been released. This is the sixteenth public release of Ren'Py 4. It adds in a number of new features that make it easier to customize the preference, load, and save screens. It makes it possible to customize what the Character objects draw on the screen. It makes the text display speed a preference that can be controlled by the user. It fixes a few API oversights, the occasional bug, and even improves error reporting.

All this can be yours by downloading it from the Ren'Py website:

Act now!

As usual, you can upgrade from 4.8 to 4.8.1 by copying over your game directory.

A list of changes follows. In addition, you may want to check out the announcement of Ren'Py 4.8.

New in 4.8.1

Character objects are no longer limited to displaying through
renpy.display_say, but can now be supplied a function argument, which
is a function that is called instead. This will make it easier to
radically change how dialogue is displayed.

The ui.grid object now has a new argument, transpose, which allows
widgets to be added down the columns first. It also is smarter about
allocating space to subwidgets when xfill or yfill are set.

The file entries in the load and save screens are now arraigned in a
grid, which has the style file_picker_grid. This means that we should
now be smarter in the presence of games of varying size, and we should
wrap text if it gets too long. As part of this,
library.file_page_length has now been broken out into two variables,
library.file_page_rows and library.file_page_cols.

renpy.music_stop now supports a fadeout parameter, for orthogonality
with the new renpy.music_start.

Now, python blocks have the correct filename and line numbers
annotated onto them. This means that tracebacks generated in python
blocks will show a .rpy file and the appropriate line, rather than
showing "<none>" and a random line as they did before.

There are two new style properties, xmaximum and ymaximum. These two
properties limit the size of the widgets that they are applied to, as
if that widget was placed inside a ui.sizer(). (In fact, ui.sizer() is
now implemented in terms of these properties.)

Now, we only restore or rollback to places where all of the transient
layers are empty. This prevents a bug in which additional dialogue
will be lost when a restore or rollback occurs.

The way in which preferences are displayed has been made more
configurable. Now, there is a new variable, library.preferences, which
is a map from a style to a list of preferences to be displayed in a
vbox with that style. There are now two new styles (prefs_left and
prefs_right) which control the placement of the default preference

There is a new spinner preference type, which allows a value to be
incremented or decremented. This preference is now used to adjust the
speed at which text is shown to the user. So now this is controlled by
the user, rather than the config.annoying_text_cps parameter. If you
don't want to give the user this control, you can set library.has_cps
to False. A number of new styles define the spinner.

An empty string is now rendered as if it was a string consisting of a
single space. This fixes a bug in which an empty string was rendered
with zero width and height.
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