Looking for Artists [GUI/Logos/Sprite/BGs] to Join a VN Project

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Looking for Artists [GUI/Logos/Sprite/BGs] to Join a VN Project

#1 Post by WuTangOnTheLedge »

Who we are:
Fortune Studios is a group of internet strangers who congregated on 4chan and banded together to create a visual novel based on the character designs of @urin_ - https://twitter.com/urin_/status/1194674572370382849. If you are familiar with the story of Katawa Shoujo, our beginnings are similar, although our project is not attempting to be any sort of sequel to that project - none of our members were involved in the creation of KS.

Our team:

We currently have the writer, programmer, musician, and editor roles filled.

The project:
We currently have a playable demo if you are curious about the work we currently have done. Finishing one of the three storylines should take no less than an hour.

Our visual novel, Kintsugi, centers on the main character, Matsuo Satou, and the six heroines as their lives entertwine within a Japanese high school setting, for better or worse.
It is a romance that will contain mature subject material as well as erotic, adult content.
Here is a brief character synopsis of our heroines:

Note: This game will contain themes of abuse and violence, and events such as pregnancy will be a plot element. If you are not comfortable working or being associated with such material, then this project is unfortunately not for you.

Our goals in the short-term:
By the end of this year we wish to have a full demo to release that showcases the game up to the point where the early game branches off into a specific character's route.

Our progress to date:

Writing is 85% complete - 5 of the 35 scenes we have planned for the full demo will be completed shortly
Music is 20% complete - we have demos complete, but they need to be arranged, mixed, and recorded on live instruments. Mastering also has to be done.
Programming is 90% complete - we have a workable build and only need to incorporate new elements as they are created

Who we need:

We are in need of sprite artists who are to replace our previous artist.
Tasks in the short term are to..
- redesign our existing designs in your own style, as well as adhering to specifications by our writers
- develop a "neutral" expression sprite for each of the six heroines
- design up to 5 of our side characters

We also need background artists - we currently have one on our team but with the sheer amount of bgs we will likely be using (our current demo already uses ~14), they will require assistance

Lastly we still need people to contribute to the look of the GUI - textbox, title screen, pause menu, game thumbnail, etc. These all need to be developed.

We also need someone to design logo material for both the game and for Fortune Studios.

Interested applicants should contact Theu#0001 on discord - this will be the best way to reach us. If you want a question quickly resolved, you can also ask in this thread.

Thank you for your time.
Last edited by WuTangOnTheLedge on Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Looking for Artists [GUI/Logos/Sprite/BGs] to Join a VN Project

#2 Post by deltadidirac »

Hi, I sent you a friend request on Discord, I'm interested on the characters drawing.
I would like to try a test with main characters and eventually talk more deeply about the project.

Best regards

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