Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

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Phantom Flautist
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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#271 Post by Phantom Flautist »

Ugh, I had to get an account here just to comment on your game. I hope you're happy. >.<

I've only played through Water, Death, Life (well, half of it) and Earth. I'm not sure what's my favourite. They're too unique to compare. I guess I'll just comment on my favourite parts of each, then. Eh, I just wrote these in the order I finished them.

I ended up getting the dark water ending first...
...Which I guess I had coming, accusing him of lying like that. Anyone would snap after all those centuries of working and planning only to be rejected so suddenly. Dark!Zareh is terrifying and yet very, very sexy. I can't help but wonder exactly how long that situation would continue. Even if Mina sincerely started to believe him, would Zareh even notice/care anymore? Thinking about that going on for eternity sends chills down my spine.
The light ending was absolutely beautiful. I was thrilled that Oryon died, even though he seemed way too smug whilst dying. Even their happy ending involves so much pain and sadness, but I suppose it was for the better. I also almost wonder exactly what kind of "dark secrets" Zareh has, but then again ignorance is bliss. I liked the water path because it explains the most, and it's beautiful in a way I almost can't understand.
Oh ho ho ho, I absolutely adored this path. Maybe it's the evil overlordess in me. Lately, I've taken to sending them off into various fates to see their reactions. Aurelius and Caius are tied for the best reactions. Poor Aurelius, but I can only hope that Mina at least matched your expectations of "fun". I also love how he automatically assumes that you also have Cascade. Caius is interesting because he actually likes what's going on. So of course my first reaction was to throw him back into the streets. >:) It was also interesting that if you let him join you, he actually does things. Like pick out her clothes. (Which also makes me wonder if he or Zareh had anything to do with the outfits Mina wears in the end CGs... I'm thinking about this too much.)
The Life ending was nice. It was a major change after the Death ending.
Rune doesn't stand out to much in my mind, other than the pretty sparkly/firey bit. It was really the other characters that stood out. Varian and Aurelius had a very natural dynamic together. And somewhere along the line, I decided that Caius wanting to kill Oryon so that he could kill Mina and Rune was really sweet. "Sweet" isn't at all the right word and I have no idea where it came from, but for some reason, it stuck. In the "True" ending, his suspiciously specific-while-avoiding-the-actual-concern was a major give-away to me about what was going to happen. I don't hold the "True" ending as the "truth" even though everything's wrapped up. You never find out "why" everything happened in the first place and I think it would make her much more happy to return to her original state knowing her past.
I only did the Earth ending because some of the other people's comments persuaded me to. I hate being left out of the loop and had to see what was going on.
After the other endings, I wasn't really sure how I saw Caius. I brushed him of in the Death and Water paths as being more psychotic than effective. The Life path changed that a bit, because he actually was rather good at what he did. So I started the Earth path and it was really...cute. Light-ending!Caius is a lot fluffier than his dark-ending counterpart. (I just used "fluffy" and "Caius" in the same sentence. I'm going to die. ;A;) It was a bit annoying to me how naive Mina was about picking this path. I know I'm rather jaded, but she really should have seen at least some of that coming. Cascade was also a really interesting character. I love how she follows her morals and adapts to the situation.
I was surprised how much I got into this story, even after I got unnerved at ending up where I did first. Thank you, by the way for that walk-through. It was extremely helpful. Oh,and for some reason, every time Oryon flails about a lot, it makes me smile. Unfortunately, he likes to move around a lot, so I ended up grinning stupidly at my laptop a lot. ...My face hurts. I guess that was my closest-to-complaint, other than some weird grammatical things. Anyway, it was a great game. I really enjoyed it.

Edit because I didn't want to double post. I've finished the fire path now, which I really didn't feel any particular way towards. Of course, accidentally getting that one instead of the air path like I was shooting for might have clouded my thoughts. I guess I'll just use the "enough monkeys with enough typewriters" theory and keep picking different things until I stumble upon the right answer.

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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#272 Post by Snow Blossom »

I just loved this game whole-heartedly. The art was beautiful, the characters had personality, the plot was deep and riveting, and for once, there were enough CGs!!! XD
Gotta say, my favorite characters were Caius and Rune; Rune is so mature and Caius is just adorable~
When I was playing Caius' path, I kept on chuckling the whole time and once I got the good end, I burst out squealing :lol:

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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#273 Post by Celestine »

I love this game but I'm stuck. Hehe sigh :cry: I knew The Air path would be difficult but not this difficult~ :?
How do I get Aurellius good ending, and Rune's good ending? Wait,does Rune have a good ending?? :? :?:
Aysel keeps getting me killed. :x

But I also want to say
The music is great,fits really well with the CGs. The crystals were really beautiful.
My fav part is the festival the different choices you put into it and how they affected the outcome near the escaping scene.
I was :o for the Water path. But great suspense. :wink:
For the Water path, that is a really beautiful CG and ending. It gave me tears in my eyes. :cry:
I got the ending in this order's paths: Life, Earth, Water, Fire, then no matter what Death.

I really liked Caius scenarios,
his was really fascinating to play. Especially his True ending one. The CG you made for that one my absolute favorite.
The fountain in the castle really pretty. It has such a dreamy atmosphere to it with the music you picked for it. Really makes you want to stay there.

But for the Fire path ending it's too bad :roll:
you made it a create your own ending, I really wanted to know if those two would become friends or lovers. :oops:
Rune is such a nice guy. It was a bit different in thinking how to get to him though. Since in a way he's nice but a bit distant.

I really liked the different personality types for each different guy. It gave the game so much variety to it. :wink:
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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#274 Post by Snow Blossom »

@ Celestine
To get Aerelius' good ending, you need to be nice to Aysel. Oh, and don't remind Aerelius to read the letter! NEVER! D:< For Rune's good ending, ALWAYS think of him only. OBSESSIVELY. Hope this helps :3

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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#275 Post by bunny-gypsy »

Just finished this game...and I LOVED it! :mrgreen:

I got the Water-Light ending
in which you find out about Zareth. I was scared for a moment, though, when
I found out he worked for the Order. I was, like, "No, not you too, oracle!", lol. Anyway, I thought this ending was so
good and emotionally satisfying, that I really don't want to do the other endings, because I love Zareth that much.

I'm sorry I won't be able to see your other endings :cry: , since this is something you worked so hard on, but I'm not the type
to replay games, especially if I got a satisfying ending. What's ironic is that I usually love multiple branches...but for some reason I don't like replaying for endings. Don't know why, though. I hope that doesn't offend you! :oops:

However, I can't wait for your next project! This project has made me really care about visual novels in general, now. Now, I probably won't
even mind giving Kinetic Novels a try (I usually don't like linear stories/games)---your VN has really made me become a total VN convert! :D

I'm going to have my sister try this and see what ending she gets, hee. :)
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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#276 Post by 13_Lucky_Wishes »

Played through all the endings again.

Did I mention how much I'm utterly in love with this story? It's true. I love the fact that
every ending but the Light Path end up with her being trapped-some endings this is more literal than others.
The themes, ideas, execution of the characters relationships... I love it all. Very, very much so. I don't think I've ever had a light novel take over my brain and fascinate me for such a long period of time. It's been a while since a story of any medium has done that. This plays up the strengths of light novels to the fullest instead of just making the same story go by with a different guy and altered ending each time. It's just gorgeous. I may or may not have fan fiction sitting in a binder somewhere, which is weird because I don't normally write the stuff.

So all in all yes, much love for what you've made here.

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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#277 Post by VenusEclipse »

Hey guys, sorry for the very late reply.

Don't worry about replaying the game again, bunny. The VN was made so even if you play it once, you get the story. Replaying is more for those that like replaying to get the full entire story. :)

@Lucky. It'll be fun to read what you have if you ever feel like showing me.

I'm glad the rest of you had fun with the VN (for lack of a better reply :-D)

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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#278 Post by Celianna »

Okay, I managed to play it, and even went after some different endings. Here's my thoughts;

First thing ... and I'm sure people have already mentioned this, is that awful slap sound effect. It was like the only sound effect you would use the entire time, and I kept thinking characters were slapping each other silly, when it most cases, it was just an added dramatic sound effect that really didn't help the scene. In fact, every time I heard it, my suspension of disbelief was broken, and it really started to grate on my nerves.

Thousands of free sound effects available on the net, and you choose the slap sound effect for almost any situation. Characters collided with each other? Slap 'em. Rocks falling down on them? Slap 'em. Characters having an epiphany? Slap 'em. Really, it was the worst part of the game, you should seriously consider adding more sound effects for more variation.

Anyways, enough about the sound effect, on with the story. I did like (for at least the paths I've finished) that everyone was tied in with the story, as well as being revealed new pieces of information with different paths. There were definitely some twists in there that I didn't see coming.

The characters are all flawed, egoistical and pretty much a depressing bunch. That's what some people like, but the heavy atmosphere of all the paths were just too depressing for my tastes. That's not to say I dislike the characters, I like 'em.

My first play-through I ended up with Caius, and by god, it was almost like torture porn, in the way that he was a complete sociopath ... and I was supposed to root for them to end up together? Well I guess you gotta have a bad boy that changes for his lover ... but still, he was a sociopath through and through. There were some cute moments, but those were mostly destroyed when you made him do that
'I'm going to hurt you to prove to you that you don't care for me!' thing.
I'm sure there's a TV trope for that.

Second play-through, I went for Varian,
because I found it very sad he had to sacrifice his life, so I wanted to save him before the cave collapsed. It was worse than Caius's ending, being that I was literally left thinking; what kind of ending is that? Both characters are still emotionally fucked up, didn't solve a thing, and there was no indication they were lovers or even friends. Open ending? More like, no ending.
Third play-through, I ended up with Zareh,
and I usually like the childhood friends part, but this one bored me for some reason.
Sad, yes, but I didn't really care for him. I guess this has a lot to do with the fact how you so casually throw around the passage of time.

Aside from the depressing mood the entire game, which comes down to personal taste, the one thing that also bugged me was how you made 1000 years seem like nothing. Oh, I slept for 100 days? Okay, I'll be on my way! That's how it felt like, in each and every path. I can understand it for the very beginning, but you kept making it happen for a 100 ... 500 ... I don't know anymore, I lost track. I found it rather ridiculous, really as if it was nothing. And everyone seemed to know exactly how to take care of a comatose person, and act as if it was no big deal when Mina woke up again (with the exception of that one time with Caius). You could have furthered the story without making her pass out for over a 100 days. Maybe a day or two, that would be enough to set up the plot for the other paths. More than that and you are starting to lose credibility.

That said, I did enjoy my very first play-through, the rest were to get the other endings. There were parts were it really dragged,
most of the time this happened when there was a fight going on in the final act, those things lasted forever! I just wanted them to hurry up already, stop talking while fighting!
Most characters were really disturbing, with some endings making me raise my eyebrows, but it was still enjoyable. For the first time anyway.
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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#279 Post by VenusEclipse »

Thanks for the link Celianna.
It's good to hear from all sides since this game isn't really for everyone. The fight scenes got mixed reviews. Some people love them, some didn't. I think this is more personal as well. Whether I didn't have enough scenes for it or I didn't write it for everyone to enjoy... or it's just that some people aren't into fight scenes as much as the others. I modeled/had reference to those scenes after a specific game that have fights that last three to four times as long. If I ever write those again, I'll either have to include more transitions, graphics and/or figure out a way to write them better. My resources for those scenes weren't enough for everyone.

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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#280 Post by Cain0425 »

when do you think the the new death ending is going to be add to the game?

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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#281 Post by Rienu »

Aw, I love this game! It was so well made though I still have a few endings to go through. So far I like Caius the most. C:

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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#282 Post by Shioriemei »

OMG loved this *-*
Zareh wuz HAWT
His ending wuz my fav *7*

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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#283 Post by MyWings. »

Frozen Essence...
What else can I say other than IT ROCKS!!!

I love the endings (even though ive only got like 5 or 6 endings)
Ma fave wud most likely be either Junes or Caius.
I luved
Junes path, the true ending because i cried my eyes out (im really emotional xD) but its one of them things where you luv it and dont wanna change it yet you do wanna change it, if you get me. :P
I loved the drawing of when she was captured by Varian and they were sitting with their backs against the door. Its so cute <3
Last comment, Caius path, both endings were awesome. I luv being bad >;D but I luved how adorable and cute Caius was in the light ending. It just made me squeel. (3
Awesome drawings, awesome plotline, awesome everything :D

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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#284 Post by Shioriemei »

MyWings. wrote:Frozen Essence...
What else can I say other than IT ROCKS!!!

I love the endings (even though ive only got like 5 or 6 endings)
Ma fave wud most likely be either Junes or Caius.
I luved
Junes path, the true ending because i cried my eyes out (im really emotional xD) but its one of them things where you luv it and dont wanna change it yet you do wanna change it, if you get me. :P
I loved the drawing of when she was captured by Varian and they were sitting with their backs against the door. Its so cute <3
Last comment, Caius path, both endings were awesome. I luv being bad >;D but I luved how adorable and cute Caius was in the light ending. It just made me squeel. (3
Awesome drawings, awesome plotline, awesome everything :D
I am gonna guarantee u will love the secret ending ;D

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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

#285 Post by vhianea7 »

I'm really love this! XD
The plot and the ending are fantastic, thats make me curious about what the story going on in every paths.
I have finished the life path (true end), water path, dark path, earth path and fire path. So far I really love the earth path and enjoy the water path. The endings art of the water path (light end) is one of my favorite picture.. XD
Hope there is more excellent VN as Frozen Essence did.. XD

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