Tri City Monsters [Romance][Occult][Kickstarter]

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Tri City Monsters [Romance][Occult][Kickstarter]

#1 Post by decocloud »

My vn about humans being turned into demons via desperate Faustian deals is finally at a critical junction as it goes from beta to alpha development and I start working on the full prologue and character routes.

I have been prepping for months and i'm so excited to finally launch the TCM kickstarter. I've been really set on trying to keep the game free so using crowdfunding to help cover development costs seems like its going to be the best match for me. I've been super fortunate to build up a small community on discord and tumblr for the game and seeing it steadily build traction over the last two years has been a dream come true.

More than that, however, is that all three love interests finally have full concept chapters available to play on] I think involving the players in some degree of development while I refined the characters really helped get and keep people invested in how the project was going, even though it took about 6 months per chapter to produce (i'm a solo dev with one artist working on commission so resources are kinda limited).

Anyway I kinda just wanted to share my minor gamedev success after a few really long months of boring and onerous number crunching and planning. For those of you working on commercial projects, I'd be interested in hearing what kind of strategies yall have for cost management and long term stuff? TCM will be on Steam eventually and I'm curious to hear if any of you have experience with Steam engagement as compare to Itch.

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