Lumen's writing dump! [PROMPTS CLOSED]

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Lumen's writing dump! [PROMPTS CLOSED]

#1 Post by Lumen_Astrum »

I think I should grease up my writing a little more, heh. After several days of writing S&H, I think I should write one-shots to relive myself. Will accept only up to 3 requests. Here's a sample:
I cannot sleep.

With the onset of the coming army straight to my direction, in this area, of course this "insomnia" isn't anything to be surprised about. Any sane person will feel the same way as I do. But I have nowhere to stay to. Every home I ask for shelter throws me out.

Such grand welcome.

I removed my coat and used it as a makeshift blanket. The olive tree that I lean on is probably the most relaxing support I've ever leaned on. This old tree must have been tired of carrying the burden named me for such a long time. I say a silent apology to the spirits this tree. This is what elves do, I hear. Treat trees and entities of nature like each of them is alive and as if they will stand up and scold you if you ever disappoint them.

Well, not literally, but I guess my point is understood.

It is cold tonight, but I will hold. I can withstand this, I can survive. I have escaped several things in my life, almost to the brink of death. But I jumped up to safety, saying to fate, "I will still live!" And I did. That's why I am still here.

I'm still scared, I realize. My heartbeat returns to its racing-some-invisible-force mode. This is not good. It was never good when I feel like this. I decided to ignore it and just look up, and maybe the moon and the stars will bring me to rest. It did, eventually.


I woke up almost a second short, to the sound of voices.

I was still leaning on the tree. I'm still alive. I'm still lying down. I'm still breathing. But the people in front of me donning armors and pointing their weapons to me is not there before. But the sight is not new to me. This was the human army, probably confused and pissed as to why an elf of all people is leaning onto a tree that was in their supposed-to-be-campsite.
It's a bit of a bare-bone, but the character here is not that much of a monologue person (okay maybe a little).

Ask away! ouo

  • mirelle - DONE! Finished request.
  • specialtantei - DONE! Finished request.
  • HamstarXCrown - PENDING
  • azureXtwilight - PENDING
  • michi 18 - PENDING
Last edited by Lumen_Astrum on Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [Accepting requests!]

#2 Post by mirelle »

Let's try something huhuhuhuhu

A conversation between a hikikomori (someone who lives without ever leaving his room/house) and the ghost of his best friend, who killed himself over depression, 5 years after the incident. The ghost tries to get the guy leave his shell and live a normal life- since he began trapping himself since the ghost-guy's death. whether he's successful or not I'll leave it to you ;)

(and please tell me if you don't get the concept, my bad english.)
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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [Accepting requests!]

#3 Post by specialtantei »

Ooooh, nice! Here, have a picture!
Write whatever it inspires you to :3.

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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [Accepting requests!]

#4 Post by Lumen_Astrum »

Mirelle's prompt! It was pretty long since the concept as a bit complicated (around 1500 words!) but I'm proud of it since I finished it in... 1 hour >D

specialtantei's prompt next. :)

[I named this "An Eggshell" for the kicks]
"Do you ever find your life like a duck's egg?"

I close my book, giving my full attention to him. The comparison was a peculiar one. I don't even know what was going on inside his little head when he said that. "Oh, wow, that's a strange analogy," I say, "Why so?"

He scoffs, but primarily because of my confusion. He sat nearer to me, and said, "Like, we are the duck still inside," he say, "and it's our choice to leave or not." He opens his book again and starts reading -- or at least, he's pretending to do so. He's looking at me, hungry for a reaction.

"And?" I mutter silently. "How is that near to our lives? You can compare life to a wheel, or a prison, or a ponytail, or maybe a unicorn, if you can connect the dots. Why a duck egg, of all things?"

"Outside force can either help us or stop us to get away," he say. "Like, I don't want the duck to be free, so I cook it and eat it." He licks his fingers, procuring an invisible duck egg out of nowhere and started eating the air in his hands.

"Eww," I cringe in disgust with the idea, and his failed attempt in mimicking slurping sounds, "but the duck still got out of the shell that way, right? Just... not in a good way."

"Why are we talking about duck eggs, anyway?" he said.

"You started it!"

"No, I didn't!"

"Hehehe! Go back to your Physics book, nothing in there has something in common with a measly duck egg."


That was our last friendly conversation.

A red mark appeared on his cheek as after a final blow, I made enough marks on his face to match the oranges and reds of the sunset. I scream, I cry, I scream again.

He betrayed me. He deserved it. I trusted him. He didn't give back that trust. He left me all alone. I hate him, I hate him so much. They were all attacking me. They landed blows to me. They made my face swell and my nose bleed and my skin damaged and all. I didn't care, because I knew I can trust him.

But all those? They were for nothing.

"I waited, I thought you were my friend!" I scream, not caring of the stares I garner with the volume of my wailing. "I waited for you to come, but you didn't even blink an eye when you saw them picking at me like vultures!"

"That's why I want to make do, right? I'm here... to say sorry. It was all my fault."

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" I exclaim, turning my back on him. "You did it. You totally blew it."

"I did, didn't I?" he asked himself, as ifhe wasn't so sure of the answer.

Honestly? I don't want to lose him. But he was a guy I'd never want to see again. It just ... hurts. I cried right in front of him, even though he doesn't see my face anyway. I don't like to cry in front of him. He was very close and precious to me. I don't want him to see me like this.

But perhaps this is the last time I'd ever be near to him. I ran away, with sobs being muffled by my hands. I heard him try to catch up, but I ran home quickly, went to my room and locked the door.

I didn't like it.


I never thought that will be the last time I would see him.

In the middle of the night, there was a knock on the door. And it was his parents.

"Ah, hello there, miss. You're his bestfriend, right? Well, our son, he was in his room, and he, he---"

She didn't finish her sentence. She cried, the same type of crying I did last time. As soon as I heard the sobs, I knew what it meant. I knew what it damn meant.

And it isn't good news.

I run back with them to his room. It takes me a while to open the door to his room. and when I did, I look up at him, with his feet apart, head down low, pale lips, a rope necklace--

I kneel underneath him. He stares at me with blank eyes. It was enough to send to me all the mistakes I ever did to him, and throw it back to me in one shot. It is something not worth remembering, it was something bad. Until tonight, he was punishing me.

But I feel I deserved it.

I cried like never before. But my tears cannot bring him back to life. His parents broght him down, and I hugged him like I never did when he was still alive. My tears cannot bring him back to life.

Apparently, nothing can bring him back to life.

I hated it.


"Happy 21st birthday to you!"

Five years ever since his death.

I look with blank eyes to the candles, and blow them passively. I can tell my parents' face drooping with worry. I do not feel at all like celebrating. I feel like crying back at my room, because every year I become older, I feel like it's another year of pain to endure this punishment for causing his death.

Ever since, I don't like birthdays. I don't like my parents. I don't like studying. I don't like people. I don't liek fresh air, or street food, or people. I don't like people, or birds, or ducks--

Or duck eggs. Or egshells. Or anything. Anything outside-ish --- it just brings painful memories. Everything brings painful memories. As I sat in my room, I did my tradition of crying every year to ease the pain a little. The guilt never left me, it never did.

I like the isolation. I'm a big ball of misfortune. I'm unlucky. Someone killed himself because of me. It was quite the show, but it wans't a pretty one.

"You shouldn't hate yourself."

That wasn't definitely my trail of thought. I recognize the voice. It was painfully familiar.

"Why?" I ask, not even asking of who he is or what is he doing. I know who it was in the first place.

"Because it isn't your fault," he say. "I was the one that held that necklace of rope. It wasn't you."

"But I was the reason why you did it in the first place."

"No," he say. "Do you remember my story about the eggshell? I can be that outside force to help you," he say. "But this decision, to accept it, lies in your hands. No life can be lived in isolation. You are not an unlucky person. There is no such thing as luck or misfortune. Only us can decide what happens to us. I dictated mine. At least I was smiling, but then, you shoudn't end up the same. You have lots in front of you. You have a lot to live and smile for. Set yourself free. "

"No duck can say if he's about to get cooked and eated," I say. "I don't want to live out there either. It's been five years. Lots of things have changed. I can pratically rot out there and die because I'm so outdated. And I had such a bad reputation, no one wants to be with me."

"There is a second chance, right? Why don't be a little duckling? Start anew. Get out of the eggshell."

And his image in the air disappeared.


The sunlight was bright. The sky was blue. The buildings were brownish. The asphalt was black. My skin was pale. Lots of things have changed.

I stepped out. I felt like a new person.

Another step. I felt the cold wind. But it's not pushing me back. It's asking me to continue. Another step. And another.

I'm living.

I decided to go to the bookstore to get some new books, and I grabbed some notebooks as well. I got a few very new ones, the one in my house was getting old. Then the plaza. People were dancing with colorful outfits, and singing to beautiful songs. I never heard of it. Then the electronics store. With what money I have left, I bought a recorder.

As soon as I got home when night fell, I sat in my room like usual, but I do not cry anymore. I took the recorder, opened the notebook and the book. I took a pen, and wrote everything I saw while I record my voice.

Something new.

"First day of freedom. I saw him again, and he broke me out of my eggshell. I saw colors, and I got these books. Now that the guilt is out of me, I can rest..."

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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [Accepting requests!]

#5 Post by mirelle »

God damn I cried ;__;/ awesome. just awesome. Awesome I say.
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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [Accepting requests!]

#6 Post by Lumen_Astrum »

mirelle wrote:God damn I cried ;__;/ awesome. just awesome. Awesome I say.
I'm glad you liked it. I was up almost the entire night trying to type something, and I was scared I left some typos or plot holes are awkwardness. :'D

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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [Accepting requests!]

#7 Post by destiny_921 »

You make me feel all sad and emo now :(

It reminds me that life is short, that we only have one life...and honestly, of this video together with this.

Sighh..well, here's a prompt.. the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln
I know it's quite general, but write what it makes you feel :)
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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [Accepting requests!]

#8 Post by HamstarXCrown »

If I has tear I will crying right now. That's so touching!
Can I have a story like this:
She had everything, and now she doesn't. Life is a fast train, it won't stop until it has to.Passed last month, she always got bullied by a gang in her school. Sometime they toture her, use knife. She didn't saying anything, just make some fake excuse about why did she come home late and keep hearing her parent complaining. Until one day, everything is enough for her. She was suidice in front of her house. She woke up in a train, she doesn't know anything but she know it is time to stop.

Ideas for my project's side story ^.^
My new account is Bear X - Any progress or Project update I will posting by it. If I'm working with someone please PM me by it

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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [Accepting requests!]

#9 Post by azureXtwilight »


I wonder what you can think of after this:


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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [Accepting requests!]

#10 Post by michi 18 »

CAn I still request ?

I dont have a picture but how about (Do I ask for any scene?) Well if yes , somewhat a girl is running from a boy who is catching her cuz he wants to get back with her but she accidentally tripped then a ghost (deadly one )appears then tries to kill her then the boy saves her then they have this sweet go back together moment.,
Projects: (I hope you'll support them ) Wisdom Revival ... 16&t=16488 and Universal Hope (Uni-H) ... 43&t=16452.

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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [Accepting requests!]

#11 Post by Lumen_Astrum »

specialtantei's prompt! Sorry for the wait.
(And yes I'm glad you noticed that I suck at image prompts)
"I'm not marrying anybody."

That did it. Her daughter, that wretched daughter of hers. The one that wore her gown the wrong way, the one that refuses to fix her hair, the one that refuses to sit still and proper and raises her legs to cross then like a man's when she sits. The one that carries knives with her instead of flowers and gifts.

"You--" The older woman slapped the white-haired lady across the cheek, but she garnered a sly grin from her instead. "You shameless woman! I had it of pairing you up to the highest of the estate owners in this city. No wonder no one wants to invite you to court; you're such a manner-less--"

"And I don't care," the snow-haired girl said, standing up. Proper, probably to piss her mother of... and it did. Because she had taught her for many years how to be a proper lady, but she never followed.

She never ever followed. Until now.

"If you would know, mother," the snow lady neared her mother's face in a sly grin and giggled cruelly, "marriages aren't the only good thing in this world. I'd want something else. Something... better."

"Nothing is better than having a man's influence at your grasp," the woman argued back. "I wanted the best for you, my dear. Don't say that. I--"

"Being someone's wife just to be pushed around is definitely not a good thing!" the snow lady looked at her mother, and she smiled manically. This was so unethical, so disrespectful and so rugged, she cannot help but feel pissed, but the look in her daughter's face creeps her out. "I don't want to be an instrument of your greed. I don't want to be your bridge to money. Don't use me to get money. Don't use me to get that wretched influence of yours, mother. Don't make me atone for your wretched mistakes, mother. Don't make me do things you didn't do, mother."

"Mother," the woman repeated the word to herself. "I did make those mistakes. marrying the wrong man, doing the wrong things, being such a greedy person..." She sighed under her breath, not knowing how to deal with her daughter laughing maniacally. "Do you think of me that way? Did you ever look at me as a mother...? After all I did?"

The response didn't take the snow lady a long time to spit out.

"You making me as a payment for debt? Making me a gold digger? Never in my life I did...



"I never wanted to be a payment for debt."

The lady, with blood all over her snow-white clothes and hair, muttered the statement to herself. She disposed of her clothes in her room, hiding the evidence and later on changed to cleaner ones. She stepped in the tub to rid of the blood on her skin and hair, and while scrubbing herself, she started thinking up of any alibi she needed to say so that she'd pass out clean when the officials come.

"She deserved that," she muttered to herself.

The smell of the soap became suffocating. Getting annoyed with the odor, she stepped out of the tub, with the scent almost choking her. What was that..? The smell was strangely familiar...


She hated roses. Her mother would like it everytime she was covered with the blossoms everywhere her outfit -- her choker, her hair, her clothes, her wrists -- and it made her feel ashamed. But it was maybe because she was proud of the flowers she tended to herself. Roses, beautiful white ones, covered almost every corner of their garden. She hated the smell, the look, the way the petals blow away when it started wilting and... the thorns. She hated it when she found one that actually looks pretty, but ended up being pricked.

And now, it reminded her too much of her murdered mother.

She frowned to herself.

After getting herself dressed in pale clothes, and adorning her hair with ornaments, she stepped out of her room. As expected, officials are roaming around the estate to find evidence. One came near her, and asked her questions.

Of course, the snow lady lied, taking note to get rid of her blood-stained clothes and the dagger she used as soon as the official mentioned about the "murder weapon" and if someone saw the murderer. She told them that she was in her room the entire time, telling her father to testify with that, but she actually snuck out without him noticing.

Quite the guard he is.

She also had to made the show that she was, in fact, mourning for the loss of a parent. The performance was quite realistic. She was later joined with her sisters, who were crying with the same intensity as she did, but they actually matched it with the same emotions and not just mere acting.

After her "performance" with the guards, she told her sisters that she'd take a walk to the nearest park. But beforehand, she took the dagger, held the white gown, and cut it up to smaller pieces. She took great care for the entire outfit not to be able to be assembled again. Putting the cloth pieces and the dagger in a bag, she left the estate.

She left the pieces of cloth to different places, and she let the dagger get carried away by the current in a nearby river. It was a beautiful dagger, but she doesn't want to get traced by having it in her room. She wanted to thow it away too, mainly because the dagger was owned by her mother. The dead woman didn't see that coming.

But when she was making her way home, she thought about her act. If she isn't to be married... then what should she do? Study? Only men work. Go outside town? She'd go hungry. Get engaged? Heck, that's why she killed her mother in the first place. The better condition for herself is harder to think about than she thought. She pondered about it for a moment.

Then, before she entered their estate, she saw a scholar walking to the writing school. He had a face of a woman. He definitely looks like a woman. But he is dressed as a man, as a writer. Writers are paid very highly for their works. One can raise a family with the income as a freelance, if you're good enough.

She made her way to her room, thought about it, and smiled. Maybe she can find that better condition after all. But then, with the case at hand...


"You... you what!?"

"Okay, fine, father," the snow lady said passively after admitting such foul actions to her father. Trying her best to sound apologetic and regretful, she said, "I'm sorry."

"Whatever you say can't bring her back, anyway," the man, seated on an upholstered chair, rubbed his temples and cringed at the news. Her daughter... a murderer... He just can't imagine the sight. "I guess you did hate your mother. I didn't like your latest suitor as well, I admit. That pompous man deserved the rejection. But..."

"Sorry," she said, sounding a little more regretful than her first apology. "I want to make up for it, though."

"What are you talking about?"

"Let me in the writing school," she said. "Let me make up for this... sin."

"Aren't the only ones allowed to study in there are men...?" He asked, confused with her daughter's announcement. She nodded in reply.

"Please, father," she said, gripping her father's hands. "I don't want to be passed around for a stupid debt."

The man was silent for a while. But a few moments later, he shook his head. The snow lady teared up with the answer of his father. Her temporary insanity was lost. She was mad at her mother. But she cannot hold a grudge at her father. He took care of her, stood up for her. Did everything for her.

But not this time.


The next day, officials were, once again, back at the estate. The snow lady wasn't a snow lady anymore, but her color became the color of red roses. The flowers were sprinkled around her body, the once white petals dyed red, failing to cover what was underneath. Her hair looked no more like silver. The smell was as choking as the strong smell of the rose soap she bathed with long ago.

The man who was her father, looked sadly at her daughter. He saw her sisters, whose tears are in the verge of running out due to excessive crying for the past few days. But after a moment, he shook his head, and when no one was looking, he took out a beautiful dagger from his pocket. He stared at it for a while, and smiled. He went to the nearby river, and let it be carried away with the current. He did not want to be traced with it.

But when the officials interrogated him, he cried. And it was genuine.

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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [PROMPTS CLOSED]

#12 Post by specialtantei »

This was beautiful. I'm glad I requested something <3.
You did a wonderful job, I hope I'll get to read more of your stuff in the future <3.

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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [PROMPTS CLOSED]

#13 Post by Lumen_Astrum »

I;m glad you liked it. :)

I'll have exams for the next three days so I'll be slow on the next prompts. Sorry, guys :(

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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [PROMPTS CLOSED]

#14 Post by Coren »

Can I have a drabble or anything on this image? :D The characters are Sho and Chloe, but you already know that. Warning for Crimson Rafflesia spoilers though. (But I thought it should be okay since you can't really tell the context.)

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Re: Lumen's writing dump! [PROMPTS CLOSED]

#15 Post by Lumen_Astrum »

Sure! I'll add you on the list. It may take a while since I'm concentrating to S&H at the moment, but it will come. :)

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