WIP: The Search Continues (Not game title) BG Artist

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WIP: The Search Continues (Not game title) BG Artist

#1 Post by FeatherThief »

Hello Everyone,

Please call me Feather-kun, and I am currently in search for the last member to complete my volunteer group of vn makers. This last member is a background artist, and it seems that everyone I have found has disappeared or been a red hering. We have already started work and have been making good progress despite countless interruptions, but we still need this member to be complete. All I ask is that is person at least be semi talented in backgrounds, and the more talented the better. As for our vn it is a classic BXG, probably 16+ due to a few ecchi scenes. Here is heroine #1...

Sei Yasuwa
汐 泰和
Translation: Tide Peaceful Harmony

Height: 5' 7"
Bust: Himitsu
Waist: Himitsu
Hip: Himitsu
Weight: 143 lbs.
Build: Thin
Hair Colour: Darker Blue
Eye Colour: Sharp Amber
Hair Style: Straight hair down to hips with bangs
Standard clothing: A long sleeved grey shirt with a black wave design, tight blue jeans, dull sneakers. Always wears a little pouch on her neck containing a small pearl her mother gave her that she found on the beach. The pouch is a brown bag made of leather and tied with a piece of string and is tucked into her shirt. She wears no jewelry.
Date Clothing: A sleeveless white summer dress and a straw hat with a dark green bow on it. The pouch is hanging over her dress.
Personality: Coodere, but acts like this because she is very awkward and is a little bit sharper of tongue. Slightly clumsy but not overly and will concentrate very hard not too be clumsy in the presence of others. Dresses with confidence
Likes: The sea, waves, salty food
Dislikes: Places where you can't see the sea, people who look into other's business, sweet food
Good at: Running (Both ling distance and sprints), smart
Bad at:Cooking (uses to much salt), swimming
Bio: When she was 3 her mother committed suicide by jumping off a cliff into the sea because her secret lover was lost at sea during a storm. Sei was told by her grandmother that her mother had become a mermaid in the sea, using this as a way to comfort her. After this Sei would often go out on boats and jump overboard and nearly drown because she couldn't swim. Her father also turned to drinking and smoking, then he stopped working. Sei stopped believing this when she was 12, after being teased a lot by her fellow classmates. Eventually they moved to avoid the neighbors and kept moving, never living near the sea again and eventually ended up in the main character's town.


Please contact me by pm or post if you are interested.

~Sincerely Feather Thief
I will steal your dreams and make them real.

Projects: 軽い夏: The Sun Will Shine Through (In progress)
Chief and Head Writer
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Posts: 49
Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:54 pm
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Re: WIP: The Search Continues (Not game title) BG Artist

#2 Post by FeatherThief »

I am still currently looking for a background artist who would be willing to join into this vn. It is a volunteer group led by a first timer, but we are already going good and are working hard towards the first demo release. I would really appreciate anyone who would be willing to join us in this porject as there assistance is considered top priority at the moment. Thanks!


Feather Thief
I will steal your dreams and make them real.

Projects: 軽い夏: The Sun Will Shine Through (In progress)
Chief and Head Writer
Website: http://www.shirogroup.blogspot.com

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